Gov Unit 1


the formal vehicles through which policies are made and affairs of state are conducted

national sovereignty

a political entity's (usually a country) externally recognized right to exercise final authority over its affairs

fiscal conservative

one who believes that government should spend less on social welfare programs and keep taxes low

social conservative

one who believes that traditional moral teachings should be supported and furthered by the government


the study of who gets what, when, and how - or how policy decisions are made


established ways of social behavior


a form of government in which power is vested in hereditary kings and queens who govern in the interests of all

indirect (representative) democracy

a system of government that gives citizens the opportunity to vote for representatives who will work on their behalf

civil society

society created when citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engage in an open debate about public policy


member of a political community to whom certain rights and obligations are attached

public goods

government provided benefits and services (parks and and sanitation) that benefit all citizens but are not likely to produced voluntarily by individuals or companies


a situation exists in which many groups or factions are so strong that a government is unable to function


the interpretation of democracy in which government by the people is taken to mean government by people operating through competing interest groups

minority rights

the benefits of government that cannot be denied to any citizen by majority decisions

elite theory (sometimes called power elite theory)

the view that a small group of people actually makes most of the government decisions

majority rule

the principle - basic to procedural democratic theory - that the decisions of the group must reflect the preference of more than half of those participating: a simple majority

police power

the authority of the government to maintain order and safeguard citizens' health, morals, safety, and welfare

universal participation

the concept that everyone in a democracy should participate in governmental decision making


a system of government in which, in theory, the people rule, either directly or indirectly


a system of government in which the power is concentrated in the hands of a few people


a system of government in which the power to govern is concentrated in the hands of one individual

direct/participatory democracy

a system of government in which members of the polity (voters in the community) meet to discuss all policy decisions and then agree to abide by majority rule

political equality

equality in political decision making: one vote per person, with all votes counted equally

social equality

equality in wealth, education, and status

equality of opportunity

the idea that each person is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life

equality of outcome

the idea that society must ensure that people are equal, and governments must design policies to redistribute wealth and status so that economic and social equality is actually achieved


the benefits of government to which everyone is entitled

political ideology

a consistent set of of values and beliefs about the proper purpose and scope of government