
five man group
Created after Reign of Terror
Created new constitution and branch of new French government

Napoleon bonaparte

Overthrew Directory(weak gov) with coup d' etat
Declared himself emperor
Unsuccessfully expanded French territory
Forced to abdicate and later exiled to st. Elba and later st. Helena

Napoleonic code

Recognized legal equality of all French citizens
Abolished feudalism
Religious toleration

Louis XVII

King of France before and after Napoleon
Leader at time of French Revolution

In what ways did napoleon uphold the values of the French Revolution? In what ways did he go against them?

For: The Napoleonic code- established rights for all citizens
For: Overthrew the Directory
Against: Crowned himself emperor
Against: conquered other European countries- took their liberty

Continental system

Napoleon's efforts to block foreign trade with England to weaken it

What factors enabled Napoleon to take power in France

Had military on his side
Support of RCC
Support of people
Weak government= easy to overthrow

What impact did Napoleon have beyond the borders of France?

Set stage for nationalism in Germany
Quest for unified Italy began
Stimulated Egyptian consciousness- led to stronger Egyptian state
Gave opening to forces of S. American liberation


French side of Haiti


Home of only successful slave revolt in modern day


Present day Haiti and Dominican Republic

Haitian Constitution

This document ended slavery
made Toussaint Louverture governor for life

maroon communities

African refugees who escaped slavery in Americas
developed their own communities in Brazil and the Caribbean.

agricultural revolution

A time when new inventions made farming easier and faster
production of food rose dramatically.

putting-out system

tasks were distributed to individuals who completed the work in their own homes
also known as cottage industry.

haves v. have nots

rich and poor

industrial revolution

the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial world

congress of vienna

Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.

division of labor

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers


Marx's term for the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Leader of Haitian Revolution
Freed slave
Napoleon captured and imprisoned him

Gens de couleur

People of color in Haiti


French indentured servants in Haiti

grand blancs

Haitian plantation owners

Petit blancs

Haitian working class


Freed slaves of Haiti

What impact did the French and American Revolutions have on Haiti?

The Revolutions put the idea of liberty and equality into the minds of the slaves

How did Napoleon respond to the unrest in Haiti?

Napoleon captured and imprisoned the leader, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Did not stop the Revolution

Why was it difficult to forge a strong "Venezuelan" identity?

There were many different classes and races with different political views that conflicted

King Louis XIV

AKA Sun King
Brought French monarchy to peak of power

Empress Josephine

married to Napoleon but he divorced her when they could not have children

Reluctant" Allies

Countries who allied with France when Napoleon seemed invincible

Battle of Waterloo(date)

Napoleon's final downfall after reforming army
March 1815

L'Ouverture meaning


Dutty Boukman

An escaped slave who held many voodoo services(outlawed)
persuaded slaves to rebel against plantation owners 3
Decapitated by French colonists

Bois Caiman

Vodou ceremony where the first major slave insurrection of the Haitian Revolution was planned


Sent from France to bring order to Haiti
Wanted to kill whites- anti racist
Abolished slavery

Cap Francais

Largest slave port in the colony and the Transatlantic slave trade
where Sonthonax based his operations

Code Noir

a set of laws governing the conduct of the slaves during the French colonial period
Established by Louis XIV

WPA Hamlin/ Hamilton source

Same person interviewed
White interviewer: covers up bad parts of slaver
Black interviewer: reveals brutality of slavery

Presence of the Past source

Not enough sources being used for historical studies
Led to creation of national survey

Memoirs of Madame de Remusat source

Napoleon didn't think highly of women
Napoleon treated everyone as if in military- slapped son

A German Conscript with Napoleon source

Almost no food on Russian Invasion
Only tactic was to survive
Napeoleon ate well

Toussaint Louverture Conversation with Commisioner Sonthonax source

Toussaint and Sonthonax did not always get along
Sonthonax wanted to murder white people

