
among the broad purposes of the united states the government spelled out in the preamble to the con. is the obligation

provide for justice and general welfare

a federal government is one in which

power is divided between central government and local govt

statement not true of parliamentary gov

legislative is subject to direct control

state characteristics

territories, population, sovereignty, govt

govt set up by art. of fed. had

only legislative branch

at the phil. convention the delegates agreed to

draft a new constitution

the idea that people have the right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive gov. was first formally expressed by americans in the

dec. of indep.

with the words we the people the constitution establishes its authority on the basis of

popular soverignty

which of the following best describes the concept of limited government

government must operate within certain boundaries set by the people

basic constitutional rights first set out in

bill of rights

the legislative branch can check the judicial branch by its power to

remove judges through impeachment

president's power to veto an act of congress is an example of

checks and balances

which of the following is not an example of checks and balances

president makes executive decision

which is not true of the constitution

it has not been changed in 50 years

each of the four methods of formal amendment

1) 2/3 vote congress, 2) 2/3 vote by state, 3) legislative 2/3 state vote, 4)conventions 3/4 of states ratify

congress can informally amend the constitution by

1)basic legislation, 2)adding meaning to constitution, 3)simply exercising many of its power

the system of federalism provides for all the following execpt

uniform laws amongst the states

states must honor the legality of one anothers civil laws because

full faith and credit clause

the power of the national government to coin money is

an expressed power

which of the following is the basic characteristic of federalism

gives more power to national govt

multiparty system

political parties have the capacity to gain control over the country's government

which statement does not describe one type of minor party

members of a minor party tend to support the platform of a major party

people belong to a particular party

voluntarily because of personal choice

which of the following statements about federalists is true

a strong national government was of great concern to them

all of the following have been used to keep aficans from voting execpt

federal court orders

single most significant predictor of a persons partisian voting behavior is his or her

family and environment

gerrymandering is unfair bc

it set district limits to decrease a groups voting strength

the biggest drawbacks of the need for large amounts of money to campaign is that

canidates must use much of their own money to finance

all of the following are loopholes in the current federal election laws execpt

unlimited contributions by PACs to any one federal candidiate

the impact of the mass media on the public agenda can best be described as its ability to

focuses the public attention on specific issues

attitiudes held by significant number or people concerning govt. and political questions

public opinion

all of the following are examples of groups that promote causes execpt the

american legion

an interest group tries to persuade people to

work to shape making and content of public policy

lobbyists today are people who generally

work within the governmental process to affect policies

which statement about congressional districts is true

they function as voting districts within states

why does the constit. guarantee that the courts may not prosecute

freedom of speech is vital for legislative debate

in McCulloh v. Maryland the supreme court

gives congress the power to do anything related to expressed powers

the level of national debt

is not limited by any government agency

ruling of Gibbons v. Ogden expanded the

comerce power to include all the commmercial interactions

sole power to impeach pres.

house of reps

all are epressed powers of congress execpt

tax exports

under constit. congress has power to

declare war

all treaties must be approved by 2/3


why did framers include the nessessary and proper clause

empower congress to pass laws

who has the power to propose ammendments


commerce clause entitles congress to

regulate airlines in New England

congress shares foreign relations power with the


the main reason that congress creates committees is to

divide work

which of the following is a way a bill can become a law without pres sig.

pres doesnt act for 10 days

how and when bills reach floor of house is decided by

rules commitee

comitee chairpersons usually are chosen

on seniority

bills are introduced in the senate by

individual senators

in the vice presidents absence the presiding officer of the senate is the

president pro tempore

in order to prevent a bill passed by congress from becoming a law pres can

veto/refuse to sign

most select commitees do Not

produce compromise bills

in the senate a filibuster may be ended with a vote that evokes

cloture rule

conference commitees act as a third house of congress when they

get house/senate accept

which of the follwoing options is not available to a president who has just receieved a bill passed by congress

sign after 15 days

bills that originate in either house of congress may be

formulated by private citizens

a compromise bill worked on by a conference commitee of
House and senate members

usually passes by both houses