TCI Final Exam Review Guide

An independent country in which people share a common culture is called

A nation-state

The right to exercise supreme power and authority over a region, a group, or oneself


Which of these is the best example of a public good?

The Mayflower Compact, Highways, Army

Which of these is an essential feature of political activity?

Purpose and collective action

When people call someone Machiavellian, they usually mean that person is

Cunning and ruthless

Which of these individuals is most likely to exercise power without authority?


On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks went to jail rather than give up her bus seat to a white passenger. Her action was an example of which of the following?

Civil disobedience

Which of the following are considered the basic building blocks of government?

Means of coercion and collecting revenue

A ruler's legitimacy depends mainly on which of these factors?

That his/her power/authority are accepted by those governed

Which of these is most likely to involve horse trading?

Politicians wanting something

Which of the following is the oldest form of government still in use today?

Rome's republic

A New England town meeting is an example of


Nazism is a form of fascism built on the idea of

Racial superiority

Socialism began as an attempt to correct which disadvantage of capitalism?

Public ownership of farms and factories

Which of these is a common feature of market economies?

Private individuals decide what they want to do

In a command economy, who decides how much to produce?

The government

Which of these factors most distinguishes dictators from monarchs?

Dictators rule by force

In a parliamentary democracy, who chooses the prime minister?

The legislative authority chooses

Which kind of economy is most common in the world today?

Mixed economy

Which kind of country is most likely to have a federal system of government?

A large country with a diverse population

Which of the following best defines the principle of popular sovereignty?

Ultimate source of authority are the people

The idea of representative government first developed in ancient

Roman Republic

Who is known as the Father of the Constitution and as the principal author of the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

Which of these historic documents first established the principle of the rule of law?

Magna Carta or "great Charter

Which complaint was the greatest barrier to ratifying the Constitution?

That the federal would become too powerful

Consider the quotations below. "Life, liberty, and property . . ." �John Locke "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . . ." �Declaration of Independence Both quotations list what our nation's founders believed to be

natural rights

Which of these issues at the Constitutional Convention was resolved by what is known as the Great Compromise?

The issue representation in Congress: One house based on population the other on equal representation

The Articles of Confederation reflected Americans' fear of

Individuals gaining to much power

Which political philosopher favored separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches?

Baron de Montesquieu

Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, was influenced by Rousseau's argument that a government should be dissolved if it

breaks the social contract

Which of these terms refers to the principle that people accused of a crime must be granted certain legal rights?

Due process

The Preamble to the Constitution lists which of the following?

Purpose of government and goals

Why did the framers of the Constitution create three separate branches of government?

To prevent one branch from having too much power

The first words of the Constitution indicate that power and authority in our system of government come from the

With the people

Which of these is the defining characteristic of a federal system of government?

The constitution divides between the national and regional governments

Over time, constitutional amendments have extended which right to the groups listed below? � African Americans � women � residents of the District of Columbia � 18-year-olds

Right to vote

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution indicates how to resolve conflicts between

Resolves the conflict between state and federal law

Which of these is the best example of constitutional checks and balances?

Allows each branch to monitor and check the power of the others to prevent any abuses

How did the decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) strengthen the power of the Supreme Court?

Established a judicial review. Court can declare acts of congress uncontitutional

The process of amending the Constitution involves both

congress and state

Which of these plays the largest role in interpreting the Bill of Rights?

The Supreme Court

Which of these is a civil liberty protected by the Bill of Rights?

birth rights

Which of these unpopular forms of expression is protected by the First Amendment?

Freedom of speech: symbolic speech

Most Supreme Court decisions applying the Bill of Rights to the states are based on the

Decisions made by the lower courts

Which of these acts is protected under the First Amendment?

Freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly

Which of these rights has not been subject to incorporation?

right to bear arms and right to a jury trial in civil cases

The phrase "You have the right to remain silent" reflects the provision in the Bill of Rights regarding

Miranda rights

The term prior restraint refers to which government action?

Attempt by government to prevent publication as broadcast of material considered harmful

What decision did the Supreme Court make on the power of cities to regulate peaceful assembly in public places in Hague v. CIO?

set rules for the use of pulic places

What is the primary goal of political parties?

To further their ideological agenda by electing their members to office

Which of these is the most common form of individual involvement with a political party?


How do lobbyists help government officials to function more effectively?

Influence public policy by persuading politicians to support or oppose action on a certain issue

The National Women's Party (1913-1930) and the Right to Life Party (1970-present) are examples of which type of third party?

Single Interest Party

The idea that political power should be distributed and shared among various groups in society is known as


Which political party in the United States had the longest continuous existence?

Republican Party

Who are the main sponsors of political action committees (PACs)?

Interest groups, corporations, unions

Which of these is the best example of grassroots mobilization?

Anti-war protests

Which of these is found in a party platform?

Position on important issue

Which of these is the first step in the policymaking process?

Issue identification

The process by which people form their political attitudes and values is called

Political socialization

Which of the following is the best definition of public opinion?

The sum of many individual opinions beliefs or attitudes about a public person or issue

Which of the following is the most important reason why a scientific poll is more accurate than a straw poll?

A straw pole is an informal survey and a scientific poll is done with a sampling of people that represent the population of the nation

The founders of our country saw a free press as a safeguard against

Corruption and misuses of power

To test the appeal of campaign messages, media consultants often use

Focus groups

The release of confidential information to the news media by an unnamed source is known as which of the following?


How can the company conducting an opinion poll reduce the margin of error?

Use a scientific sampling

Which of these persuasive techniques takes advantage of people's desire to conform?


