Chapter 14, Section 4 Outline

Who was one of the most important leaders of the civil rights movement? Hint: He understood the importance of using the courts to win equal rights and sought to stir the nation's conscience.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., if you didn't get that right, you shouldn't be in the friggin' ninth grade.

What did the protesters arrested most likely do?

Most of the protesters of the civil rights movement appealed their challenge of racial laws to the Supreme Court.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other laws to ensure voting rights and equal job opportunities were passed why?

Because of the growing influence of the civil rights movement on Congress to do so.

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

An act passed by Congress that forbade racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants.

Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

A civil rights leader who championed the cause of equal rights for all Americans.

Explain the case of Plessy v. Ferguson?

A case that established that is was a reasonable exercise of state police power to preserve peace order. Stating "Legislation is powerless to eradicate racial instincts or to abolish distinctions." Establishing the "separate but equal" doctrine. If you ha

Explain the ruling and results of Brown v. Board of Education?

A case that overturned the doctrine of "separate but equal" facilities for African Americans and whites.

What was the civil rights movement?

The efforts to end segregation.

If a white person says the n-word, and an African American happens to unintentionally hear it, is it racism?


What is discrimination?

Unfair treatments of individuals based solely on their race, gender, ethnic group, age, physical disability, or religion.

What is a fundamental right?

A basic right of the American system or one that is indispensable in a just system.

What are Jim Crow laws?

Laws requiring racial segregation in such places as schools, buses and hotels.

What is the rational basis test?

A test used by a court to determine whether a state law is reasonable related to an acceptable goal of the government.

What is segregation?

Separation of people from the larger social group.

Why does Cole let Cope use his Quizlet resources?


What is the separate but equal doctrine?

A doctrine established by the Plessy v. Ferguson case that held that if facilities for both races were equal, they could be separate.

What are sit-ins?

Silent protests at the counter of facilities such as restaurants and cafeterias.

Will Cole post the Section 5 outline any time soon?

Yes, so keep your pants on.

What is suspect classification?

A classification made on the basis of race or national origin that is subject to strict judicial scrutiny.

What is racial discrimination?

The treating of members of a race differently simply because of race.

By the late 1800s, how many states had adopted Jim Crow laws?

About half.

What is segregation?

The separation of people from the larger social group.

For nearly a century after the 14th Amendment was adopted, what did the Court upheld?

That discrimination and segregation against African Americans was perfectly legal.

In what case did the Court justify Jim Crow laws?

In Plessy v. Ferguson, reasoning that the Fourteenth Amendment allowed separate facilities for different races as long as those facilities were equal.

What came about based on the Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

The separate-but-equal doctrine.

In a unanimous Court decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, what did the court overrule?

The separate-but-equal doctrine.

What did the ruling of the Brown case mean?

It marked the beginning of a long, difficult battle to desegregate the public schools. It established a precedent for the Court which guided many other legal rulings.

Which case did the Court reason that children should be bused to schools outside their neighborhoods to combat segregated housing patterns and ensure integrated schools? Hint: The ruling was based on the precedent established in the Brown case.

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education.