american government mid term

This term means a state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries.
a. consensus
b. sovereignty
c. social contract
d. democracy


This is the institution through which the state maintains social order.
a. government
b. politics
c. sovereignty
d. republic


This is not a theory of the origin of the state.
a. divine right theory
b. evolutionary theory
c. social contract theory
d. ruler's right theory

ruler's right theory

American colonies declared their independence based on
a. the Aztecs' divine right theory.
b. John Locke's political writings.
c. consensus of the population.
d. Aristotle's theory of the polis.

John Locke's political writings

Abraham Lincoln said that one of the important purposes of government is to
a. attack other states.
b. control people.
c. control individual economic decisions.
d. provide essential services.

providing essential services

This plan provides the rules for government.
a. politics
b. constitution
c. confederacy
d. Preamble


This statement in the Constitution sets forth the goals and purposes to be served by the government.
a. Prologue
b. Preamble
c. Preface
d. Prelude


Defining the extent and limits of government power and rights of citizens is the purpose of
a. constitutional law.
b. a federal system.
c. a unitary system.
d. politics.

constitutional law

You are taking part in this when you ask people to vote for school levies.
a. constitutional interpretations
b. constitutional law
c. politics
d. a confederacy


The United States is an example of a/an
a. industrialized nation.
b. unitary government.
c. developing nation.
d. confederacy.

industrialized nation

Totalitarian dictatorship is a form of this type of government.
a. democracy
b. republic
c. autocracy
d. oligarchy


As in a dictatorship, these governments usually suppress political opposition.
a. republics
b. oligarchies
c. democracies
d. constitutional monarchy


The United States has this form of government.
a. representative democracy
b. monarchy
c. constitutional republic
d. direct democracy

representative democracy

In which form of government do individuals have the most freedom?
a. monarchy
b. oligarchy
c. democracy
d. autocracy


This is not needed for democracy to prosper.
a. an uneducated public
b. free enterprise
c. a civil society
d. a social consensus

an uneducated public

Adam Smith provided a philosophy for this type of economic system.
a. communist
b. socialist
c. free market
d. mixed-market

free market

In this type of economy, the government owns the basic means of production.
a. socialist
b. free market
c. capitalist
d. laissez-faire


Critics claim that this type of economic system hinders economic growth.
a. free market economy
b. capitalist
c. socialist
d. laissez-faire economy


The United States has this type of economic system.
a. socialist
b. democratic socialist
c. mixed-market economy
d. command economy

mixed-market economy

Karl Marx believed that under this economic system, one class would evolve.
a. communism
b. socialism
c. free market
d. capitalism


The original 13 colonies were established and governed by
a. West Africa.
b. Germany.
c. England.
d. France.


Charles I signed this document, which stopped collection of taxes without Parliament's consent.
a. English Bill of Rights
b. Petition of Right
c. Mayflower Compact
d. Magna Carta

Petition of Right

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a/an
a. oligarchic government.
b. representative government.
c. autocratic government.
d. limited government.

representative government

The first legislature in America was the
a. English House of Burgesses.
b. American Legislature.
c. Virginia House of Burgesses.
d. Jamestown House of Burgesses.

Virgina House of Burgesses

Dividing the powers of government as the colonial charters did is called
a. government of petitions.
b. separation of powers.
c. legislative government.
d. limited government.

separation of powers

The fundamental reason the colonists revolted was because of government _____
a. passing the Stamp Act.
b. suppression of Locke's writings.
c. oppression
d. without representation.

without representation

In the eyes of the British, the American colonies existed for this reason.
a. economic benefit for Britain
b. soldiers for the British Crown
c. souls for the Church of England
d. passage to the Asian world

economic benefit for Britain

The colonists remained loyal to Britain in exchange for some self-rule and
a. money for traded goods.
b. protection from the Native Americans.
c. low taxes.
d. protection from the French.

protection from the French

The first president of the Second Continental Congress was
a. John Hancock.
b. Thomas Jefferson.
c. Thomas Paine.
d. Richard Henry Lee.

John Hancock

The Declaration of Independence founded government on principles of
a. arbitrary power.
b. human liberty and consent of the governed.
c. taxation without representation.
d. strong central government.

Human liberty and consent of the governed

Under the Articles of Confederation, the plan for the central government did not include
a. one vote per state.
b. one delegate from each state.
c. an executive branch.
d. a unicameral Congress.

an executive branch

According to the Articles of Confederation, this was the main purpose of Congress.
a. unifying the executive branch
b. foreign affairs and defense
c. enforcing laws
d. interrupting laws

foreign affairs and defense

Shays's Rebellion was caused by this problem.
a. the Northwest Ordinance
b. economic depression
c. control of passports
d. government interference

economic depression

This caused many Americans to agree to a strong national government.
a. Shays's Rebellion
b. the Philadelphia convention
c. the Annapolis Convention
d. the Northwest Ordinance

Shays's Rebellion

The only state that did not send a delegate to the Constitutional Convention was
a. New York.
b. Massachusetts.
c. Pennsylvania.
d. Rhode Island.

