Gov Chap 10


The length of time that officials serve after an election, as in a two-year or six-year term


Period of time during which, each year, Congress assembles and conducts business


Suspend, as in a session of Congress


Adjourn, as in a legislative session

Special Session

An extraordinary session of a legislative body, called to deal with an emergency situation - can
only be called by the President


Distribute, as in seats in a legislative body among the states on the basis of their respective populations


Redistribute, as in seats in a legislative body

Off-Year Election

Congressional election that occurs between presidential election years

Single-Member District

Electoral district from which one person is chosen by the voters for each elected office


Election of an officeholder by the voters of an entire governmental unit rather than by the voters of a district or subdivision


The drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group

Number of Members in the House of Representatives


Formal Qualifications for House Members

(1) Must be at least 25 years of age
(2) Must have been a citizen of the Unites States for at least seven years
(3) Must have been an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is elected

Informal Qualifications for House Members

party identification, name familiarity, gender, ethnic characteristics, and political experience

Terms of Members of the House of Representatives

may serve two-year terms, although there are no limits set on the number of terms a representative may serve

Reapportionment Act of 1929

set 'permanent' size of the House at 435 members, and provided for 'automatic reapportionment.'

Continuous Body

Governing unit whose seats are never all up for election at the same time


The people and interests that an elected official represents

Number of Members in the Senate

composed of two Senators from each state equaling 100 Senators

Formal Qualifications for Senators

(1) Must be at least 30 years of age
(2) Must have been a citizen of the Unites States for at least nine years
(3) Must be an inhabitant of the State from which he or she is elected

Terms of Members of the Senate

may serve six-year terms, continuous body


Voting population


Lawmaker who votes based on his or her conscience and judgment, not the views of his or her


Lawmaker who owes his/her first allegiance to his/her political party and votes according to the part line


Lawmaker who attempts to balance the basic elements of the trustee, delegate, and partisan roles

Oversight Function

Review by legislative committees of the policies and programs of the executive branch

Franking Privilege

Benefit allowing members of Congress to mail letters and other materials postage

Salary of a Senator


Bicameralism was the invention of the Constitutional Convention of 1787


Neither house of Congress may end a session without the consent of the other


The continuous body of congressional committees allows them to check on agencies in the executive branch

False, Oversight Function

The Constitution gives the President the power to prorogue a session of Congress only if the two houses cannot agree on a date


Which Qualification for the House members is NOT in the Constitution?

Must live in district being represented

Which statement about the Senate is true?

It has two members from each state

Compensation for Senators is

The same as for Representatives

The regular period of time during which Congress conducts its business is called a


The number of Senate seats held by each State is

Fixed by the Constitution

Few members of Congres today

Are minorities

Members of Congress fill all of the following roles EXCEPT that of

Cabinet Member

Which of the following is true of the House of Representatives?

Every state is represented by at least one member

Which of the following is required of candidates for the House of Representatives due to longstanding custom?

Must currently reside in the district he or she represents

On the average, which group of people occupy the majority of seats in Congress

White, Middle-aged, Christian/Protestant, Men

When must congressional election be held?

The Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year

Senators are elected to serve

six-year terms

Which of the following is a qualification for Senators?

Must have been a citizen for at least nine years

Before the 17th amendment was adopted, senators were chosen by

the state legislatures

All of the following are differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate EXCEPT

Method of election

The fact that Alaska has only one seat in the House is a reflection of all of the following EXCEPT

Its geographical size

All of the following are possible reasons why the Senate is called the "upper house" EXCEPT

its size

Which of the following is the main reason that the Presidency rarely has to call Congress into special session?

Congress now meets nearly year-round anyway

Special sessions of Congress

are called by the President to deal with emergency situations

Members of the House of Representatives are elected for

Two-year terms

Which of the following is a major roll of members of Congress

Servant to the constitution