Exam_2 final

All of the following comparisons between the House and the Senate are true EXCEPT

the House of Representatives was modeled after the British House of Lords whereas the Senate was modeled after the House of Commons

The Supreme Court has interpreted the ______ clause of the Constitution so broadly that there are very few restrictions on what Congress can do.

necessary and proper

The powers of the president include all of the following EXCEPT

he can declare war.

In Federalist No. 78, Hamilton argue that the judiciary would be the least threatening branch of government because

it does not control the military or the budget of the nation

Article III of the Constitution

creates the Supreme Court but allows Congress to establish lower courts

Aspects of the system of checks and balances include all of the following EXCEPT

presidents can force Congress to adjourn

Both the states and the national government may exercise all of the following powers EXCEPT

levying import or export taxes on goods

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court held that

the federal government had the implied power to create a national bank

Gibbons v. Ogden increased the power of the national government by interpreting the

commerce clause of the Constitution very broadly

Federal orders that require states to operate and pay for programs created at the national level are called

unfunded mandates

According to the "Consider the Source" feature in Chapter 4, one should ask all the following questions about the op-ed section of the newspaper EXCEPT

does the author of the piece agree with me?

The founders established the Electoral College to choose the president for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

to minimize state influence in the selection of presidents

In Federalist No. 51, James Madison predicted that no single branch of government would become too powerful and oppress citizens, because

the other two branches would curb the possibly oppressive advances of each branch

In a parliamentary system the __________ is the dominant branch of government.


The rulings of the Supreme Court under John Marshall contributed to enhancement of

the power of the national government

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of federalism?

The states serve as policy laboratories.

The Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to

strike down racial segregation in the states

The federal government has been able to use categorical grants to coerce states into doing what it wants most of the time because

states have become financially dependent on this aid

What is the key difference between categorical grants and block grants?

Block grants provide states with more leverage and power over how to spend grants-in-aid than do categorical grants

According to John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, our rights are


The source of authority cited by the Supreme Court for applying the Bill of Rights to the states is

the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution

The establishment clause guarantees

that government will not create and support an official state church

The Lemon test established that

there shall be no excessive entanglement of government and religion

The idea that language shapes behavior and, therefore, should be regulated to control its social effects is known as

political correctness

Written defamation of character is known as


The Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment

establishes an individual right to bear arms

The exclusionary rule is the Supreme Court rule that states that

illegally seized evidence cannot be used to obtain a conviction

The Supreme Court has ruled that what happens between consenting adults

is protected by the right to privacy

The difference between civil rights and civil liberties is

that civil rights involve government action to secure rights of citizenship, whereas civil liberties involve individual freedoms that limit the power of government

The rights the founders believed were essential to maintaining a representative democracy included all of the following EXCEPT

establishment of religion

The test that seems to provide the most protection for free speech is the

imminent lawless action test

Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the Supreme Court's view of freedom of expression?

Associations such as the NAACP can be required to make their membership lists public

The Supreme Court's ruling in Brandenburg v. Ohio is significant because it

created a new standard for regulating political speech

The Supreme Court has ruled that

public figures have less protection from the press than other members of the public

The Supreme Court has

generally protected freedom of expression on the Internet

The right against self-incrimination

applies at all stages of a criminal proceeding at the state and national levels

Which of the following statements best describes the constitutional right to privacy?

A right to privacy is not clearly spelled out in the Constitution, but many people argue the right is implied

The Supreme Court's ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut is significant because it

opened the door for a variety of claims regarding the right to privacy

Suspect classification

creates a very high barrier to laws treating a suspect group differently from others

Blacks were kept from exercising their rights in the South after Reconstruction by all of the following methods EXCEPT

civil suits

The decision in _______ overturned Plessy v. Ferguson

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas

_____ discrimination is discrimination in fact

De facto

Congressional policy toward Native Americans has historically varied between

assimilating Native Americans into a European-based culture and encouraging independence and self-government

During World War II, Japanese Americans

were placed in detainment camps for national security purposes

Laws that treat men and women differently are subject to

an intermediate standard of review

Women are

the most underrepresented group in Congress and state legislatures

In Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court ruled that

state sodomy laws were a violation of the right to privacy

The Americans with Disabilities Act was controversial because

many of the required changes in physical accommodations are extremely expensive to install

The concepts of strict scrutiny and suspect classification are used by the Supreme Court to answer what question?

When can the law treat people differently?

The argument for affirmative action is that

there is no other decisive evidence for proving that discrimination has ended

The legal methods used to deny African Americans the right to vote, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, were overcome by

passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Twenty-fourth Amendment to the Constitution

The civil rights movement of the 1950s-1960s was most successful in eliminating ______ but was far less successful in eliminating ______.

de jure discrimination; de facto discrimination

The significance of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case is that it

signaled the approval of affirmative action

Native Americans face a particularly difficult task in winning battles in American politics for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

they do not have the right to vote

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Hispanic Americans?

Voter registration among Hispanic Americans is declining

All of the following statements concerning pay and price equity are true EXCEPT

The wage gap is growing wider

The women's movement was most successful with a strategy of ______ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

changing laws state by state

Which of the following statements concerning gay and lesbian rights is NOT true?

Sodomy laws are constitutional according to the U.S. Supreme Court

A ___________ is a bill passed by a state legislature and submitted to voters for approval


In a _________ system, the legislature selects and removes the executive


The principle that states that national laws will be followed if state laws conflict with them is found in the _____________ clause


The provisions of the Constitution that divide power between the states and the national government are located __________.

through out the document

The supremacy clause of the Constitution states that if a state law and a federal law conflict, the __________ law will be followed


_____ is the Supreme Court action that makes the protections of the Bill of Rights applicable to the states


Identify and describe the two positions concerning the separation of church and state

Seperationists beleive that there should be a wall bettween religion and the state, and accomidaionists beleive that the state should accomidate religion, but avoid favoring any type of religion

_____ states that evidence seized illegally may not be used to obtain a conviction

eclusionary rule

_____ is a heightened standard of review to assess the constitutionality of laws that limit some freedoms

Strict scrutiny

The _________ Act was designed to reduce or eliminate racial discrimination in public accommodations.

Civil Rights

_____ is a policy of creating opportunities for members of certain groups as a substantive remedy for past discrimination

Affermative action

______ are citizenship rights guaranteed to the people

Civil rights

Explain the significance of Brown v. Board of Education

It overturned Plessy and declared segregated schools to be inherently unequal. While little changed immediately after the Brown decision, it was a catalyst for the civil rights movement, yet Brown did NOT eliminate all segregated facilities.