Rhode Island

This document suggested that the legislative branch have a House of Representatives and a Senate.
a. the New Jersey Plan
b. the Three-Fifths Compromise
c. the Virginia Plan
d. the Connecticut Compromise

the Connecticut Compromise

To create the needed new government, the Founders compromised on this issue.
a. the military draft
b. taxes
c. slavery
d. the western territories


This was an argument of the Federalists.
a. for the Ohio Plan
b. for a strong national government
c. against a strong national government
d. for a Bill of Rights

strong national government

This was an argument of the Anti-Federalists.
a. against a Bill of Rights
b. for the Ohio Plan
c. for a Bill of Rights
d. against a strong national government

Bill of rights

Government control of immigration is an example of
a. inherent powers.
b. implied powers.
c. delegated powers.
d. expressed powers.

inherent powers

This makes the acts and treaties of the United States paramount to those of the states.
a. necessary and proper clause
b. elastic clause
c. concurrent powers
d. supremacy clause

supremacy clause

This power is denied to the national government by the Constitution.
a. protect states from invasion
b. tax exports
c. make treaties
d. coin money

tax exports

This is a Constitutional obligation of the national government to the states.
a. collect taxes
b. protect states from invasion
c. form new states from existing states
d. pay for all national elections

protect states from invasion

This is a Constitutional obligation of the states to the national government.
a. form compacts among states
b. pay for all national elections
c. collect federal taxes
d. protect the national government

pay for all national elections

Laws relating to disputes among two or more individuals or between individuals and the government are called
a. civil laws.
b. interstate laws.
c. criminal laws.
d. compact laws.

civil laws

This is an important way for states to deal with regional problems.
a. enabling act
b. civil laws
c. interstate compacts
d. extradition laws

interstate compacts

Criminals fleeing to another state to escape justice will be subject to
a. the enabling act.
b. civil lawsuits.
c. interstate compacts.
d. extradition.


The Constitution requires states to settle their disputes without
a. enabling acts.
b. civil lawsuits.
c. the use of force.
d. extradition.

the use of force

This is the only court in which one state may sue another.
a. federal court
b. nonparticipating state court
c. Supreme Court
d. state court

supreme court

This man was a supporter of the states' rights position.
a. Richard Nixon
b. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
c. David Levitt
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney

This man was a supporter of the nationalist position.
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt
b. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
c. George H. W. Bush
d. Ronald Reagan

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 using this Constitutional authority.
a. war powers
b. commerce power
c. protection of states' citizens
d. taxing power

commerce power

This provision gave Congress the right to tax incomes.
a. the Bill of Rights
b. a presidential order
c. the Sixteenth Amendment
d. the Preamble of the Constitution

the sixteenth amendment

The relationship between federal and state governments is affected by
a. interstate commerce.
b. Article I.
c. policies of the President and Congress.
d. income tax levels.

policies of the President and Congress

The course of action a government takes in response to an issue or problem is called
a. federalism.
b. interstate policy.
c. public policy.
d. bureaucracy.

public policy

This law prohibits public officials from holding meetings not open to the public.
a. law of bureaucracy
b. moonlight law
c. sunset law
d. sunshine law

sunshine law

This lessens the risk of one political party gaining a monopoly on political powers.
a. federalism
b. bureaucracy
c. sunshine law
d. sunset law


This organization was formed to help local politicians keep in touch with national lawmakers.
a. United States Conference of Mayors
b. Bureaucracy Bound
c. America's governors
d. The Senate Committee

United States Conference of Mayors

Federalism contributes to economic and political differences among the states because it
a. permits each state freedom.
b. regulates states' governments.
c. includes the sunshine law.
d. includes the sunset law.

permits each state freedom

When several parties combine forces to obtain a majority, they form
a. proportional representation.
b. a theocracy.
c. a third-party government.
d. a coalition government.

coalition government

Any party other than the Democratic or Republican party is called
a. the American party.
b. a third party.
c. the Independent party.
d. a party buster.

third party

This type of party focuses on overall changes in society.
a. ideological party
b. splinter party
c. single-issue party
d. third party

ideological party

Minimum wages and health insurance were first proposed by
a. the Libertarian Party.
b. the Democratic Party.
c. third parties.
d. the Republican Party.

third parties

Nearly all elected officials in the United States are selected by
a. coalitions.
b. proportional representation.
c. third party elections.
d. single-member districts.

single-member district

Voters who support neither the Republican nor Democratic parties are called
Choose one answer.
a. independents.
b. precinct voters.
c. ward voters.
d. patrons.


