Government Ch. 17 - Foreign Affairs

foreign affairs

choices about the relationship between U.S. and rest of world

national security

the ability to keep the country safe from attack or harm


U.S. stays out of other nation's affairs


greater economic and political cooperation between nations that benefit all

foreign policy

a nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations

President's roles

Chief Diplomat, Commander-in-Chief
aided by cabinet & agencies

Congress' roles

Congress can declare war, but must wait for President to send troops

State Department

key advisor to President
goals: promote peace, create jobs, help nations stabilize, combat terrorism with diplomacy, disease

organization of State Department

functionally and geographically

Right of Legation

right to send and receive ambassadors


official representative of a nation

Ambassador appointments

all about connections & accomplishment

roles of Ambassadors

help U.S. citizens, represent U.S.

Diplomatic Immunity of Ambassadors

diplomats are not subject to laws of a nation, persona non grata


certificate issued by gov. to citizens to travel


permit issued by country one wants to enter

jobs of Defense Department

key advisor on national defense, led by civilian

Joint Chiefs of Staff

President's key military advisors
commanding officers for ea of services

Military Departments

Army, Navy, Air Force

National Security Council

coordinates foreign and military policies, brings everyone together (VP, Sec. of State, Sec. of Defense, Joint Chief's chairperson, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, EPA)


coordinates information and data gathering intelligence activities (spying)

Homeland Security

established after 9/11 to protect nation from terrorism, oversees 40 agencies incl. FBI, CIA, Customs, etc.


interprets foreign communications (super-spying)

Selective Service

an independent federal agency that deals with draft

Policy Overview - George Washington

It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world

Policy Overview - Monroe Doctrine

U.S. will stay out of Europe, Europe will stay out of Western Hemisphere
* creates first sphere of influence

Policy Overview - Expansionism

England's done well with it, but against our American principles (Revolution)
however, in Spanish-American War we won protectorates = Guam, Puerto Rico

Policy Overview - World Power

U.S. is a world power, others look to it for direction & we recognize countries

Policy Overview - Good Neighbor Policy

from Monroe, wanted to improve relationship with Latin America

Policy Overview - Open Door to China

U.S. became E Asian power through the acquisition of the Philippine Islands after Vietnam War

Policy Overview - WWI

League of Nations, U.S. does not join ? fails
* goal: make world safe for democracy

Policy Overview - WWII

didn't become involved until 2 years in, then U.S. became "the arsenal of democracy"
* turning point where U.S. becomes international world power

Policy Overview - Collective Security

during Cold War, nations agreed to act together against any nation that threatened peace

Policy Overview - Deterrence

using threat of nuclear weapons during Cold War to deter USSR from attacking

Policy Overview - Cold War

indirect war between U.S. & USSR from 1945~1991

Policy Overview - Truman Doctrine

contain communism within its existing borders
(Containment Policy)

Policy Overview - Cuban Missile Crisis

closest (geo & literally) to nuclear conflict for U.S.

Policy Overview - Korean War

1st fight of several nations against aggression, ongoing

Policy Overview - Vietnam

2nd most divisive conflict in nation

Policy Overview - D�tente

relaxation of tensions between U.S. & USSR

Policy Overview - End of Cold War

reverse domino theory beginning with Poland's fall for democracy

Policy Overview - Persian Gulf War

now aggressors are swiftly dealt with by U.S.
happily ever after?

Policy Overview - 9/11

terrorism changes perspective of foreign affairs

Policy Overview - Iraqi War

that mess we watched the movie on

Policy Overview - Bush Doctrine

established Axis of Evil
human rights - apply to everyone

Bush Doctrine - terror alliance

we will not negotiate with terrorists, terrorists//nations aiding them, encourage process to address political problems

Bush Doctrine - regional conflicts

goal: alleviate suffering & restore stability to these nations
U.S. will not get involved in every conflict, just those of our choosing

Bush Doctrine - deadliest weapons

weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological) are a threat to all if these countries possess them

Bush Doctrine - preemptive strike

stop them before they attack us/our friends, but only U.S. can do it

Bush Doctrine - global economy

support capitalism

Bush Doctrine - military

we will have the largest & strongest military in the world


military alliance of Europe, US, Canada
founded 1949 to protect freedom & democracy

Middle East

U.S. allies include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Afghanistan, Israel, Kuwait, and Morocco.

United Nations

founded in 1945 to keep peace, to develop friendly relations among nations, to help nations work together, and to be centre for harmonizing nations' actions

power of United Nations

lies within 5 permanent members of Security Council
w/ US, Russia, Great Britain, China, France