Chapter 6 & 7 Review


This is the time period when it is a time of change from old to new world, also known as the Early Modern Era (The big new trades across the world including spices, people, silver, and furs)

Vasco de Gama

Who is the Portuguese explorer who finds a sea route to Asia, going around Africa, making stops for two years, making it to India 1497-1499? (Europeans intentionally going to Asia because of good trading opportunities there unlike accidentally finding Ame

-mainly spices that could be used for food and medicines
-also in search of cotton from India and Silk from China

Why do Europeans travel East to trade in Asia?

There are now powerful National Monarchs who tax people and raise armies with gunpowder weapons

What are the political changes created in Europe after the plague?

There is now vibrant trade in Europe, cities are growing, and there are market economies meaning more supply and demand

What are the major economic changes in Europe after the plague?

private ownership

What is another new aspect of economies in Europe that meant merchants and others now own businesses (not just government and aristocrats like in the feudal system)

gold and silver

Originally Venice merchants and Muslims were controlling trade with Asia. Egypt was the exchange point because there they could collect the necessary goods that Asia would accept in a trade. What type of goods are these?

Prester John Myth

This myth led many Europeans to believe that they find a mythical Christian kingdom in Africa or Asia

The Portuguese had no economic leverage because European goods weren't worth much to Asians. The Portuguese had a much stronger navy than the Chinese who participated in mostly land trade, so their ships with cannons were able to quickly dominate the trad

Why did the Portuguese have to use military powers to dominate Indian Ocean Trade? Why couldn't they have joined the trade peacefully?

Kariyan Trade

The Portuguese participated in this type of trade in the Indian Ocean Trade because they didn't have wanted trading goods of their own. This is known as bringing trade from one area to a new one because a particular empire doesn't have their own goods to


The Portuguese, with their strong navy, overwhelms weaker states in the Indian Ocean to gain control and create bases there. What is the one state that they have to bribe and negotiate with the Chinese to use the port?

The Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean still account for over 50% of spice trade from 1500-1700 (Phonecians)

The Portuguese used a Trading Post Empire strategy with a goal of monopolizing the profitable spice trade in the Indian Ocean. They wanted to control the trade NOT the people or land there. Their strategy to do this was through military force and create b

The Portuguese were simply carrying trading items of other civilization and the Asians, Muslims, and other Europeans don't want them to dominate this trade so they can easily cut them off and trade directly with the source. They are also a very small coun

What are the factors of declining of Portuguese presence in the Indian Ocean?

Treaty of Zaragoza

treaty made by the pope in 1529 that stated Portugal controls East of the line and Spain controls West of the line


The Spanish explorer who first made it to the Philippines and also made the first voyage around the globe from 1519-1521

conversion to Christianity
Decreased role of women
tribute, taxes, unpaid labor, forced relocation for Natives

What is the impact of Spain creating a colony in the Philippines on the Native peoples (Spanish are able to conquer easily with little violence- Manila is the large, diverse, prosperous city in the Philippines that also included a large Chinese and Japane


The Southern island of the Philippines that continues to practice Islam, despite the rest of the islands converting to Christianity under Spanish rule

They traded via private trading companies. Private investors not government sponsored expeditions. Charters from kings: monopoly over trade, power to have army, conquer and rule over territory

The Dutch and British enter the Indian Ocean trade around the 1600's. They were stronger than Portugal both economically and militarily and force them out. What was their system of trade in the Indian Ocean?


Was it Britain or the Netherlands that controlled the spice trade from the Indonesian Islands and had a more powerful navy so therefore they controlled this trade more.


Was it Britain or the Netherlands that controlled the trade of Indian Textiles in the Indian Ocean?

They control the shipping and production of spices, come in with settlers and even control farms and production there. Indonesia is politically fragmented and no match for the trade by warfare method of Dutch, many Natives killed. They are extremely rich

Describe the Dutch East India Company

Queen Elizabeth grants a charter, exclusive right to trade between England and the East Indies, took advantage of the decline of the Mughal Empire in India, established settlements in India and textile centers, not as wealthy as Dutch East India Company s

Describe the British East India Company

The British Navy is strong enough to control the seas but army not strong enough to take Mughal army so negotiations are needed to build the three trading settlements of Bombay (Mumbai), Calcutta, and Madras

Why did the British East India Company have to negotiate with the Mughal Empire through payments and bribes for trading bases in India and what are they called?

feudal system

What political system does Japan use during this time period with Daimyo (like Lords) and Samurai (like knights)

European guns, shipbuilding, and Christianity seem beneficial to them, by 2nd half of 1500 almost 300,000 converts to Christianity

Why do the Japanese welcome European trade?

Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1850)

This Shogunate in Japan united Japan for the first time and their shogun, or military leader that has the real authority unlike the emperor, decided that Europe is a threat to this new unity so they kick out missionaries, forbid Japanese travel to Europe,

Japanese traders in the Indian Ocean received zero help from the government and acted independently; European merchants receive help from their governments if have trouble trading

What is the difference between Japanese and European traders

there were female merchants in the spice trade there

How is it evident that females had more rights in SE Asia (Indonesia)

the silver trade starts in the Americas where new deposits of silver are found in Bolivia (also some found in Japan) Potosi is the main mining town in Bolivia where silver is taken from, then transported to Alcapuco and from there Brough to the Philippine

Explain the silver trade across the globe

China is known as the silver drain because most silver ends up in China and never left. This is because China taxed citizens in silver so merchants would try to get this silver from European traders who had it, this resulted in the value of silver going u

Explain the silver drain


becomes the largest city in the Americas where the European elite live in luxury but Natives are forced into labor for mines with low wages and terrible conditions, but many business opportunities for Spanish and mestizos

gives Spain wealth but Spain doesn't use this wealth to change the economy, they are still focused on converting non-Christians and aristocrats are not interested in generating new businesses, this results in inflation which is a general rise in the price

What are the effects of silver on Spain

because Japan is able to mine silver, they make a large profit which helps the Tokugawa shogun to defeat daimyo and end civil wars to unite Japan. This allows the Japanese economy to flourish as a united country, the agriculture is supporting the populati

What are the effects of silver on Japan

more and more Chinese working for silver to pay taxes, many areas of China specialize in certain goods/crops for commerce to get silver but this is bad for the Chinese environment which loses many forests. Chinese goods become known all around the world b

What are the effects of silver on China

the Little Ice Age brings cold temperatures, there are fewer fur bearing animals in Europe because they have destroyed so many forests for agriculture. Siberia and North America is a great source of needed furs. North America has lots of fur bearing anima

Why does the global fur trade start?

they would trade to the natives weapons, blankets, rum, brandy, and metal tools

What did the French, British, and Dutch exchange for the furs and deerskin that were so profitable to them back home?

they are able to sell other goods to Europeans like ginseng root for medicine
rent land to Europeans
use currency (paper, coins) rather than just barter with goods

what are positive changes made the the Natives economy due to interaction with Europeans with the fur trade

Disease, duns results in warfares between tribes, alcohol leads to addiction and death, dependence on Europeans to make money/lose their way of life like using bow and arrows, Native American women lose power because they can't get furs and some are offer

what are the negative effects of the fur trade on the natives in America