Unit 2 Gov't Review

England was too far away to govern them

The Jamestown colonists felt a need for self-government because...

No power to: raise taxes, enforce laws, enforce treaties, draft soldiers - no national court system

Name 3 weaknesses of the articles of confederation

Declaration of Independence

Which document is best described as a statement of democratic principles rather than a framework for government

elected representatives in Jamestown

The House of Burgesses was made up of

1st gov't of the United States

The Articles of Confederation represented the

Magna Carta

The idea that a rulers' power has certain limits was originally stated in the:

Representative Democracy / Republic

The English tradition that became part of the American political system was:

A strong Federal gov't is bad & doesn't protect people's rights

Which idea had a major influence on the authors of the Articles of Confederation

Enlightenment / philosophers

The Declaration of Independence was based on the ideas of the

direct democracy (majority rule)

What kind of gov't was the Mayflower Compact?

2nd Continental Congress

American Independence was declared during the meeting of...

Separation of powers / checks & balance

. In what way did Baron de Montesquieu have the biggest impact on the development of the U.S. Government?

talk about ideas to solve their problem with England / wrote letters to the king

During the meeting of the First Continental Congress, the delegates decided to:

natural law / rights
all men are created equal
separation of power
checks & balance
social contract theory
rule of law

Name 3 important ideas that came from the Enlightenment period

People have natural rights. If the gov't violates those rights, the people should rebel / overthrow / abolish gov't

In what way did John Locke have the biggest impact on the development of the United States?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal" -Declaration of Independence
This portion of the Declaration of Independence is most closely related to the ideas of which philosopher?

social contract

Thomas Hobbes stated that man avoided a state of anarchy (war), man agreed to enter into a society and form a ____________ with government.

John Locke

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - Declaration of Independence
This portion of the Declaration of Independence is most closely related to the ideas of

state governments

Who held the majority of power under the Articles of Confederation?

absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy

When discussing the U.S. Government's English heritage, one discusses the evolution of England's government how?

how the government was set up under the A.O.C. (states had more power than federal government)

In the 1780's, many Americans distrusted a strong central government. This distrust is best shown by the

separation of powers

French Enlightenment philosopher Baron De Montesquieu praised the British political system because it divided the power of government between the monarch and the two houses of Parliament. Which principle included in the United States Constitution shows th

collect taxes
draft soldiers
enforce laws
enforce treaties

The national government, under the Articles of Confederation, did not have the power to:

He thought this type of gov't protected peoples' rights the best

Which explains why Thomas Hobbes favored an absolute monarchy?

English Bill of Rights

The document that listed the rights of the English people as well as establishing a constitutional monarchy

All men are create equally & should be treated equally

. "Inalienable rights are inherent to each individual, regardless of wealth, social status,
or birth."
Analyze the above statement in the chart and predict how it would impact government.

Natural Rights

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Declaration of Independence
Read and analyze th

EVERYONE must obey the law

What is Rule of Law?

1st constitution of the United States

The Articles of Confederation was the...

People were able to start their own private businesses

Which action best describes the impact of the rise of capitalism under Adam Smith?

Doesn't protect their natural rights / violates their natural rights

According to the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right to alter or abolish a government if that government

promoted the idea of self-government

The Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses were important to the development of democracy in colonial America because they


A place where a group of people live who are ruled by a group of people who live somewhere else

Natural Law

Locke says this law exists in all governments...


Group of individual states who agree to form a government with one another


The legislature of England

Magna Carta

Established rule of law in England

rule of law

Enlightenment idea that no one is above the law

Social Contract Theory

An agreement between government and its people in order to form a society


Group of people who make laws for a country

Glorious Revolution

Event gave Parliament in England more power
than the king

common law

Law that is based upon precedent (English Law)