In each precinct, each party has a volunteer who organizes party workers. This volunteer is called a
Choose one answer.
a. party county chairperson.
b. committee captain.
c. precinct captain.
d. ward captain.

precinct captain

This group of representatives from the 50 state parties runs the political party between conventions.
Choose one answer.
a. national committee
b. national convention
c. wards
d. precincts

national committee

Giving favors to reward party loyalty is called
Choose one answer.
a. patronage.
b. illegal favors.
c. ward payments.
d. precinct payments.


The watchdog of the party in power is
Choose one answer.
a. a third party.
b. the Democratic Party.
c. the party out of power.
d. the Republican Party.

party out of power

An official public meeting of a party to choose candidates for office is a
Choose one answer.
a. caucus.
b. nominating convention.
c. candidate convention.
d. nominating meeting.

nominating convention

This is an election in which party members select people to run in the general election.
Choose one answer.
a. general convention election
b. petition
c. national convention election
d. primary election

primary election

The purpose of a national convention is to select a
Choose one answer.
a. nominating committee.
b. ticket.
c. boss.
d. caucus.


This is the party's statement of principles, beliefs, and positions on vital issues.
Choose one answer.
a. caucus
b. platform
c. ticket
d. plank


Individual parts of the platform are called
Choose one answer.
a. petitions.
b. planks.
c. tickets.
d. conventions.


This person is responsible for the overall strategy and planning of a national campaign.
Choose one answer.
a. party chairperson
b. the president
c. the vice president
d. campaign manager

campaign manager

This is an organization designed to support political candidates with campaign contributions.
Choose one answer.
a. Federal Election Commission
b. political action committee
c. Common Cause
d. Citizens' Coalition

political action committee

This is controversial because of how it is raised and how it is spent.
Choose one answer.
a. hard money
b. easy money
c. laundered money
d. soft money

soft money

The McCain-Feingold bill was intended to eliminate soft money in federal campaigns and
Choose one answer.
a. add to campaign contributions.
b. outlaw solicitation on federal property.
c. disallow campaign contributions.
d. allow unlimited PAC spending.

outlaw solicitation on federal property

Under federal election laws, records of political contributions must be kept and reported to the
Choose one answer.
a. McCain-Feingold Commission.
b. Federal Election Commission.
c. Political Action Committee.
d. Reform Party.

Federal election commission

This kept many African Americans from voting even after the Fifteenth Amendment.
Choose one answer.
a. suffrage
b. John Jay clause
c. Voting Rights Act
d. grandfather clause

grandfather clause

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed these as a way of keeping African Americans from voting.
Choose one answer.
a. citizenship test
b. literacy tests
c. videotapes at polls
d. property tax

literacy tests

Ratified in 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment outlawed this in national elections.
Choose one answer.
a. literacy tests
b. the poll tax
c. women's suffrage
d. African American suffrage

the poll tax

This was one of the most effective suffrage laws ever passed in this country.
Choose one answer.
a. grandfather clause
b. Voting Rights Act
c. African American Suffrage Act
d. poll tax

Voting rights act

This lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
Choose one answer.
a. Voting Rights Act
b. Fifteenth Amendment
c. Nineteenth Amendment
d. Twenty-sixth Amendment

twenty-sixth amendment

These voters are caught between conflicting issues.
Choose one answer.
a. independent voters
b. cross-pressured voters
c. young voters
d. strong party voters

cross-pressured voters

When party loyalists select the candidates of their party, they vote a
Choose one answer.
a. cross-pressured vote.
b. straight-party ticket.
c. landslide.
d. propaganda.

straight party ticket

Ronald Reagan used this issue as an effective tactic against Jimmy Carter.
Choose one answer.
a. Social Security
b. the economy
c. intelligence
d. crime

the economy

This uses information in a way that supports a predetermined objective.
Choose one answer.
a. television
b. patriotism
c. propaganda
d. image


When candidates quote only those statistics that support their positions, it is called
Choose one answer.
a. "plain folk" techniques.
b. "getting on the bandwagon."
c. card stacking.
d. slander.

card stacking

These entities support candidates who favor their ideas, but they do not nominate candidates.
Choose one answer.
a. interest groups
b. nominating committees
c. political parties
d. public-interest groups

interest groups

Interest group leaders strengthen the political power of the groups by
Choose one answer.
a. holding rallies.
b. unifying the members.
c. charging dues.
d. collecting taxes.

