Chapter 10

Constitutional Republic

A government in which the people & their representatives are limited by a constitution.

Federal Republic

A republic in which the power is divided among the governments within the nation.


A division of the power government between the national & state governments.

Unitary System

Strong federal government & weak state government.

Federal System

Tries to balance powers between federal & state governments,

Confederate System

Weak federal government & strong state government.


Crafting interstate agreements.

Denied Powers

Powers denied to both the state & federal governments

Concurrent Powers

Given by the constitution to both the national & state governments.

Delegated Powers

Powers that have been to the national government by the constitution.

Expressed Powers

Powers given to Congress that are specifically stated in the constitution

Implied Powers

Powers not specifically stated in the constitution. (implied)

Reserved Powers

Powers which are reserved by the constitution for the states or the people.

Full Faith and Credit

The act of one state honoring the civil laws & court decisions of other states.

Privileges and Immunities

The special rights & protections guaranteed to the citizens of a state.


Surrender of an alleged criminal to the nation, state, or city from which he fled.

Dual Federalism

When the federal (national) & state governments exercise their power indefendently of each other.

Doctrine of Nullification

Belief that one can ignore a law he considers to be unconstitutional. (Led to the civil war)

Cooperative Federalism

When the national government assosts & collaborate with the states in order to to solve problems.

Coercive Federalism

Occurs when congress passes laws which force the states to implement & federal programs.


Occurs when federal laws supersede state or local laws.

Court Order

When the court exercizes control over the states.

Due Process

The legally prescribed proceedings for a legal system to protect individuals.


Monies the national government gives to state or local governments to be used for a designated purpose.

Block Grant

Genereal purpose grants that allow the states to have more jurisdiction in how to use funds.

Categorical Grant

For more specific purpose gives congress more control over the states.


Rules issued by superior government to an inferior government.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

Stated that congress would have to conduct studies to determine the cost of mandales on the states.


Experts control over the nations job sites.


State implemntaiton plan for the purpose of controlling pollution.

Why did the Founding Fathers choose to structure our government as a federal system?

Because of their belief in the biblical teaching of fallen man.

Why did James Madison say, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition"?

Belief about man & his nature convinced him that political power must be divided among competing groups.

How many governments operate within US?


3 of the denied powers to all governments withing the US.

1.Grant titles of nobility.
2.permit slavery
3.Deny citizens the right to vote because of sex.

3 of the powers denied to the national government.

1.Coin Money.
2.Conduct Foreign relations.
3.Declare war.

3 powers denied to the state governments.

1.Grant titles of nobility.
2.permit slavery
3.Deny citizens the right to vote because of sex.

4 powers that are concurrently shared by the federal government and the states.

1.Levy & collect taxes.
2. Borrow money
3. Establish courts
4. Make and enforce laws

3 powers given to the national government.

1.coin money.
2.conduct foreign relations.
3.declare war

3 powers given to state government

1.Regulate trade
2.Conduc elections.
3.Establish estate miltia.

What was the important issue arrising from the McCulloch v. Maryland case om 1819?

The doctrine of implied powers.

What are some of the obligations the federal government owes to the states?

A republican form of government, protection against invasion & domestic violence, equal representation in sentate and respect for states teritorial integrity.

10th amendment

Power to the States.

According to the 10th amendment, when may states exercise a given power?

1) If the power has not given to thye national governement by the constitution
2) If the states are not prohibited by the constituiton from exercising that power

What are three obligations the states owe to the other states?

Full faith, and credit, priveleges and immunities, and extradition

What does it mean for a arrested person to wave extradition?

For a convict to willingley turn himself in to be extradited

What is the cause of the Civil War?

Doctrine of Nullification

The 16th Amendment allowed the Federal Government to do what ?

Tax personal income (income tax)