
A charter allowed two things. What were those two things that a charter allowed?
1. ___________________________________

- Gave you a certain amount of land.
- They gave you the right to start a colony.

Rights we are born with and the purpose of government is to protect them.

- Natural Rights

A type of government where people elect representatives to take their place in the government.

- Representative government

Everyone has to obey the law including people in government.

- Rule of law

The dividing of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branch.

- separation of powers

Each branch of the government has something it can do to the other branches preventing them from becoming extremely powerful.

- Checks and balances

Salutary Neglect was _______________________________________.

- a period of time in colonial history when English ignored the colonies.

What did the war do that cause a problem?

- It caused debt for the English.

The Proclamation of 1763

- The law banned people in certain western lands. To save money by keeping people away from the Indians; they would have to send out troops to help them from the Indians which would cause the English money.

The Sugar Act of 1764

- Tax to raise money and control smuggling to pay off the debt from the war.

Writs of Assistance

- It's a general or blank search warrant where it allows the authority to search anytime, anywhere, anything.

The Stamp Act of 1765

- A tax on legal/paper documents to raise money

The Quartering Act of 1765

- Supposed to be illegal, putting soldiers up in private homes without paying rent. The homeowner was supposed to allow that and feed them. Saves Money

The Declaratory Act of 1766

- A law passed by Parliament that says they have the power to pass laws that have an impact on the colonies, even if they are not doing it at the moment.

The Tea Act of 1773

- The law that gave the East India Company the right to sell tea in the colonies without tax. This would put other tea sellers out of business, creating a monopoly for the East India Company.

______________________________ became the rallying cry of the colonists against British taxes.

- "No Taxation Without Representation

In each colony they set up a group of people whose job it was to keep all the colonies informed about what was going on. These groups were called 40.committees of correspondence .


The colonists also formed secret societies such as the _________________________________________- whose plan was to cause trouble so more colonists would be against the British

- Sons & Daughters of Liberty

Two events that greatly united the colonies were the ____________________________________ in which a number of unarmed civilians were killed by British soldiers and the _____________________________ in which colonists destroyed British property by throwin

- The Boston Massacre
- The Boston Tea Party

- Conditions became so bad that the colonies called for a meeting of representatives from each colony to decide what to do about the trouble in Boston. This meeting was called the ___________________________________________ The representatives decided at

- First Continental Congress

Fighting broke out in ____________________ and ___________________ two towns in Massachusetts. People were killed on both sides (British and Colonies) and property destroyed.

- Lexington
- Concord

So, the representatives met again in Philadelphia to decide what to do. This meeting was called the _______________________________. At this meeting the representatives decided to organize a _______________ and made ___________________ to command that arm

- Second Continental Congress
- army
-Geroge Washington

Finally they decided to draft a document called the _____________________________________ to free themselves from British control.

- Declaration of Independence

A written document from a government or ruler that grants certain rights to an individual, group, organization, or to people in general. In colonial times, a charter granted land to a person or a company along with the right to start a colony on that land

- charter

Committees that began as voluntary associations and were eventually established by most of the colonial governments. Their mission was to make sure that each colony knew about events and opinions in the other colonies. They helped to unite the people agai

- committees of correspondence

An organization formed by women prior to the American Revolution. They got together to protest treatment of the colonies by their British rulers. They helped make the boycott of British trade effective by making their own materials instead of using Britis

- Daughters of Liberty

The body of colonial delegates who convened to represent the interests of the colonists and protest British rule. The First Continental Congress met in 1774 and drafted a Declaration of Rights.

- First Continental Congress

The body of delegates representing the colonies that met in 1775 shortly after the start of the Revolutionary War. They organized the Continental Army, called on the colonies to send troops, selected George Washington to lead the army, and appointed a com

- Second Continental Congress

An organization created in 1765 in every colony to express opposition to the Stamp Act. A popular goal of the organization was to force stamp distributors throughout the colonies to resign.

- Sons of Liberty

Documents giving a governmental authority the power to search and seize property without restrictions.

- writs of assistance

Which of the following were characteristics of colonial governments? Select all that apply:
1) Colonial governments were designed to protect the colonists from the abuse of power by both the British government and their own colonial governments.
2) Coloni

- 1
- 2
- 4
- 5

True or False: In 1774, the committees of correspondence called for representatives from all the colonies to meet once a year to discuss the interests of all the colonies.

- True

True or False: The Revolutionary War began in 1775 when colonists fired on British troops trying to capture hidden guns and supplies they thought were in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

- True

True or False: In 1775, the Second Continental Congress decided to raise an army, resist the British, and free the colonies from British rule.

- True

True or False: In 1776, the Second Continental Congress asked a committee to draft the Declaration of Independence explaining why the colonies wanted to free themselves from British rule.

- True

The idea of higher law and that all have to obey it including those in the government is called?

- Rule of Law

In order to start a colony in British north america you needed a/an....

- charter

Which law allowed the British East India Company to sell their product to the colonies without a tax.

- The Tea Act

That period of time when England pretty much ignored her colonies was called?

- The Salutary Neglect Era

A result of the French and Indian War was?

- A victory for England
- Doubled the size of the English land in North America
- A very large debt

Which law prevented settlers from moving west and saved England money

- Proclamation of 1763

Dividing the government into different branches is called?

- The separation of powers

The purpose of government in a democracy is to

- Protect our natural rights

A secret group formed to promote independence from England was the

- Sons of Liberty

In each colony a group of people were set up to keep all the informed of what was happening. These groups were called?

- Committees of correspondence

England closed the port of Boston to punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party. The colonists called a meeting to decide what to do about this and that meeting was called?

- The First Continental Congress

Which law allowed the British to house soldiers in private homes

- The Quartering Act

Fighting broke out between the British and the colonists in which of the following towns?

- Lexington
- Concord

After this fighting broke out between the British and the Colonists a meeting was called to decide what to do about it. What was that meeting called?

- The Second Continental Congress

The Declaration of Independence was drafted and written by the

- The Second Continental Congress

Which of the following allowed British authorities to search any place at any time for anything?

- A writ of assistance

What word means a refusal to buy or participate?

- A boycott

Which of the following was a rallying cry of the colonists?

- " No taxation without representation

The Second Continental Congress formed an army and made ___________________ its commander

- George Washington

Giving each branch of government something it can do to the other two branches to keep then from becoming autocratic is called the

Checks and Balance System