unifying the members

Many business and labor interest groups are concerned with issues regarding
Choose one answer.
a. the banking industry.
b. education.
c. housing.
d. the economy.

the economy

Ralph Nader's Public Citizen, Inc., is an example of a
Choose one answer.
a. business-interest group.
b. labor-interest group.
c. political-interest group.
d. public-interest group

public intrest group

These groups may be seeking military aid, economic aid, or favorable trade agreements.
Choose one answer.
a. foreign-interest groups
b. military lobbies
c. public-interest groups
d. business-interest groups

foreign-intrest groups

Most interest groups try to influence government through
Choose one answer.
a. paying higher taxes.
b. lobbying.
c. illegal contributions.
d. public support.


In order to persuade members of Congress, lobbyists provide legislators with
Choose one answer.
a. meals and entertainment.
b. gifts.
c. information.
d. campaign contributions


This is an example of an independent PAC.
Choose one answer.
a. Cattlemen's Action Legislative Fund
b. Council for a Livable World
c. SunPAC
d. Realtors' Political Action Committee

Council for a livable world

Interest groups know that campaign contributions will assure them
Choose one answer.
a. Presidential support.
b. access to lawmakers they support.
c. election of the lawmakers they support.
d. political support.

access to lawmakers they support

PAC support for an incumbent often means
Choose one answer.
a. greater influence on public policy.
b. tax fraud investigation.
c. defeat at election time.
d. reelection.


This includes the ideas and attitudes that a significant number of Americans hold about government and political issues.
Choose one answer.
a. mass media
b. public opinion
c. political culture
d. peer groups

public opinion

This is not a factor that characterizes the nature of public opinion.
Choose one answer.
a. media
b. communication
c. significant numbers
d. diversity


Stereotypes can be created or discredited by
Choose one answer.
a. peer groups.
b. political socialization.
c. mass media.
d. public opinion.

mass media

This is a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society.
Choose one answer.
a. public opinion
b. ideology
c. cultural values
d. political culture


Most Americans believe themselves to be
Choose one answer.
a. conservatives.
b. moderates.
c. liberal.
d. reactionary.


Unscientific attempts to measure public opinion are made through
Choose one answer.
a. cluster samples.
b. representative samples.
c. random sampling.
d. straw polls.

straw polls

n conducting scientific polls, the group of people to be studied is called the
Choose one answer.
a. universe.
b. world.
c. cluster sample.
d. straw poll sample.


A small group of people typical of the universe is called a
Choose one answer.
a. representative sample.
b. straw poll.
c. mass media.
d. biased sample.

representative sample

This is a technique in which everyone in the universe has an equal chance of being selected.
Choose one answer.
a. cluster sample `biased sample
b. representative sample
c. random sampling

random sampling

This is not a shaper of public policy.
Choose one answer.
a. activists
b. cultural pluralism
c. mass media
d. interest groups

cultural pluralism

This type of organization employs reporters throughout the world to collect news stories for subscribers.
Choose one answer.
a. wire service
b. magazine chains
c. newspaper chains
d. supermarket tabloids

wire service

This President "played talk radio like a piano."
Choose one answer.
a. Harry Truman
b. Franklin D. Roosevelt
c. Bill Clinton
d. Ronald Reagan

Bill Clinton

This is the fastest-growing form of mass media in recent years.
Choose one answer.
a. the Internet
b. radio
c. newspapers
d. television

the internet

This helps determine which mass media get the advertising dollars.
Choose one answer.
a. ratings
b. online service polls
c. wire services
d. FCC


This is not a news-gathering organization that is a major source of foreign news.
Choose one answer.
a. Neilsen Research
b. Reuters of Britain
c. Associated Press
d. United Press International

Neilsen Research

This is a ready-made story government officials prepare for members of the press.
Choose one answer.
a. spot advertising
b. media event
c. news briefing
d. news release

news release

A government official makes an announcement during a
Choose one answer.
a. media event.
b. press conference.
c. news briefing.
d. news release.

news briefing

This involves the news media in questioning high-level officials.
Choose one answer.
a. backgrounder
b. press conference
c. news release
d. news briefing

press conference

This is the release of secret information by anonymous government officials.
Choose one answer.
a. news briefing
b. leak
c. news release
d. backgrounder