Expulsion of Sonthonax by Toussaint Louverture source

Toussaint wanted Sonthonax to leave Haiti

Facing Racial Revolution Excerpt source

A plantation owner is nearly killed during Haitian Revolution
Spared by slaves rebelling

Wrongful Death of Toussaint Louverture source

Toussaint died from terrible conditions and treatment

Utopian socialism

socialism achieved by the moral persuasion of capitalists to surrender the means of production peacefully to the people
Fourier thought that the key to bring people together was with complementary talents
Disliked by Marx
supported by Fourier and his foll

Industrial capitalism

an economic system in which business leaders use profits to expand their companies
Supported by factory owners and Karl Marx


French middle class

concert of Europe

a series of alliances among European nations to prevent revolutions

Robert owen

Utopian who set up a model community at his cotton mill in Scotland

Otto von bismarck

German statesman under whose leadership Germany was united


a political theory derived from Karl Marx
advocates a society where there is no private ownership
Supported by Marx and Russia

Friedrich Engels

socialist who wrote the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx
German socialist leader
Observed Industrial cities to be unhealthy

Charles Fourier

French social theorist
criticized capitalism
wanted socialist utopia and emancipation of women.
Theory of Four Movements.


Emphasized rights of individuals
Implied open mindedness and need for social and political reform
Associated with middle class and developed and supported in Britian

Evolutionary socialism

Believed liberalism and socialism we're compatible
Individual rights, workers' rights, and common good should all be pursued


A political theory favoring the abolition of governments
Supported by Bakunin and some of Russian middle class


idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
Government sponsored studies to improve urban planning, water supplies, hygiene
Restrictions on Catholics lifted
Supported by lower class Briti

Social Darwinism

Survival of the fittest
Used to justify social inequality
Used to explain Europe's increasing global dominance
Supported not by Darwin but by racists looking for justification

Reform Bill of 1832

Brought Parliament closer into social changes
Lowered property qualifications for voting
Helped to pass by Utalitarians

Karl Marx

German author and philosopher
Founded Marxism
Wrote The Manifesto of the Communist Party and Das Kapital

Enclosure Acts

Acts of Parliament which enclosed open fields and common land in the country
created legal property rights to land that was previously considered common
Poor were forced onto land with poor nutrients

Charles Darwin

Proponent of theory of evolution
Didn't support social Darwinism

Why Great Britain for the Industrial Revolution?

Commercial vigor
Raw materials

Scientific Socialism

socialism associated chiefly with Marxians and based on belief that historical forces (as economic determinism and the class struggle) determine usually by violent means the achievement of socialist goals
Supported by followers of Marx

Results of Industrialization source

productivity doesn't rely on humans
Machines asking over jobs
Seminal moment=moment that influences everything after it

Balancing the Burdens and Benefits of Industrialization source

Industrialization led to poor conditions and wages
Even children worked long hours
Became integral part of life

Social Classes in Industrial Revolution source

Factory workers receive treatment near slaves
Upper class had almost no idea of poor conditions

Communist Manifesto source

Communism brings equality
Classes should be abolished
Everything should be shared

Thinking about Art Anarchism source

There should be no formal laws or government
Everything should be shared

Joseph Banks

First botanist to study native species
Joined James Cook on Pacific voyages

Kew gardens

Royal Botanic Garden outside London

African Association

Society founded by Joseph Banks
Sponsored expeditions to Africa to chart the Niger River and find Timbuktu
Dedicated to "discovery" of the interior parts of Africa

all under heaven

Chinese state was said to encompass this

British East India Company

set up trading posts in India, beginning the British economic interest there

Mughal Empire

Islamic portion of Indian subcontinent

British raj

The name for the British government's military rule of India

Berlin conference

divided African continent
led to Scramble for Africa

Congo Free State

African nation governed by Belgium+Leopold II during colonial times
Under Leopold's rule, exploitation+ murder of many Africans

