US Govt Politics 1


means for resolving conflicts in society and in all about power.

Political systems

dictate how power is distributed amoung leaders and citizens.


system established for exercising authority in a nation and in the US our government is embodied in the Constitution

How is Government shaped?

by politics and by the economy

The meanding and definition of American democracy can be traced back to the ?



absence of government and laws


government that vests power in the people


authoritarian governments can take various forms - in the state itself. - system in which the state holds all power over the social order.


organizations in which governmental power is exercised.


Ruled by king or queen(England); Authoritarian(ie. Middle East, Saudia Arabia)

Popular Sovereignty:

The concept that the citizens are the ultimate source of political power

Social contract

The notion that society is based on an agreement between government and the governed in which people agree to give up some rights in exchange for the protection of others.


autoritarian: ruled by God(Iran Vatican City) Religious leader is political leader

Totalitarian Government

a system in which absolute power is exercised over every aspect of life

direct democracy

vote on something and it happens


type of economics - production and distribution of a society's material resources and services.
- free markets(ups and downs)
-private property ownership


theory of democracy that limits the citizens role to choosing among competing leaders


a system organization for exercising authority over a body of people


theory of democracy that holds that citizen membership in groups is the key to political power


government in which decisions are made through representatives of the people


hybrid system combining a capitalist economy and a government that supports equality.


ruled by a group - ruling class

authoritarian Government

give ultimate power to the state rather than to the people to decide how they ought to live their lives - those in which the people cannot effectively claim rights against the state; where the state chooses to exercise its power, the people have no choice

indirect democracy

republic vote and get others to do our stuff for us.


those who favor a strong substantive government role in the economy and the social order in order to realize their vision of a community of equals


people who generally favor government action and view change as progress


those who favor a minimal government role in any sphere.


people who generally favor limited government and are cautious about change


sets of beliefs about politics and society that help people make sense of their world.

political culture

broad pattern of ideas, beliefs and values about citizens and government held by a population.
- general political orientation of diposition of a nation
- shared values and beliefs about the nature of the poitical world that gives us a common language in

anti federalist

advocates of sttes rights who opposed the constitution

bill of rights

a summary of citizen rights guaranteed and protected by a government; added to the constitution as its first 10 amendments in order to achieve ratification

common sense

1776 pamphlet by Thomas Paine that persuaded many Americans to support the revolutionary cause

constitutional convention

they assembly of 55 delegates in the summer of 1787 to recast the Articles of Confederation; the result was the US constitution


supporters of the constituion who favored a strong central government

declaration of independence

the political document that dissolved the colonial ties between the US and Britain

Great compromise

constitutional solution to congressional representation; equal votes in the senate, votes by population in the house

Virginia Plan

proposal at the constitutional convention that congressional representation be based on population thus favoring the large states.

Three Fifths Compromise

the formula for counting five slaves as three people for purposes of representation that reconciled northern and southern factions at the Constitutional convention

Strict construction(original intent)

a judicial approach holding that the constitution should be read literally with the farmers intentions uppermost in mind.

articles of confederation

1st constitution of the US(1777) creating an association of states with weak central government.


a government in which independent states unite for common purpose, but retain their own sovereignty.


the rules that establish a government


groups of citizens united by some common passion or interest and opposed to the rights of the other citizens or to the interests of the whole community


a political system in which power is divided between the central and regional units


a social system based on a rigid social and political hiearchy based on the ownership of land

New Jersey Plan

a proposal at the constitutional convention that congressional representation be equal, thus favoring the small states

Shay's Rebellion

a grass roots uprising (1787) by armed Massachusett's farmers protesting foreclosures


1st ten known as bill of rights - fight of federalist and anti federalist

judicial activism

view that the cours should be lawmaking, policy making bodies

Bill of Rights

a summary of citizens rights guaranteed and protected by a government; added to the constitution as its first ten amendments in order to achieve ratification

due process of law

guarantee that laws will be fair and reasonalbe and that citizens suspected of breaking the law will be treated fairly

exclusionary rule

rule created by the supreme court that evidence illegally seized may not be sued to obtain a conviction

freedome of assembly

right of the people to gather peacefully and to petition government

Griswold v. Ct

(1965) right to privacy - contraception - illegal to sell even to married couples

Gideon v. Wainright

(1963) 6th amendment - right to counsel

Lawrence v. Texas(2003)


civil liberties

individual freedoms guaranteed to the people primarily by the bill of rights

Clear and present danger

rule used by the courts that allows language to be regulated only if it presents an immediate and urgent danger

establishment clause

1st amendment guarantee that the govt will not create and support an official state church

Miranda v. Az

right to retain a lawyer"
"atty provided if can't afford"
"right to remain silent

free exercise clause

1st amendment guarantee that citizens may freely engage in the religious activities of their choice.

Roe v. Wade

(1973) Abortion;
1st trimester - individual choice
2nd trimester - Dr choice
3rd trimester - illegal

Miller v. Ca

Porn - Miller test

Mapp v. Oh

Constitution federal govt; exclude rule both federal and state(state and local cops)

Near v. MN

court held that a Minnesota law infringed on a newspaper publisher's freedom of the press

prior restraint

censorship or punishment for the expression of ideas before the ideas are printed or spoken


(spoken) say stuff not true to injure someone's reputation: verbal defamation

pentagon Papers case

claimed by the government to be too sensitive to rational security to be published. Court held that "security" is to vague to be allowed to execute the violation of the 1st amendment; to grant such power to the president it ruled, would be to run the risk


(written) defamation of character


speech that criticizes the govt to promote rebellion.

affirmative action

a policy of creating opportunities for members of certain groups as a substantive remedy for past discrimination

civil rights

citizenship rights guaranteed to the people(primarily in the 13, 14, 15, 19 and 26th amendments and protected by the government

Brown v. Board of Ed

supreme ct case that rejected the idea that separate could be equal in education; catalyst for civil rights movement.

Grandfather clause

provisions exempting from voting restricitons the descendants of those able to vote in 1867.


An interest group founded in 1910 to promote civil rights for African Americans

Poll Taxes

taxes levied as a qualification for voting


the practice and policy of separation races

suspect classification

classification such as race for which any discriminatory law must be justified by a compelling state interest

equal rights amendment

constitutional amendment passed by Congress but never ratified that would have banned discrimination on the basis of gender

Jim Crow Laws

southern laws designed to circumvent the 13, 14,15 amendments and to deny blacks rights on bases other than race.

Defacto discrimination

discrimination that is the result not of law but rather of tradition and habit

DeJure discrimination

discrimination arising from or supported by the law

Literacy tests

tests requiring reading or comprehension skills as a qualification for voting

Plessy v. Ferguson

supreme court case that established the constituionality of the principle"separate but equal


period following the Civil War during which the federal government took action to rebuild the South

Strict Scrunity

a heightened standard of review used by the Supreme court to assess the constitutionality of laws that limit some freedoms or that make a suspect classification.