These are brief, frequent, positive descriptions of a candidate.
Choose one answer.
a. press conferences
b. backgrounders
c. spot advertisements
d. media events

spot advertisements

Government censorship of information before publication is called
Choose one answer.
a. fairness doctrine.
b. libel.
c. shield law.
d. prior restraint

prior restraint

This protects reporters from revealing their sources.
Choose one answer.
a. fairness doctrine
b. equal time doctrine
c. shield laws
d. prior restraint

shield laws

This is the range of frequencies over which electronic signals may be sent.
Choose one answer.
a. broadcast spectrum
b. satellite communications
c. telecommunications acts
d. spectrum allocation

broadcast spectrum

This prohibits obscene or harassing conversation on any telecommunications facility.
Choose one answer.
a. Communications Decency Act
b. Federal Communication Commission
c. FCC
d. Telecommunications Commission

communications decency act

This is one way the government controls press coverage about national security issues.
Choose one answer.
a. through the use of prior restraint
b. by classifying information as secret
c. through governmental review of stories
d. through FCC regulations

by classifying information as secret

In this part of the Constitution, the Founders listed six goals for American government.
Choose one answer.
a. Articles
b. Supremacy Clause
c. Preamble
d. Amendments


In this part of the Constitution, the three branches of the government are named.
Choose one answer.
a. Supremacy Clause
b. Amendments
c. Articles
d. Preamble


This section of the Constitution is responsive to the needs of a changing nation.
Choose one answer.
a. Articles
b. Supremacy Clause
c. Preamble
d. Amendments


The President can check Congress by this power.
Choose one answer.
a. veto
b. judicial review
c. override
d. separation of power enactment


This branch of government is the final authority on the Constitution.
Choose one answer.
a. Congress
b. executive
c. legislative
d. Supreme Court

Supreme Court

This gives Congress the right to make all "necessary and proper" laws.
Choose one answer.
a. jurisdiction
b. expressed powers
c. elastic clause
d. judicial review

elastic clause

Article II of the Constitution is important because it describes
Choose one answer.
a. enumerated powers.
b. the legislative branch.
c. expressed powers.
d. the executive branch.

the executive branch

Sam and Geeta Dardick changed government policy in the passage of this bill.
Choose one answer.
a. McCulloch v. Maryland
b. judicial review act
c. federal bureaucracy bill
d. Americans with Disabilities Act

Americans with disabilities act

Jurisdiction of the federal courts does not include cases involving
Choose one answer.
a. maritime law.
b. bankruptcy.
c. treaties with foreign nations.
d. divorce.


Decisions of the Supreme Court can only be overturned by the Court or by
Choose one answer.
a. order of the president.
b. act of Congress.
c. judicial review.
d. Constitutional amendment.

constitutional amendment

One way the Founders provided for change in the Constitution was to describe how to
Choose one answer.
a. ratify the Constitution.
b. provide judicial restraint.
c. impeach presidents.
d. amend the Constitution.

amend the Constitution

The only method of amending the Constitution that has been used to date is by
Choose one answer.
a. national convention.
b. petition.
c. two-thirds vote of each house.
d. judicial activism.

two-thirds vote of each house

This proposed amendment caused questions when states revoked their ratification.
Choose one answer.
a. Civil Rights Amendment
b. Prohibition Amendment
c. Eighteenth Amendment
d. Equal Rights Amendment

equal rights amendment

In modern times, Congress has set this limit on state ratification of an amendment.
Choose one answer.
a. 30 days
b. seven years
c. two years
d. six months

seven years

This action between heads of state does not require Congressional approval.
Choose one answer.
a. ratifying treaties
b. petitioning
c. impeachment
d. executive agreement

executive agreement

The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect rights of individual liberty and the rights of
Choose one answer.
a. persons accused of crimes.
b. states.
c. legislators.
d. the federal government.

persons accused of crimes

The First Amendment protects the American press from this.
Choose one answer.
a. due process of law
b. slander
c. prior restraint
d. libel

prior restraint

This is asked for when a defendant cannot receive an impartial trial in the original location.
Choose one answer.
a. due process of law
b. change of venue
c. prior restraint
d. eminent domain

change of venue

How did the Twenty-first Amendment affect the Eighteenth Amendment?
Choose one answer.
a. ratified it
b. repealed it
c. changed its venue
d. supported it

repealed it

The Twenty-fourth Amendment helped some low-income African Americans to vote by
Choose one answer.
a. a change of venue.
b. ratifying voting laws.
c. prohibiting government intervention.
d. eliminating poll taxes.

eliminating poll taxes

The most important duty of the President may be to ensure that all
Choose one answer.
a. military bases are in use.
b. laws are "faithfully executed."
c. Congress members control spending.
d. citizens have homes.

laws are "faithfully executed.

The maximum time a President can serve is
Choose one answer.
a. 4 years.
b. 8 years.
c. 10 years.
d. 2 years.

