Ch.19 government

The Constitution established the ____ of the federal courts by defining the kinds of cases these courts may hear.


The authority of a court to try a case the first time it is heard is known as ___ jurisdiction.


In a(n) ____, the court's role is one of impartial and neutral arbiter between two opponents.

adversary system

A restriction on justifiability is that all parties to a federal lawsuit must have ___ before they can bring a case.


A ___ is a court order requiring a public official to carry out a specific act or lawful duty.

Writ of mandamus

___ federal courts are those that carry out the duties specified in Article III of the Constitution.


___ federal courts hear cases that are directly related to the exercise of the legislative powers of Congress.


When judges ___ a case, it is sent back to the lower court for a new trial.


The responsibility of creating the ___ gives the chief justice a significant role in determining which cases are set aside without requiring the participation of the entire Court.

discuss list

An order from the Supreme Court requiring a lower court to send a record of a case to the Supreme Court is a(n) ___.

Writ of certiorari

The Supreme Court justices announce and give the reasons for their decisions in written statements called ___.


If a justice agrees with the majority position but not with the reasoning behind it, he or she may prepare a ______.

concurring opinion

Court that is NOT part of the federal court system?

municipal courts

Over which kind of case do federal courts NOT have jurisdiction?

cases involving misdemeanor

Courts that handle the greatest number of cases

federal district courts

In courts of appeals, there are no __.

witnesses, juries, or presentations of new evidence

The Federal courts that has judges who travel throughout the country to hold trials?

US claims court

NOT a major consideration for the selection of a federal judge?

ethnic group or geographical residency

True statements about federal judges

-all fed judges must be approved by the senate
-all fed judges are appointed for lifetime terms
-congress determines the salaries of fed judges, and their compensation cannot be reduced
- Judges can NOT be impeached