Zulu Empire

Led by Shaka
conquered a large empire in Southern Africa

Union of South Africa

British united multiple trading posts
a self-governing dominion

council of China

BEIC set up group to communicate with Chinese government in order to facilitate trade


One of two port cities in which Europeans were permitted to trade in China during Ming dynasty

boxer protocol

Chinese forced to sign after suppressed in Boxer Rebellion
Required to pay for damages
allowed Western powers to station troops in Beijing

Doctrine of Lapse

native states in India without a clear successor fell under british rules

Indian National Congress

founded to demand greater Indian participation in government

Cecil Rhodes

played a major role in colonial South Africa

White Man's Burden

idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized

Menelik II

Emperor of Ethiopia
Made Ethiopia only country to beat Europe(Italians at Battle of Adowa)

John Africanus Horton

Disapproved claims that the black man was racially inferior

Xhosa Cattle Killing

Nongqawuse had vision that if the Africans killed their animals and crops the invaders would move out
prophecy did not come true and led to famine


was the single place of direct trade and exchange between Japan and the outside world
during sakoku(when Japan closed borders)

Think of us no more

Japan blocks itself from the West

Black Ship Scroll

tells about Westerners coming into Japan
Starts peacefully, turns brutal

Meiji Constitution

Meiji period
Promoted Westernization and Japanese cultural values at same time
"Modern science, Confucian ethics

Good wife, wise mother

Outlines ideal Japanese woman- housewife

Queen Elizabeth I

concerned British falling behind with imperialism
spread influence to India

Indian Revolt of 1857

Revolt of Indian soldiers against British officers
they were required to use greased cartridges they suspected were being used with parts of unclean animals

civilizing mission

The notion that colonialism was a duty for Europeans and a benefit for the colonized

Asante Kingdom

crushed by British who wanted to expand
British had quinine and maxim gun, easily won
Yaa Asantewa's War= last attempt to expel British

Dutch East India Company

A company by the Dutch to trade throughout Asia

Native Land Act

South African law
forced Black people to move to reserves

Boer War

Dutch colonists and the British competed for control of territory in South Africa
aka South African War

Great Trigonomical Survey

Surgery to plot Indian subcontinent on precise grid
Prelude to expansion of Britain's Indian empire

How did the idea of "improvement" serve to justify imperialism?

Those who were thrown aside would ultimately benefit form scientifically radical agriculture

How did mapmaking and exploration affect global power dynamics?

Bigger countries had more power

Why did Australian Aborigines consider European territorial advance a plague?

They were pushed out of their homes and received many deadly diseases they weren't immune to

Lin Zezu

scholar-official sent by Qing to Britain to suppress opium trade

First Opium War

Britain forced China to open trade so they could continue making money from opium
An Anglo-French force invaded China and enforced the to agree to unequal treaties
Ended in Treaty of Najing(one sided, favored Britain)

Taiping Rebellion

rebellion against the Qing Dynasty led by Hong Xiuquan
Dominant group= Hakka

Hong Xiuqan

Leader of Taiping Rebellion
Claimed to be brother of Christ who came down to earth to creamy "Heavenly Kingdom of Peace

Self-Strengthening Movement

movement in China to counter the challenge from the West
Motto: "Confucian ethnics, Western science

Empress Ci Xi

Dowager Empress"
Regent for Guangxu
Blocked Hundred Days' Reforms and other "Self-Strengthening measures

Emperor Guangxu

Chinese ruler who worked to modernize China
Successor of Ci Xi

Boxer Rebellion

Chinese uprising by the Boxers
To drive out Westerners from CHina

Qing dynasty

the last imperial dynasty of China
overthrown by revolutionaries
known for its extreme isolationism
Founded by Manchu people

What were the main forces that undermined the power of Qing Dynasty in the nineteenth century?

