Biology Midterm Exams - Kincade

levels of organization in organisms

atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

four most abundant elements in organisms

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

the octet rule (exceptions: H and He)

atoms want to gain, lose or share electrons to obtain 8 electrons in outer shell

ionic bonds

the giving or taking of electrons in order for an atom to follow the octet rule


have a negative charge/gain electrons


have a positive charge/lose electrons

polar bond

unequal sharing of electrons

covalent bond

the sharing of electrons in order for an atom to follow the octet rule

nonpolar bond

equal sharing of electrons

5 properties of water

cohesion, adhesion, lower density of ice compared to liquid water, solubility, surface tension

pH of 1

high acids, low bases

pH of 14

low acids, high bases

molecules in carbohydrates

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

molecules in lipids

carbon, hydrogen

molecules in proteins

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

molecules in nucleic acids

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphurus

carbohydrates are made of these

monosacchraides, disacchraides, polysacchraides

lipids are made of these

fats and oils

proteins are made of these

amino acids

nucleic acids are made of these


cell theory

all living things are made of cells, cells are the smallest unit of life, cells are made from previously existing cells


no membrane bound nuclei


membrane bound nuclei

passive transport requires...

no energy required, with the concentration gradient

active transport requires...

energy is required, against the concentration gradient

3 types of passive transport

diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion


a solution with more solutes in the cell


a solution with equal solutes in both the cell and outside the cell


a solution with less solutes in the cell than outside of it

only animal cells have this organelle


only plant cells have these organelles

cell walls and chloroplasts

organelle where cellular respiration occurs


steps of aerobic cellular respiration

glycolysis, krebs cycle, and electron transport chain

two types of anaerobic cellular respiration

alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation

area of cell where glycolysis occurs

cytoplasm of the cell

area of cell where the krebs cycle occurs

the matrix of the mitochondria

area of cell where the electron transport chain occurs

the inner membrane of the mitochondria

overall net yeild of atp in cellular respiration

36-38 ATP

organelle of the plant cell in which photosynthesis occurs


organelle of the plant cell in which light reactions occur

the thylakoid/granum

organelle of the plant cell in which dark reactions occur

the stroma

dark reactions leave...

NADP+ and glucose

light reactions leave...


photosynthesis uses ____and_____ to make _____and_____

carbon dioxide and water, glucose and oxygen

cellular respiration equation


photosynthesis equation


in the light reactions of photosynthesis, this happens...

photolysis occurs, oxygen is released

in the dark reactions of photosynthesis, this happens...

co2 is absorbed and rearranged

which makes more sense: trees change color or trees lose their green?

trees lose their green

got dam it really be like that sometimes

it really do