Imperialism and Nationalism


expanding a nation by taking over another nation.


the people who take over


the people who have been taken over

social darwinism

A stronger society take over weaker societies. According to this theory, this is a natural process that should occur. This theory was used by Europeans to justify taking over other countries.


a system of indirect rule where a small country is ruled by and/or protected by a larger country

direct rule

a system of governing used by many imperial nations where the home country directly governs the smaller country and is involved in all country isues

indirect rule

a system of governing in which the colonized keep their own government, but the colonists have the final say.

sphere of influence

a region where only one imperial power has the right to invest or trade. No other nation can do business in the region.

exploitation/ exploit

to take advantage of someone/something at the cost of someone else

White Man's Burden

Poem written by Kipling which argued that it was the duty of the European Nations to civilize the rest of the world despite resistance they might encounter. This became the anthem for imperialism

The Berlin Confrence

During European Imperialism, 14 nations met in Berlin to discuss how to divide Africa for themselves. African nations were not consulted on the process and Europeans paid no attention to ethnic or language boundaries. As a result there continue to be conf

British East India Company

Controlled most of India during the period of Imperialism. they worked to force out other nations that threatened their economic interests in India

Zulu War

6 month conflict between the British Empire and the Zulu Empire in Africa. It was caused by Britain taking Zulu land and resources. The war resulted in British defeat of the Zulu and their territory fell under British control in the late 1800's


Also knows as the Afrikaners. A group of Africaans-speaking people who lived in South Africa for several centuries. They were descendants of Dutch settlers


Indian soldiers hired by the British East India company to protect their economic interests in India

Sepoy Rebellion

Rebellion in India towards the British East India Company. The hired Muslim and Hindu soldiers rebelled against unfair British rule

Jewel of the Crown

the nickname the British gave India because they were the most valuable of all Britain's colonies. India was a major supplier of raw materials. It also provided a huge potential market for British goods.

Opium War

1800-1914: A series of wars fought between Britian and China. It began when Britain refused to stop the trade of an addictive drug in China. China was defeated and this signaled the beginning of the increase of foreign influence in China

Boxer Rebellion

Chinese rebellion started by a secret society of Chinese people who believed many of China's problems were caused by foreigners. This rebellion was brought to an end and foreigners gained more control over China as a result.

Liberia and Ethiopia

The only 2 African nations to remain free of European control during the time of imperialism

Britain and France

the 2 nations that claimed the most territory during the 'Scramble for Africa'

Open Door Policy

Adopted by the US, this stated that all nations would have equal trading rights in China. This was created by the US because they wanted to continue trading with China and feared European nations might carve up China the saw way they did Africa, which wou

Russo-Japanese War

Russia vs. Japan over the island of Korea. Japan defeated Russia. This was significant because it proved that Japan had industrialized more quickly that another imperial nations thought and showed that they had the naval power to defeat a major European n

Monroe Doctrine

This was a policy created by the US which stated that European nations could not build colonies in the Americas (the Western Hemisphere). This served as a warning to European countries.

Panama Canal

Built by the US across the isthmus of Panama. It was built because the US wanted to be able to sail from the East to west coast of the US more easily, send merchants quickly to Asia and protect their territories in the Pacific. The US was given access to


policy of limiting contact with foreigners. This was used by both Japan and China leading into the period of Imperialism.


the act of violent resistance to an established government or ruler

raw materials

the basic things from which products are made