10 years

Presidential candidates who have this political philosophy have the best chance of being elected.
Choose one answer.
a. moderate
b. conservative
c. very conservative
d. liberal


The first woman nominated by a major party for high office was
Choose one answer.
a. Susan B. Anthony.
b. Madeleine Albright.
c. Margaret Chase Smith.
d. Geraldine Ferraro.

Geraldine Ferraro

If the offices of both the President and Vice President became vacant at the same time, the next in line for the Presidency is the
Choose one answer.
a. majority leader of the Senate.
b. president pro tempore of the Senate.
c. Speaker of the House.
d. maj

speaker of the House

George Washington was elected first President by
Choose one answer.
a. the Electoral College.
b. political parties.
c. Congress.
d. popular vote.

the electoral college

Since states began putting Presidential candidates on the ballot, electors have been chosen by
Choose one answer.
a. the Electoral College.
b. political parties.
c. popular vote.
d. the President.

popular vote

In modern-day elections, the President and Vice President are elected by
Choose one answer.
a. the Electoral College.
b. Congress.
c. political parties.
d. popular vote.

electoral college

The oath of office at the Presidential inaugural ceremony is administered by the
Choose one answer.
a. Speaker of the House.
b. outgoing President.
c. Chief Justice of the United States.
d. Vice President.

Chief Justice

Ask not what your country can do for you�ask what you can do for your country" was in this President's inaugural address.
Choose one answer.
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt
b. John F. Kennedy
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Bill Clinton


One of the first responsibilities of the president is to
Choose one answer.
a. meet with other heads of state.
b. reorganize Congress.
c. give a State of the Union speech.
d. staff the executive branch.

staff the executive branch

The Secretary of Agriculture is usually from a
Choose one answer.
a. farm state.
b. western state.
c. southern state.
d. large city.

farm state

The Secretaries of State, Defense, Treasury, and the Attorney General are known as the
Choose one answer.
a. direct cabinet.
b. inner cabinet.
c. brain trust.
d. kitchen cabinet.

inner cabinet

This is not a constituency that requires the loyalty of Cabinet members.
Choose one answer.
a. career officials in their departments
b. special-interest groups
c. political parties
d. members of Congress

political parties

The role of the cabinet in policymaking is dependent on
Choose one answer.
a. Congress.
b. the President.
c. their political party.
d. their abilities.

the President

This is not a reason the EOP has grown.
Choose one answer.
a. coordination of agencies
b. complex problems facing the nation
c. spending taxes already collected
d. reorganization by a President

spending taxes already collected

Which of the following is the newest agency in the EOP?
Choose one answer.
a. Council of Economic Advisers
b. Office of National Drug Control Policy
c. Office of Management and Budget
d. National Security Council

office of national drug control policy

This Executive Office of the President prepares the national budget every year.
Choose one answer.
a. EOP
b. NSC
c. OMB
d. Council of Economic Advisers


All of these assistants were part of President Clinton's inner circle except the
Choose one answer.
a. White House council.
b. NSC adviser.
c. press secretary.
d. chief of staff.

NSC adviser

These are all tasks of the White House staff except
Choose one answer.
a. preparing the national budget.
b. writing reports and memos.
c. enforcing the President's directives.
d. gathering information.

preparing the national budguet

This item is an example of Presidential judicial power.
Choose one answer.
a. appoint city judges
b. pardon people convicted of state crimes
c. pardon non-federal criminals
d. reduce a person's jail sentence

reduce a persons jail sentence

This item represents one of the greatest sources of power for a President.
Choose one answer.
a. political party affiliation
b. strong popular support
c. military support
d. support of foreign countries

strong popular support

This President was known for his fireside chats.
Choose one answer.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Franklin D. Roosevelt
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Bill Clinton

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Public opinion over the Vietnam War helped prevent this President from running for reelection.
Choose one answer.
a. Richard Nixon
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Lyndon Johnson
d. John F. Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson

Mass media and this item support the checks and balances that limit the power of the President.
Choose one answer.
a. the War Powers Act
b. public forums
c. public opinion
d. political party influence

public opinion

The President's refusal to allow a federal department to spend money Congress has appropriated is called
Choose one answer.
a. impoundment.
b. pardon.
c. executive order.
d. reprieve.


The power to reject part of a bill is called
Choose one answer.
a. line-item veto.
b. executive order.
c. reprieve.
d. override.

line-item veto

This program allows young people to help society and earn money for training or college.
Choose one answer.
a. Rock the Vote
b. AmeriCorps
c. Youth Corps
d. Volunteer America


Supporting the President and the party during an election may lead to
Choose one answer.
a. a pardon.
b. a reprieve.
c. patronage.
d. impoundment.


