HIST 116 Final Timeline

One of the first attempts to unify the colonies (didn't work)

Albany Congress

End of the Seven Years War between Britain and France

Treaty of Paris

Britain forbid colonial settlement past the Appalachian mountains

Proclamation of 1763

ordered the withdrawal of colonial paper currencies from circulation

Currency Act

also called the Revenue Act
aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses and increasing revenue to pay off British debt incurred during the Seven Years' War
provided for strong customs enforcement of the duties on sugar and molasses impo

Sugar Act

imposed duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents
led to the Stamp Act Congress
Stamp Act riots in the summer
led to first nonimportation agreements
repealed by Parliament in 1766

Stamp Act

imposed new tariffs on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea
colonists responded with more nonimportation agreements (that continue through 1770)
Parliament repealed all of them except for the one on tea in 1770

Townshend Acts


Boston Massacre


Gaspee Affair

first set up in 1772
HMS Gaspee driven aground, looted, and burned in RI
King George decreed that the raiders be tried in England
led to the creation of Committees of Correspondence

Committees of Correspondence

reduced the price of British East India Company tea to save them from bankruptcy
Boston Tea Party response

Tea Act

response to the Boston Tea Party
Boston Port Act
Quartering Act
Administration of Justice Acts
Massachusetts Government Act

Intolerable Acts

colonial response to the Intolerable Acts
met in Philadelphia in October of 1774
Suffolk Resolves
Declaration and Resolves (extends the boycott and colonies stating their rights--a policy statement)
the Continental Association (setting up local committees

First Continental Congress

King declares Massachusetts in a state of rebellion
Lord North's Conciliatory Proposal

February, 1775

April 19, 1775
Continental Congress was scheduled to meet in May; b/c of Lexington and Concord, decided it was necessary

Lexington and Concord

May, 1775

Second Continental Congress

June, 1775

Battle of Bunker Hill

July, 1775

Olive Branch Petition

Washington appointed as Commander in Chief of Continental Army

July, 1775

King declares all colonies in a state of rebellion

August, 1775

November, 1775

Lord Dunmore's Proclamation

December, 1775
Colonial ships no longer under British protection (fair game for attack)

Prohibitory Act

Winter of 1775/1776

Invasion of Canada

Common Sense is published

January, 1776

Continental Congress instructs the colonies to make new governments

May, 1776

Virginia Proposal

May-July 1776

Declare Independence

July, 1776

states creating new state constitutions and governments


Battle of New York in September
Staten Island Peace Conference (an attempt to stop the war and come to peace; not successful)

Summer/Fall 1776

Washington Crosses the Delaware
Battle of Trenton
Washington pleads with his soldiers before Battle of Trenton to stay on another six weeks even though their terms are up
there's a big resurgence in morale as a result of the victory over the Hessians

December, 1776

British take Philadelphia in September
Continental Congress Flees

Fall 1777

Battle of Saratoga
6000 British soldiers surrender
not as many loyalists as British think
Leads to French alliance

October 1777

Articles of Confederation approved and sent to the states for ratification

November 1777

Army encamps at Valley Forge
a lot of suffering and no supplies
Shows weakness of Continental Congress

Winter 1777

French alliance
the states now seen as a nation in a diplomatic context

February 1778

Articles of Confederation go into effect (Second Continental Congress ends and Confederation Congress takes over)


October 1781
French are crucial
British surrender
in retrospect, end of the war

Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris signed by British, French, and Americans (no NA's)
George Washington resigns commission in December


Mount Vernon Conference


Annapolis Conference proposes revising Articles of Confederation; invitation to meet next year


Massachusetts 1786-7
Demonstrated need for stronger national government

Shays' Rebellion

May-September 1787
Drafts Constitution
Goes to states for ratification debates

Constitutional Convention

originally published in New York
Madison, Hamilton, Jay

Federalist Papers

first elections?beginning of new U.S. government
George Washington is president
John Adams is vice president


British Strategy: Show of force
Lexington and Concord
War in Massachusetts (New England, generally) and Quebec (invasion of Canada)

Phase 1

British Strategy: Seize a major city
want to cut off New England from the support of the other colonies
Battle of New York (Washington retreats)
Christmastime battle in NJ

Phase 2

British Strategy: Split colonies in half and capture Philly
War moves to Middle Colonies (PA, NJ)
20% of American forces killed during this phase (Valley Forge, etc.)
Saratoga in late 1777
French Alliance

Phase 3

War moves to South (because British think there are loyalists there)
Yorktown in 1781?help from French Navy
British trying to defend holdings in Caribbean
French alliance really matters during this period of the war

Phase 4