government test 2

The ____________ exhibited when people join a cause because it seems popular or support a candidate who is leading in the polls.

Bandwagon effect

Persons identified as probable voters in an upcoming elections are_________

likely voters

____________ is participating outside of normal political and social channels through civil disobedience, demonstrations, and even riots.

Direct Action

The ____________ describes the discrepancy between candidates high poll ratings and election performance, caused by supporters assumption that an easy win means they need not turn out.

Boomerang effect

____________ is protesting laws one considers unjust by refusing to obey them.

Civil Disobedience

The tendency among a small group of decision-makers to converge on a shared set of views is ____________.


____________ is a form of political participation through the use of the internet or interconnected technologies.


Voting, running for office, volunteering in a campaign, or otherwise participating in elections are ____________

Electoral Activities

The influence on the respondent of how a polling question is asked is a result of the question's ____________.

Framing effects

A(n) ____________ is a group of people sharing specific characteristics such as age, ethnicity/race, religion, or country of origin.

Demographic Group

A(n) ____________ is a political authority claimed by an election winner as reflecting the approval of the people.


____________ describes the sheer volume of information and noise generated by online sources.


____________ are cues about candidates and policies drawn from everyday life. Most people use these cues to form basic political opinions.

Information shortcuts

______________ is engaging in political activities through the formal channels of government and society.

Traditional participation

The measure of what proportion of eligible voters actually cast a legitimate ballot in a given election is the ______________.

Voter turnout

The ______________ describes the attitude of citizens that makes them feel the effort made to vote outweighs its benefit.

Paradox of voting

By utilizing their ______________, citizens can speak out in protest or in favor of some policy change.

Political voice

A(n) ______________ is a designated group of people from whom a set of poll respondents is randomly selected.

Sampling frame

The lack of a stable perspective in response to opinion surveys results in ______________.


A form of negative campaigning that masquerades as a regular opinion survey is a(n) ______________.

Push Poll

Education about how the government works and which policies one should support is known as ______________.

Political Socialization

______________ control significant wealth, status, power, or visibility and consequently have significant influence over public debates.

Political elites

Relations between people that build closer ties of trust and civic engagement is known as ______________.

Social Capital

Encouraging people to engage in the public sphere is known as ______________.

Political mobilization

______________ describes the tendency of poll respondents to misstate their views, frequently to avoid shameful opinions like sexism or racism.

Response Bias

The issues that the media covers, the public considers important, and politicians address is a ______________.

Policy Agenda

Media stories with very broad coverage and an unambiguous message are often referred to as ______________ stories.

Loud Signal

______________ refers to the on-demand access to information and entertainment through digital devices.

New Media

Issues are defined in many possible ways by media, each with a slightly different tilt in describing the problem and highlighting solutions, this is known as ______________.


Information and entertainment for broad popular audiences is commonly known as ______________.

Mass Media

When a news outlet shows a story affecting voters or poll respondents perception of candidates or public officials by raising issues perceived to enhance or diminish the candidates they are practicing ______________.


Media that alerts the public when a problem arises in politics or society is fulfilling the ______________ role of media.

Public WatchDog

The issues that the media covers, the public considers important, and politicians address leading to political action is known as the ______________.

Policy Agenda

The ______________ is the idea that the president has a personal link to the public, usually through the media.

Personal Presidency

The process whereby a media company grows and acquires other companies to begin to threaten the market is known as ______________.


Regulation that required media outlets to devote equal time to opposite perspectives was known as the ______________.

Fairness Doctrine

A major overhaul of communications law that opened the door to more competition by permitting companies to own outlets in multiple media markets was the ______________.

Telecommunications Act of 1996

A ______________ is a short clip of speech taken from a longer piece of audio.

Sound Bite

______________ is a situation in which media outlets are run by the government and paid for by tax dollars.

Public Ownership

A failed effort in 1972 by Republican operatives to break into Democratic Party headquarters that President Nixon tried to cover up became known as the ______________.

Watergate Scandal

______________ is used to describe the blurred line between news and entertainment.


The allocation of votes or delegates on the basis of the percentage of the vote received is system of ______________.

proportional representation

The constitutional clause that delegates control of elections to the state governments is known as the ______________.

Time, Place, and Manner Clause

The date on the primary calendar when multiple states hold primaries and caucuses is also known as ______________.

Super Tuesday

An ______________ is a spike in the polls that follows an event.

Electoral Bounce

An organization governed by Section 527 of the federal tax code is also known as a ______________.

527 group

The tendency for members of Congress to win reelection is the

incumbency advantage

An organization that is permitted to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to promote a candidate or publicize a cause is a ______________.


______________ is a form of fundraising in which an individual persuades others to donate large amounts that are then delivered together to a candidate or a campaign.


When at least fifty people organize in affiliation with an interest group they have become a ______________.

political action committee

The candidate who wins a simple majority of the votes receives all electoral votes in a ______________ system.


______________ occurs when a candidate running for office attacks the opponent.

Negative Campaigns

A reorganization of House districts, taken every ten years as a result of the U.S. census is ______________.


______________ involves redrawing an election district in a way that gives the advantage to one party.


A Congressional set without an incumbent running is known as an ______________.

Open Seat

A potential list of donors whom a candidate phones is known as a ______________.

Call List

Elections held between presidential elections are the ______________.

Midterm Elections

A political system where individual candidates decide to run, raise their own money, and design their own strategy is a ______________.

Candidate Centered Elections

When the party of the president loses seats in Congress during the midterm elections they have suffered a ______________.

Midterm Loss

______________ is an advantage possessed by a well-known political figure.

Name Recognition