The Three Branches and Checks and Balances they have over one another


Congress - the branch of government that makes the laws


President - Enforces laws


Supreme Court - the branch of government that interprets the laws and determines whether they are constitutional

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Judicial over Legislative

Determines how Congress meant the law to apply to disputes.
Determines which laws Congress intended to apply to any given case

Judicial over Executive

Declares who the President is.
Determines if actions are unconstitutional.
Determines if branch is enforcing laws properly.

Legislative over Judicial

Approves judicial appointments
Creates lower courts;
May impeach judges

Legislative over Executive

Approves presidential nominations.
Controls budget.
Can pass laws over the President's veto.
Can impeach the President.

Executive over Legislative

Can veto or sign laws.
Call congress into special session.
Enforce laws.

Executive over Judicial

Appoint Judges.
Enforce court orders.