Pacts between the President and heads of foreign governments are called
Choose one answer.
a. reprieves.
b. pardons.
c. executive orders.
d. executive agreements.

executive agreements

This item can give a President real leverage in influencing Congress.
Choose one answer.
a. ability to debate
b. political party affiliation
c. financial backing
d. public support

public support

Because of his failure to understand this, Herbert Hoover lost the Presidential election.
Choose one answer.
a. cost of the election
b. moods and fears of the people
c. leadership qualities
d. his cabinet

moods and fears of the people

This President did not tolerate serious dissension among his staff.
Choose one answer.
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt
b. Ronald Reagan
c. John F. Kennedy
d. Lyndon Johnson

Ronald Reagan

These are key ingredients for successful decision making.
Choose one answer.
a. isolation and time alone
b. information and realistic advice
c. research and writing abilities
d. ability to debate and to fight back

information and realistic advice

This President has been nominated seven times for a Nobel Peace Prize.
Choose one answer.
a. John F. Kennedy
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Jimmy Carter
d. George W. Bush

Jimmy Carter

Representatives are elected from
Choose one answer.
a. congressional districts.
b. presidential appointments.
c. gerrymandering.
d. Congress.

congressional districts

Redistricting power was abused by creating congressional districts of unequal power and by
Choose one answer.
a. gerrymandering.
b. bicameral legislature.
c. censure.
d. census.


Senators are elected for
Choose one answer.
a. life.
b. two-year terms.
c. four-year terms.
d. six-year terms.

six year terms

One reason incumbents are reelected is that they have
Choose one answer.
a. Constitutional Convention debates.
b. parliamentary procedure.
c. name recognition with voters.
d. Republican support.

name recognition with voters

Members of Congress can be arrested for this offense even when attending Congress.
Choose one answer.
a. tax evasion
b. treason
c. murder
d. bribery


The main task of each house of Congress is to
Choose one answer.
a. write procedures.
b. get reelected.
c. make laws.
d. legislate the executive branch.

make laws

The flow of legislative work in Congress is controlled by the
Choose one answer.
a. Democratic Party.
b. majority party.
c. Republican Party.
d. minority party.

majority party

Many procedures in Congress are organized around
Choose one answer.
a. the majority leader.
b. party affiliation.
c. a quorum.
d. constituents.

party affiliation

Before both houses of Congress pass it and the President signs it, a proposed law is a
Choose one answer.
a. quorum.
b. rule.
c. bill.
d. filibuster.


This is required for a legislative body to take official action.
Choose one answer.
a. a calendar
b. a caucus
c. a censure
d. a quorum


This person's main job is to steer the party's bills through the Senate.
Choose one answer.
a. Speaker of the House
b. minority leader
c. Vice President
d. majority leader

majority leader

The Senate conducts most of its business through
Choose one answer.
a. a calendar of scheduled bills.
b. unanimous consent.
c. strict rules and procedures.
d. the majority leader's rule.

unanimous consent

These assistants make sure that legislators are present for key votes.
Choose one answer.
a. filibusters
b. whips
c. majority leaders
d. minority leaders


In the Senate, the rules are designed to make sure that all senators
Choose one answer.
a. follow their party's platform.
b. introduce new bills every year.
c. obey strict procedures.
d. have freedom to express their ideas.

have freedom to express their ideas

The filibuster is not as strong a weapon as it used to be because of
Choose one answer.
a. the two-track procedural system.
b. the Thurmond bill.
c. cloture.
d. the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

the two track procedural system

Standing, select, joint, and conference are all types of congressional
Choose one answer.
a. agencies.
b. committees.
c. hearings.
d. sessions


This is an example of a subcommittee.
Choose one answer.
a. Human Resources
b. Ways and Means
c. National Security
d. Veterans' Affairs

human resources

This committee is set up when the House and Senate have passed different versions of the same bill.
Choose one answer.
a. standing committee
b. conference committee
c. joint committee
d. select committee

conference committee

In the House, one of the most prestigious committees is
Choose one answer.
a. Foreign Relations.
b. Ways and Means.
c. Finance.
d. Labor and Human Resources.

ways and means

This has guided the selection of committee chairpersons.
Choose one answer.
a. Presidential appointments
b. party elections
c. seniority system
d. majority leader's rule

seniority system

Congress may not suspend this court order which releases a person accused of a crime.
Choose one answer.
a. bills of attainder
b. revenue bills
c. writ of habeas corpus
d. ex post facto laws

writ of habeas corpus

Spending requests for the general welfare of the United States generally come from the
Choose one answer.
a. executive branch.
b. House of Representatives.
c. people.
d. Senate.

