Unit 5: Imperialism


the comquering of other countries and lands to spread cultures, ideas, and influence

Scramble for Africa

term used for different European country's conquering of different parts of Africa


Indian soldiers used in British army

Sepoy Mutiny

Rebellion of sepoys in 1857 which leads the British government to take over control in India.


British rule over India from 1757 to 1947

Jewel in the Crown

Name given to India to show just how economically important India was to Britain

King Leopold II

Belgium King who claimed Congo during the Scramble of Africa

Congo Free State

colony in Africa owned by Belgium

Berlin Conference

A conference set up in the nineteenth century where representatives of different European countries came together to set up guidelines to which part of Africa is going to be ruled by who and how

Zulu Kingdom

The people of modern Southern Africa who were united under King Shaka in 1887

Anglo-Zulu War

A war started in 1879 between Britain and Zulu after Zulu's refusal to sign an unfair treaty by the British

Boer Wars

The fight for freedom by the Dutch people from the British from late nineteenth century into early twentieth century which turned out to be a failed attempt

Opium Wars

Conflict that rose from 1839-1842 after British was corrupting the Chinese people's minds influencing them to become addicted to opium so that they paid Britain a lot of money to grow poppy to make opium. Opium trade was banned in China

Treaty of Nanking

Treaty between Britain and China that gave Hong Kong to Britain and opened four Chinese cities for trade

Open Door Policy

Policy created by the United States that stopped colonies from forming in China but allowed free trade anywhere in China

Taiping Rebellion

A rebellion of the peasants against the Qing dynasty in the mid-nineteenth century

Boxer Rebellion

A revolt in China in the twentieth century for the purpose of ending foreign influence in China

Indian National Congress

Political party that was formed in 1885 that fought for the Indian government to have more of an influence on the people

Corvee laborers

Labor workers of Egypt who were not paid to build the Suez Canal

penal colony

A colony where people who would originally be put in prison were sent to.

Direct rule

A colony that is completely controlled by a foreign country and is under full influence of that foreign power

Indirect rule

A ruling over a larger amount land through representatives of a foreign country

Social Darwinism

The belief that only people with money for food and shelter and other necessities are the only people who will survive and the people who lack those necessities will die out

Suez Canal

A vital canal in Egypt for the British


People of France, the Netherlands, and Germany who moved in South Africa for economical benefit

Cecil Rhodes

Military commander of the British who financially supported British expansion in Africa

Empress Cixi

Chinese emperor who fought for reformation and the Boxer Rebellion. She died and her 5 year old child was left the throne

Herbert Spencer

The creator of Darwinism's influence on society

David Livingstone

A missionary from Scotland who traveled to Central Africa and founded the Zambezi River

Economic Imperialism

A country's business and economic powers being used or derived from another country

What were the motivations for imperialism?

There were three main motivations for imperialism. One motivation was religion influence where missionaries would be sent to other countries to promote a religion. Another motivation was the finding of colonies that provided many useful natural resources.

What technologies allowed for European imperialism?

One technology that allowed Europe to influence other countries was the steam engine which allowed faster and father travel. Another was medicines that allowed the British to be cured of foreign diseases like malaria. Lastly was advanced weapons like the

What features initially inhibited European imperialism of Africa?

Africa was a continent if many kingdoms and cultures. No two kingdoms spoke the same language which made it very hard to Europe to connect with them and find a way to unite Africa under European rule.

What effects did the Berlin Conference have on the African continent?

The effects of the Berlin Conference brought the cutting out of pieces of Africa for other European countries to take over which brought a larger diversity of culture within Africa. Africa also lost a lot of power over its own countries to foreign influen

What were race relations like in South Africa following the South African War (Boer War)?

Following the South African War, the Afrikaners lost a great deal of the power they just received to the British. The British were originally going to leave them alone until they found mineral deposits in the Afrikaners land in which they fought for and r

How did the British East India Company take economic control over India?

The British East India Company was a private company that received so much power that it basically ruled India. India needed the resources of the BEIC so they gave them the power to make laws, make arrests, form an army, and make their own money.

Why was the Sepoy Mutiny a turning point in British imperialism over India?

It put India in a bad place with British powers to the point where the British government went to India to completely take over rule of the Indian people.

What type of imperialism did the British employ over India?

British employed direct rule over India

What benefits did India get from being under British rule?

Being under British rule, India was guaranteed safety from collapsing. They were also modernized with weapons and medicines from the British. Lastly, India received produced goods from Britain which were essential to living.

What disadvantages did India experience as a result of British rule?

With advantages came disadvantages. Britain forced India to only trade with Britain which prevented them from getting any other goods from other countries. India was to give their raw materials only to Britain and were under strict force by Britain. Chris

What was the attitude of the Chinese towards Europeans in the 18th century? How did this contribute to China being carved up by Europe in the 19th century?

When China was first introduced to European goods, their ethnocentric attitude led them to scoff at how they weren't as modern in their goods as China was. This led Britain to find ways to gain a profit off of China which led to the Opium Wars. Eventually

How did the Opium Wars force the Chinese to adhere to British trade demands?

After the Opium Wars began, a China was desperate to get Britain to stop trading opium to the Chinese as it was dangerously addictive and people were giving all of their money towards opium. China eventually gave in to the British to bring justice for the

What impact did the Open Door Policy have on China?

The Open Door Policy allowed China to restore back to outs old traditions as other foreign influences were pushed out of China. China originally allowed other countries to only trade with Canton but with the Open Door Policy, any country was now allowed t

How was the Boxer Rebellion a reaction to imperialism?

The Boxer Rebellion was a fight against foreign countries to end their influence in China. This is a reaction as it's that the Chinese do not want to be influenced by another country and want to go back to their old traditions.

What actions did the Chinese government take to modernize? Why were they unsuccessful?

To modernize, the government tried to get rid of foreign influence in their country. They were unsuccessful as they weren't as modernized as Europe and faced humiliating defeats in both the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion.

How did European imperialism contribute to nationalism in Africa, Asia, and throughout the globe?

Europeans influenced many parts of Africa and Asia. This inspired nationalism as these continents were desperate to go back to their own ways and brought them together to fight against European powers to restore their cultures .