Western ideals

Confucian ethnics, Western science" meaning

China could acquire modern technology and science knowledge while retaining ethnically superior Confucian tradition

Kaiser Wilhelm II

militaristic emperor of Germany in WW2

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary , Italy

Triple entente

France, Britain, Russia

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Heir to Austrian throne
Assassinated- sparked WW1

Allied Powers WW1

Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, US

Central Powers WW1

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, Turkey

Schlieffen Plan

German plan to quickly end WW2
Failed at Battle of the Marne

WW1 western front

Front between France and Germany

WW1 eastern front

Russian front
Germany beat Russia with superior technology

Khaki girls

girls who worked in the factories during WWI
skin turned khaki color

Woodrow Wilson

President of US during WW1
view enshrined in Fourteen Points
Stalled war effort by Americans


Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

Powder Keg of Europe

ready to ignite war if one bad thing happens
Triple Entente and Alliance had stake here= high tension

Balkan League

an alliance between Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro to drive the Ottomans out of their land
weakened Ottomans

Battle of Verdun

longest battle of World War I
ended in stalemate
both sides suffering large casualties

Battle of the Somme

battle between German and British forces
Ending in a stalemate
three months long, high casualties
first use of tanks in warfare.

Senegalese Sharpshooters

Muslim soldiers from French West Africa
conscripted by French empire in World War I
fierce fighters

Paris Peace Conference

decided the terms of WWI peace and Treaty of Versailles
Only included leaders of allied nations
Dominated by "big four"- US,UK, France, Italy


a movement to create a nation state of Slavic people
Triple Entente's stake in the Balkans(Triple Alliance's stake was trade)

Treaty of London

Britain promised to defend Belgium
Led to Britain declaring war on Germany when Germany invaded Belgium in WW1

Scrap of Paper

Kaiser Wilhelm said Britain wouldn't defend Belgium when he invaded it because they are bound to a "scrap of paper"(London Treaty)

Race to the sea

German and Allied forces tried to outflank each other and block the enemy off by reaching the sea

Mesopotamia campaign

British and Indian(tigris corps) troops fighting Ottomans to protect British oil
ended in armistice of mudros

Thrasher Incident

German U-boatship Falaba
Killed 1st US citizen

Sinking of Lusitania

Cruise ship sunk by Germans
helped bring the US closer to involvement in WWI
128 Americans died


AKA non-interventionism
US originally avoided permanent alliance that didn't serve US interest
Kept US out of WW1 originally

Arthur Zimmerman

wrote note: secret offer to Mexico
rewarded land to Mexico if it declared war on U. S.
Led to US joining WW1

Women in WW1 Source

Women worked in factories to help war effort

Taxi Drivers Source

Male taxi drivers didn't want women taking their jobs

Women's Conference Source

Women bonded together across countries
Started peacefully, women became restless

Letters from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin at Verdun

Soldiers view of WW1(battle of verdun)
They tried to think of happy things to distract them from the horrors
Friends died=traumatic experience

Christmas Memo Source

German leaders told Germany it had to attack citizens of enemies
prepared by Falkenhayn

British and French division of Middle East in Mandate System

Britain added German East Africa(now Tanzania)
France expanded West African holdings

Weimar Republic

government of Germany created after WW1
Faced with war debts, political turmoil, and rising inflation

Mandate System

Britain and France to prepare former Ottoman and German territories for independence

Armenian Genocide

The massacre of Armenians conducted by Ottoman officials during WWI
Response to Armenians who supported Russia during WW1 in hopes of becoming independent
1.5 million Armenians died

Balfour Declaration

British promised land as homeland for Jews in exchange for Jewish help in WW1

Mutiny of the Aisne

1/2 of French forces refused to fight
Morale was low

Hundred Days Offensive/campaign

Series of battles that pushed German lines back to where they were in 1914

Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Involved 1.2 million US troops- largest ever
Within 3 hours, used more ammunition than whole Civil War

Ernest Hemingway WW1

Wrote about Italian Front
Biggest source, otherwise it would be forgotten

WW1 southern front

AKA Italian Front
largely written by Ernest Hemingway
Italy v. Austria Hungary
War of attrition

