Government Exam 4 Study Guide

How many people are included when we say "Founding Fathers?" How many attended the 1787
Constitutional Convention?


Who was the "greatest philosopher of the present [U.S. Constitution] age?

Benjamin Franklin

Who was the "best informed man of any point in debate?

James Madison

Who was "perfectly contented with being only a plain citizen?

George Washington

What two prominent men were not at the Constitutional Convention because they were on overseas assignments?

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson

State a Founder, his state and something about him

E.g., Franklin, Pennsylvania, Inventor

Give 4 major compromises made at the Constitutional Convention.

Should representation in Congress be based on population or equal per state, when should the federal government regulate or abolish slavery, should the federal gov regulate interstate commerce, should there be a Bill of Rights

What date did the Convention sign the Constitution?


What year was the Bill of Rights ratified?


Nearly everything else was reached not by compromise but by ___________________.


The Committee on detail put the Constitution in its first _________________

rough form

The Committee on style put the Constitution in its final ___________________________

rewritten form

The Founders wanted what level of government to protect the people from an overpowering national government?


Why did three delegates refuse to sign the Constitution?

There was no Bill of Rights.

Why did Franklin weep as he signed the Constitution?

It had been a 30-year process

After the delegates ________ it, they sent the proposed Constitution to Congress


Congress considered it for only __ days and sent it to the people for ratification without making any changes.


The Constitution was not ratified by the ____________________ but by the _____________

state delegates, people

Some states demanded it contain a bill of rights and submitted ____ suggestions.


Madison condensed the suggested changes to ___ and Congress approved ___ and sent them to the states.


you have to do 20-31 om your own


What does Article 1 of the US Constitution address?

Legislative branch

What does Article 2 of the US Constitution address?

executive branch

What does Article 3 of the US Constitution address?


What does Article 4 of the US Constitution address?

relationship between state and government

What does Article 5 of the US Constitution address?


What does Article 6 of the US Constitution address?

supremacy, debt, oaths.

What does Article 7 of the US Constitution address?

9+ states must ratify constitution

Under the Constitution, where must all federal law be created?


Give four ways this argument is being violated. (Under the Constitution, where must all federal law be created?)

Executive Orders, regulatory agency administrative law, judicial legislation, executive international agreements

What are the three qualifications to be in the House of Representatives?

1) 25+ yrs old
2) Citizen for 7 years
3) Inhabitant of the state

What are the three qualifications for a Senator?

1) 30+ yrs old
2) Citizen for 9 years
3) Inhabitant of the state

Explain the reason for having the states represented in the Senate.

Each state has equal representation in the Senate.

How many Representatives are there in the House of Representatives?


How many Senators are there?


Give the exact numbers needed in the House and Senate to make a quorum.

House: 218

Who sets the salary of members of Congress?

Members of Congress

What has been called the 4th branch of government?

Federal gov regulatory agencies

How many powers does the U.S. Constitution provide to Congress?


When was the last U.?. declared war?


The Founders wanted __________ to declare war if necessary and not the ________________

congress, president

how long is a utility patent valid for?


how long is a design patent valid for


A copyright is given for how long?

Lifetime of author plus 70 years

Why did the Founders give the federal government the power to establish a system of weights
and measures?

To facilitate trade through uniformity

what year did the US go off of gold standard?


what year did the US go off of silver standard?


What is the gold standard?

Basing the value of paper money on gold held by the government

T/F A person can immediately take out bankruptcy after completing a prior bankruptcy.


What human weakness do bankruptcy laws attempt to address?

Greed by one creditor over another to benefit themselves

Why did the Founders give power to regulate bankruptcy to the federal government?

To prevent a debtor from defrauding his creditors

Where does the Constitution state the powers of Congress?

Article 1, Section 8

The Founders' original intent of the __________________________ clause prevailed till ______ when the Supreme Court adopted the second meaning advocated by Alexander Hamilton.

general welfare, 1936

T/F All nations have the right to enforce their laws and control their borders.


T/F The states, not the federal gov, have power over immigration.


T/F States initially encouraged immigration and naturalization because of the shortage of manpower.


What is the number of regulations as to a hamburger?


Why did the Founders give Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce?

ensure the free flow of interstate commerce

List 3 constitutional provisions that have been used to expand the powers of Congress.

General Welfare, Interstate Commerce, Necessary and proper

The Supreme Court expanded the power of the federal government over nearly every aspect of commerce by ___________________________________, and has regulatory authority over anything having to do with ____________ or ____________ commerce..

ruling the government, foreign, domestic

8. The Founders' intent as to the interstate commerce clause was to ______ the federal government authority to _______________________________________ of commerce.

give, regulate the transportation

What was Jefferson's requirement of a generation that borrowed money?

Not let our rulers load us with debt.

With respect to the power to borrow money, what did Jefferson say?

each generation should pay its own debts.

How does the Supreme Court justify graduated income taxes to be uniform as the Constitution requires?

Geographical uniformity

Hamilton changed his original interpretation of "___________________________" and later said ___________ can appropriate money for any beneficial cause.

general welfare, congress

What was the Founders' intent as to the General Welfare Clause?

Congress may enact laws only if they benefit the entire country.

Give the six steps for a bill to become law:

1. Bill is drafted.
2. Bill introduced in house or senate and referred to a house or senate committee
3. If committee passes, house or senate debates and passes or rejects.
4. If passes, referred to other chamber of Congress for debate, revision and joint