Social Studies Exam #2

Committies of Correspondence

Vocab: method of communication between towns and colonies about how to challenge new British laws


Vocab: colonist who chose to fight for independence


Vocab: British soldiers wearing red uniforms


Vocab: Members of the local militia who were ready to fight at a minute's notice

Continental Army

Vocab: army created by the Second Continental Congress to carry out the fight against Britain


Vocab: colonist, sometimes called Tories, who remained loyal to Britain

1 million

What was the population in America prior to the American Revolution?

Appalachian Mountains

What natural landmass separated the British and French lands in Colonial America?

Fort Duquesne and Fort Necessity

What were the names of the two (2) forts that were in disagreement prior to the start of the French and Indian War?

They aligned with both

Who did the native tribes align with during the French and Indian War?

George Washington

Which British colonel who served in the French and Indian War eventually became the leader of the Revolutionary government?

Guerilla warfare" is when the war is not planned out and soldiers run out of nowhere. The British were not ready for this kind of war.

How did "guerilla warfare" differ from traditional combat during the French and Indian War?

38 years old

How old was King George III when the colonies declared independence from England?

King George III, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth II

Who are the three (3) longest serving monarchs within British royalty?

Prince Charles, Prince William, and then Prince George

Who are the next three (3) monarchs to serve as King of England?

The significance of the Proclamation of 1763 is there was an imaginary line that separates the British and the Native Americans. This prevented them from war.

What was the significance of the Proclamation of 1763?

Britain was in a lot of debt from the French and Indian War

What was the motivation (reason) for parliament's passing of The Stamp Act?

For Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act

What was the original goal of The Sons of Liberty?


When parliament repealed the Stamp Act, how did they attempt to raise/save money within the colonies?

to boycott all goods all British goods

What was the legal strategy used by the colonists to protest the acts / taxes passed by parliament?

Propaganda is to tell a story in an attempt to convince someone your view is correct regardless of facts

What is the definition of the term propaganda?

One of the most famous examples of propaganda is the painting of the Boston Massacre "Bloody Massacre

What is considered one of the most famous examples of propaganda used in the years prior to the American Revolution?

Paul Revere

Who was the creator / designer of the famous example of propaganda ("The Bloody Massacre") mentioned in question

Not everything in his painting was factual. They were trying to make the people turn away from the British

In which ways does the example of propaganda demonstrate the idea of propaganda?

March 5, 1770

What was the date of the Boston Massacre?

All of the soldiers were not guilty of murder. 6 were found not guilty of anything but 2 were found guilty of manslaughter.

What happened to the soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

Which future leader of America played a key role in helping us determine what actually happened during the Boston Massacre and corrected the propaganda?

John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Sam Adams.

Who were the three (3) most famous leaders of The Sons of Liberty?

John Hancock was a man who inherited his uncle's business and got tons of money and became the wealthiest man in Boston. The Sons of Liberty called for business and he is 100% in favor of this because he wants more money. John Hancock started to smuggle g

Who was John Hancock and why was his association with the Sons of Liberty so important?

December 16, 1773

What was the date of the Boston Tea Party?

British East India Company

What was the name of the company that had its tea dumped into Boston Harbor at Griffin's Wharf?


How many crates of tea were destroyed during the Boston Tea Party?

the Netherlands

From which country did the colonists smuggle tea in order to avoid paying taxes on the British tea?

Dartmouth, Beaver, Eleanor

What were the names of the three British ships targeted by the Sons of Liberty during the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament responded to the Boston Tea Party by passing the Coercive Acts which meant closing the Boston Harbor until they paid for the tea

How did parliament respond to the Boston Tea Party?

At the meeting, they decided if they should declare independence from Britain

What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress?

Thomas Gage

Who was in charge of the British military within the colonies?

They were determined because they wanted the gunpowder from the colonists very bad

Why were the British determined to march to Concord, Massachusetts?

# 1 He was trying to tell Sam Adams and John Hancock because they are part of the Sons of Liberty.
# 2 He is trying to also tell all of the townspeople

What were the goals of Paul Revere when he made his legendary "Midnight Ride"?

It is propaganda because the British stopped him before he could get to Concord. This is propaganda because in the story told today it says Paul Revere made it to Concord ( which he did not), and the stories also did not say "The British are coming".This

In which way is the story of Paul Revere's 'Midnight Ride' an example of propaganda?

It is because the soldiers were stopped by minutemen in Lexington for a battle

Why is the city of Lexington, Massachusetts considered historical?

The British won the Battle of Lexington and the minutemen won the Battle of Concord

Who won the Battle of Lexington? Who won the Battle of Concord?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Where were the Continental Congresses held?

James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin

Who were the famous delegates at the Second Continental Congress?

John Hancock

Who was the president of the Second Continental Congress?

Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold

Which two (2) individuals became famous at Fort Ticonderoga?

John Adams

Who recommended / suggested the idea of creating a Continental Army?

Thomas Jefferson

When George Washington left the Continental Congress to lead the Continental Army, who took his place as a delegate from Virginia?

The battle was not actually at Bunker Hill it is at Breed's Hill

What is the most interesting fact about The Battle of Bunker Hill?

It is because that is where the gunpowder and cannons are. They used that equipment to protect Boston

Why is Fort Ticonderoga considered historical?


Which colony proposed the idea of independence?

Richard Henry Lee

Which delegate proposed the idea of independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was chosen to author the declaration of independence?

They signed and confirmed the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776, but they declared independence on July 2, 1776

Why is technically inaccurate to say that America declared its independence on July 4, 1776?

No taxation without representation

What was the motto used to protest the acts / taxes by parliament?

I am not a Virginian, I am an American" and "Give me liberty, or give me death.

The two mottos Patrick Henry said?

Some examples are they burned houses and attacked using violence to get rid of the King

What are some examples of illegal acts used by the colonists to protest the acts / taxes passed by parliament?