Chapter 5 Quiz

What was the Stamp Act?

Parliament passed a tax stating that all printed material had to have a stamp on it

What was the goal of the Sugar Act?

To stop molasses smuggling between the colonies and the French West Indies

After many boycotts and protests by the Sons of Liberty, Parliament finally ______________ the Stamp Act


What items did the Townshend Acts tax?

tea, glass, ink, paper, etc.

How were the Townshend Acts different than the Stamp Act?

Townshend Acts taxed imported goods

What were the Declaratory Acts?

Passed the same day the Stamp Act was repealed, stated that Parliament could tax colonies in "all cases

What even occurred in 1770 as a result of rising tension between the redcoats in Boston and the colonists?

Boston Massacre

Colonial leaders used the Boston Massacre as __________


As a result of the Boston Massacre, Parliament.....

repealed all of the Townshend Acts except the one placed on tea

To save the British East India Company from going under, Parliament passed ___________

the Tea Act

Colonists responded to the Tea Act with what event?

Boston Tea Party

Parliament punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party by passing these acts

Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

One act of the Coercive Acts stated that....

Boston Harbor was to be closed until the colonists paid for the ruined tea

Colonists renamed the Coercive Acts the _____________

Intolerable Acts

What is the Continental Congress?

A political body formed to lead and govern the colonies

The "shot heard 'round the world" occurred in what town?


Why were the redcoats marching to Concord?

they got word that the colonial militia was storing arms and ammunition there

Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British

Why did the British want to capture Bunker Hill?

It was a favorable/strategic location that overlooked Boston/Boston Harbor

Individuals who didn't want to separate from Great Britain were referred to as ____________


Individuals who were fighting for our independence from Great Britain were referred to as __________


Who was the Commander of the Continental Army?

George Washington

How many sections does the Declaration of Independence have?


One job of the Second Continental Congress was to:

authorize the printing of money

The Declaration of Independence was passed on this date

July 4th, 1776