Russo-Japanese War

War between Russia and Japan
Japan wins
government weakened- Russian liberal and radical groups took advantage and demanded reform

Bloody Sunday

peaceful march by russians
turned deadly when Czar's guards fire on crowd


Russian councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers
led strike against Tsar Nicholas II

Nicholas II

Last tsar of Russia
forced to abdicate during Russian Revolution


The elected parliament
Made by Tsar Nicholas II to make it seem that he was giving the people power
In reality: Tsar could easily rid of it if laws he didn't like were made

March (February) Revolution

Russian working-class women march through Petrograd, demanding stop to bread rationing
caused the tsar to abdicate
on International Women's Day


a system of government by one person with absolute power
Russia with Tsar Nicholas II


means "majority"led by Lenin+Trotsky
Marxist revolutionaries
Eventually led Russia

July Days

when the Bolsheviks rose up but ended up failing
hardened political lines in Russia
Bolsheviks were arrested

Treaty of Brest-livotsk

Stated Russia's withdrawal from WWI
allowed Germans to concentrate on the western front


The secret police under Lenin and his Communist Party
Unleashed "Red Terror

Red terror

Unleashed by Cheka to hunt down "class enemies"
Against "White" army, or peasants to seize surpluses

Alexander Kerensky

socialist leader of provisional Russian government
Faced Bolsheviks trying to push ideas and events

Vladimir Lenin

leader of the Bolsheviks
became head of government after November Revolution

New economic policy

When Lenin's government restored some private businesses

Socialism in one country

Idea that the Soviet Union had the ability to build socialism on its own

Five-year plans

Launched by Stalin
Squeezed capital needed for industrialization out of Soviet people, since USSR had cut foreign ties

Socialism v. Communism

social theory advocating community control of the means of production
social system based on collective ownership of all productive property

Too Proud to Fight" speech

Wilson says war not necessary to solve problems(diplomacy instead)


Dictated peace"
German term for the Treaty of Versailles
they were forced to sign

War Guilt Clause

in treaty of Versailles
declared germany and austria responsible for WWI

Young Turks

rose to power as response to growing unrest in Ottoman Empire
Joined Central Powers, defeated by Russians whom Armenians supported
Blamed Armenians for loss- carried out genocide

Three Pashas

Leaders of the Ottoman Empire
pushed new policy to hold on to remaining empire

Pillars of Autocracy

only Tsar ran Russia
nobility owned all land
no elections for government positions
secret police who enforced tsar's will
tsar=head of Orthodox Church

Nicholas the Bloody

Nickname for Nicholas in protest to Bloody Sunday
In response, Nicholas II anounced elected assembly that would advise government

October Manifesto

issued by Nicholas II
promised constitution and establishment of Duma

Willy-Nicky telegrams

Telegrams between rulers of Germany and Russia to try to prevent the war

November(October) Revolution

Bolsheviks led by Trotsky and Lenin claimed power in name of the soviets proclaimed a full-scale revolution

Joseph Stalin

Bolshevik revolutionary
head of the Soviet Communists
led the Soviet Union with an iron fist

Women's Progressive Party

Russian feminists demanding suffrage

April Theses: The Bolshevik Opposition source

Lenin rejects support for Provisional Government

Speech to the Petrograd Soviet

Lenin fights for a soviet government

Fake Views: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of Soviet Photoshopping

doctored Soviet pictures to make leaders look better
new form of propaganda

Revolutions in Russia source

summary of Russian Revolution
Nicholas II was hated

Program of the Women's Progressive Party source

outlines new rights for Russians
removes militarism
gives Russian women more freedom

Authoritarianism v. Totalitarianism

allowed some individual freedom
rulers wanted all power over government
rulers wanted all power over everything; not just politics

Communism v. Fascism

Relies on working class
relies on middle and upper class