Chapter 1 Government

What is Government

the institution through which society makes and enforces its public policies. Government is made up of those people who exercise its powers, all those who have authority and control over people.

public policies

of a government are all of those things a government decides to do (ranging from taxation, defense, education, crime, and healthcare to transportation, the environment, civil rights, and working conditions)


is the ability to command or prevent action, the ability to achieve a desired end. Government must have power in order to make a carry out public policies

what are the three branches of government (define each)

o Legislative- the power to make laws and frame public policies
o Executive- the power to execute, enforce and administer laws
o Judicial- the power to interpret laws, to determine their meaning, and to settle disputes that arise within the society

The constitution

the body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of government


is the form of government in which those who rule cannot be held responsible to the will of the people.


is the form of government in which supreme authority rests with the people

what is the State

can be defined as a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically and with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority. (more than 200 states in the world today)

what is necessary in order to make up a state

population, territory, Sovereignty, and government

what is sovereignty

means to have supreme and absolute power within its own territory and to be able to decide its own foreign and domestic policies. It is neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority. Sovereignty is something that distinguishes the state from

What theories make up the origin of the State

The Force theory, The evolution theory, the Divine Right theory, and the Social Contract theory

The force theory

many scholars have long believed that the state was born of force. They hold that one person or a small group claimed control over an area and forced all within it to submit to that person's or group's rule. When that rule was established, all the basic e

the evolution theory

belief that the state developed naturally out of the early family. People believe that these people hold the primitive family, of which one person was the head and thus the "government" was the first stage in political development. Over countless centurie

the divine right theory

- holds that God created the state and that God had given those of royal birth a "divine right" to rule. The people were bound to obey their ruler as they would God; opposition to "the divine right of kings" was both treason and a mortal sin. However, thi

the social contract theory

belief that a population in a given place gave up as much power to a government as needed to promote the well being of all. In doing so, they created a sovereign state.

What is the purpose of government

- To form a more perfect union
- Establish justice
- Insure domestic tranquility
- Provide for the common defense
- Promote the general welfare
- Secure the blessings of liberty

Classifying governments

1. Who can participate in the governing process
2. The geographic distribution of governmental power within the state
3. The relationship between the legislative and executive branches of the government

Who can participate

Democracy ***
In a democracy, the authority rests with the people. A democracy can be either direct or indirect form.
- Direct democracy (also called a pure democracy) occurs when the will of the people translates directly into public policy. It only work

Geographic Distribution of Power

- Unitary government is often described as a centralized government. All powers held by the government belong to a single, central agency. The central (national) government creates those powers that the central government chooses to give them. This means

Legislative and Executive Branches

- A presidential government features a separation of powers between the executive and the legislative branches of the government. The two branches are equal and independent of one another. The president is chosen by the people, independently of the legisl

what are the basic concepts of democracy

1. Recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person
o Democracy is based on the individual. When a democratic society forces people to pay a tax or obey traffic signals, it is serving the interest of the many.
2. Respect for the equality o

what are the duties and responsibilities of citizen ship

Serving on a jury
Serving as a witness when called
Attending school
Paying taxes
Registering for the draft
Obeying local, state, and national laws
Respecting the rights of others
Participating in civic life

what is the free enterprise system within democracy

an economic system characterized by the private ownership of capital goods (investments made by private decision, not by government directive) and success or failure determined by competition in the market place. This system is based on found fundamental