The primary purpose of staged events and photo opportunities is to

Generate free publicity and memorable images

How do political analysts determine the voting patterns of women and men?

exit polls

The emphasis on elections in the United States most reflects which constitutional principle?

popular sovereignty

In which kind of primary election would a registered independent be unable to vote?

Closed primary

The most common way people become candidates for public office is through

Self announcement

In which type of election is voter turnout likely to be the greatest?


Which of the following groups benefited most from the Voting Rights Act of 1965?


Televised debates and radio ads are examples of which of the following campaign approaches?

Wholesale politics

What is the main criticism leveled against the Electoral College system for electing presidents?

It is undemocratic

What is the main source of funding for election campaigns?


What was one purpose of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain -Feingold Act?

Clean up campaign financing by banning soft-money

Which of these is the most likely reason for a donor to contribute to two opposing campaigns?

To have influence with the winner of the election regardless of who wins.

Which of these is the best definition of constituents?

people in the home districts and states of the lawmakers

A conference committee is made up of members from both the

the house and the senate

Where do most members of Congress begin their political careers?

local politics city council

In saying "The power of the speaker of the House is the power of scheduling," Tip O'Neill was referring chiefly to the speaker's power to do which of the following?

Deciding what bills will be debated by a full house and when

What determines the number of seats in the Senate?

in the Senate, each state gets two seats

Which of the following might apply to state lawmakers but not to members of Congress?

term limits

Which of these powers belongs only to the Senate?

the power to hold impeachment trials

Which of these groups handles most of the detailed work of lawmaking in Congress?


Which of these events triggers reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives?

if the states population increases or decreases

What do the powers of oversight, confirmation, impeachment, ratification, override, and amendment have in common?

they are all ways congress can check the other wo branches of gov.

What is meant by logrolling?

trading of votes among legislatures to ensure the passage of different bills

A high school junior who works as a messenger in the House or Senate is called a congressional

cogressional page

What is the process used in the Senate to end a filibuster called?


In their oath of office, lawmakers swear to support and defend

constitution of the united states

Which of these is a key factor in choosing committee chairs?

chosen by majority party

What is a Christmas tree bill?

a bill with so many riders attached to it that it seems to offer something to everyone

Before a bill can be sent to the president, both chambers of Congress must vote to

to approve the bill in identical form before it goes from capitol hill to the white house for the presidents signature

How can Congress override a presidential veto?

two thirds of the members present in each chamber must vote in favor of saving legislation

What does a committee or subcommittee do during markup?

the committee or subcommittee "mark-up" or amend the bill

Which kind of vote in Congress tells constituents how their lawmakers voted?

roll call vote

Who initiated the tradition of addressing the president as "Mr. President"?

started by Thomas Jefferson

The position of a lieutenant governor in a state is comparable to that of which position in the federal government?

vice president

The president's speechwriters, administrative assistants, and press secretary all work as part of which group?

White House Staff

These are the qualifications for seeking the presidency?

Native born, >35yrs old, lived in the country for 14 years

Which factor most influences whether a president might choose to use a pocket veto?

whether or not he wants the bill to die

What did Andrew Jackson do that led his critics to call him "King Andrew"?

andrew vetoed many bills to stabilize the nations economy

Which of these processes allows voters in many states to remove an elected official from office?


What is the line of presidential succession?

vice president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the senate, and then secretary of state

All of the following is an example of independent agencies

Postal Service

What does a whistle-blower do?

exposes wrong doing within an organization in the hope of stopping it

In our judicial system, for which of these is the jury responsible?

impartial verdict

What is the purpose of setting bail?

to guarantee that a defendant will return for trail

A crime is defined as a wrongful act that

is carried out with intent

Which of these is typically a felony?

violent crimes, property crimes, drug crimes, victimless crimes, etc.

What is the role of the jury foreman during a trial?

as the chairperson for the jusry. they announce the verdict to court

Law enforcement officials must present evidence to a judge in order to do which of the following?

to obtain a search warrent

What does a grand jury decide?

wieghs evidence and determine whether a trail is warranted

How does restitution differ from other forms of punishment?

restitution means that the defendant has to pay back or make up for whatever losses the victim has sustained.

What is the principal advantage to the criminal justice system of allowing plea bargains?

helps keep the court system from clogging up with too many cases

The exclusionary rule excludes which of these from use in trials?

evidence that has been seized illegally

Which of these does a prosecuting attorney represent?


What is an order by the Supreme Court directing a lower court to send it the records of a case called?

Writ of Certiorari

What is the job of an appellate court when it takes a case on appeal?

to check that the court was carried out in a fair manner

How does someone become a judge in the federal court system?

gives the president power to appoint federal judges with the "advise and consent of the senate

Which of these established the present system of federal district and circuit courts?

Article III of the Constitution.

What is meant by the term burden of proof?

the obligation in a legal case to prove allegations by presenting strong supporting evidence

Which of the following is most likely to write an amicus curiae brief?

interest groups use these to let the courts know that issue being decided upon is important to far more people than just the plaintiffs and defandents in the case

Which term refers to the person who files a lawsuit in a civil case?


Use this quotation to answer the question below.Judges are like umpires. Umpires don't make the rules, they apply them.The quotation supports which of the following approaches to making judicial decisions?

judges look at the constituion for guidance on all rules

What determines which appeals the Supreme Court will hear?

the writ of certiorari is the way that a case can come to the supreme court

5th amendment protects

right to grand jury, indictment, no double jeopardy, freedom from self-incrimination, due process of law

6th amendment protects

Right to a speedy and fair trial and right to counsel

7th amendment protects

Trial by Jury in Civil Cases

8th amendment protects

no excessive bail and no cruel or unusual punishments