executive branch

This power enables Congress to regulate working conditions across the nation.
Choose one answer.
a. to pass bankruptcy laws
b. to regulate commerce
c. to enforce civil rights laws
d. to initiate national defense protection

regulate commerce

This congressional power provides for the nation's growth.
Choose one answer.
a. confirming a President
b. choosing a President
c. waging war
d. naturalization


This is a formal accusation of misconduct against a public official.
Choose one answer.
a. impeachment
b. appropriation
c. ex post facto
d. writ of habeas corpus


To a witness, this means that he or she is free from the threat of prosecution.
Choose one answer.
a. subpoena
b. perjury
c. immunity
d. contempt


Congressional committees may punish people who refuse to testify by
Choose one answer.
a. issuing a subpoena.
b. holding them in contempt.
c. giving them immunity.
d. arresting them for perjury.

holding them in contempt

Through this power, Congress can check on how the executive branch is administering the law.
Choose one answer.
a. legislative oversight
b. perjury
c. immunity
d. subpoena

legislative oversight

This congressional oversight power was found unconstitutional.
Choose one answer.
a. appropriations of funds
b. legislative veto
c. GAO monitoring
d. 1946 Employment Act

legislative veto

This Senator drew condemnation for his smear tactics during investigations.
Choose one answer.
a. Joseph McCarthy
b. Oliver North
c. Sam Ervin
d. Richard Nixon

Joseph McCarthy

All bills Congress passes require this before they become law.
Choose one answer.
a. a Presidential veto
b. congressional override
c. Supreme Court approval
d. the President's signature

the President's signature

James Burns, a political historian, argues that checks and balances result in
Choose one answer.
a. an efficient government.
b. equality for the people.
c. desirable public policy.
d. deadlock.


Gridlock between the President and Congress can occur because of
Choose one answer.
a. overriding a presidential veto.
b. federal government shutdowns.
c. cooperation between the two.
d. partisan political differences.

partisan political differences.

This system makes it likely that the President and Congress will always compete for power.
Choose one answer.
a. national budget
b. checks and balances
c. impoundment
d. national electorate

checks and balances

In 1974, Congress passed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act in an effort to increase
Choose one answer.
a. the budget.
b. its role in planning the budget.
c. impoundment.
d. federal spending.

its role in planning the budget.

This mechanism is used to propose constitutional amendments.
Choose one answer.
a. joint resolution
b. resolution
c. concurrent resolution
d. private bill

joint resolution

This item requires the action of both houses, but no law is needed.
Choose one answer.
a. private bill
b. joint resolution
c. concurrent resolution
d. resolution

concurrent resolution

These meetings are sessions at which a committee listens to testimony.
Choose one answer.
a. public bill
b. first reading
c. hearings
d. pigeonholing


Which of these is not a method of senatorial voting?
Choose one answer.
a. voice vote
b. ballot
c. roll call
d. standing vote


This action could allow the President to kill a bill during the last ten days Congress is in session by refusing to act on it.
Choose one answer.
a. private bill
b. pocket veto
c. line-item veto
d. rider

pocket veto

The national government gets most of the money it needs from
Choose one answer.
a. entitlements.
b. the House Ways and Means Committee.
c. appropriations.
d. taxes.


This mechanism forbids members to offer any amendments to a bill from the floor.
Choose one answer.
a. Article I, Section 8
b. entitlement
c. authorization bill
d. closed rule

closed rule

This is needed before the Department of Defense can spend money.
Choose one answer.
a. congressional approval
b. a special tax
c. an entitlement
d. a popular vote

congressional approval

Because these social programs continue from one year to the next, they are called
Choose one answer.
a. entitlements.
b. closed rules.
c. authorization bills.
d. taxes.


The government is legally committed to spending for uncontrollables because of
Choose one answer.
a. previous legislation.
b. the authorization bill.
c. taxes.
d. the closed rule.

previous legislation

On issues that affect their constituents' daily lives, most members of Congress vote according to
Choose one answer.
a. the needs of the nation.
b. their consciences.
c. religious beliefs.
d. the needs of their districts.

the needs of their districts

This strongly influenced the vote for military action in the Persian Gulf in Congress.
Choose one answer.
a. growing public support
b. the lawmakers' consciences
c. political party identification
d. the needs of the nation

growing public support

This is not a way lawmakers provide services for their constituents.
Choose one answer.
a. pork-barrel legislation
b. keeping federal projects
c. fixing speeding tickets
d. federal grants and contracts

fixing speed tickets

Passing laws to appropriate money for local federal projects is called
Choose one answer.
a. pork-barrel legislation.
b. federalism.
c. logrolling.
d. casework duty.

pork barrel legislation

Federal grants and contracts are awarded by
Choose one answer.
a. congressional districts.
b. the President.
c. Congress.
d. agencies of the executive branch.

agencies of the executive branch