Harvard Westlake- Mr. Cutler- Unit 5

What was the Ottoman Empire?

-A Turkish Empire led by a sultan
-Located in Anatolia (Asia Minor)
-Capital: Istanbul (previously Constantinople)
-Religion: Islam

What were the reasons for the decline of Ottoman Empire?

Ottoman started to lose territory and military; Lost many wars to European and other countries
Economy Crisis
Empire slowly falling apart
(After Suleiman- Before Selim)

What were the reactions within the Ottoman Empire to the decline?
("Where do we go from here?" "What do we do?" "How do we change this?")

1. We should do nothing
-said by the people who were okay with the decline (Janissaries)
2. We should modernize-We've slipped behind
-Copy the Europeans cause they are superior
3. God is punishing us
-"He's mad because we are corrupted"
-Cultural Rebirth/

What was the Eastern Question? What was the British, French, and Russian response to the Eastern Question?

Q: What should the western powers do to "The Sick Man of Europe"?
A: (Russian) Take it's land!
A: (British and French) Keep Ottoman Empire in it's weaken state because that limits Russia's influence.

What was the Crimean War and what is the significance of the Crimean War?

British, French, Ottoman Empire vs. British
Showed how inferior the Ottoman Empire was because they had to ally with Christians which was completely against their religion


A turk in the period of the Ottoman Empire

Suleiman I

Suleiman the Magnificent"
Longest-reigning sultan

Selim III

reform-minded Sultan


guards of the Sultan

Mahmud II

sultan; wanted to westernize
created a new army; slaughtered Janissaries

Sick Man of Europe

nickname for the Ottoman Empire

What was the Great Game?

A political and diplomatic confrontation that existed for the most of the 19th century between Britain and Russia over Afghanistan and neighboring territories in Central and Southern Asia

Muhammad Ali

Father of Modern Egypt"
muslim leader from Albania
Sent to Egypt to restore order during reign of Selim
Takes over control of Egypt
Forces ottoman to call him Pasha (and they do which shows how weak the Ottoman Empire is)

What military and economic policies did Muhammad Ali pursue?

He wanted to reform the military and economy
(Modernize--> Westernize)
He grew cash crops to help with economy
Risk: because you're selling all these crops, could cause famine

What is the Suez Canal? What is the significance of the Suez Canal? How did the Suez Canal help contribute to the European takeover of Egypt?

Connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea; took 10 years to build (1859-1849)
Built using french money from private groups so they would have access
Spent $280 billion on just the opening celebration
Egypt is bankrupt
British steps in and buys the sh


Groups that shows opposition to Muhammad Ali; slave class that became privileged


Muhammad Ali's son who continued the reform (including Suez Canal)

Ferdinand de Lesseps

French man who built the Suez Canal

Lifeline of the Empire

Nickname from the British for the Suez Canal

What was the policy of the Kajar Shahs to modernization in the 19th century?

They wanted to modernize their military but to do that, they would have to modernize everything else

How did the Persians react to the policy?

Didn't want to modernize

How did this policy allow the Russians and British to gain influence in Persia?

Persia was resource rich but cash poor
Sells the right for countries to come in and mine for themselves

What triggered the Russians and the British to divide Persia into two spheres of influence in the early 20th century?

they noticed that there's a popular revolution
(Kajar-Shahs lose their peoples' loyalty)


one of the most significant dynasties in Iran

Kajar/Qajar Shahs

Term for the King of Persia during the Qajar dynasty

Nasir al-Din (Kajar Shah)

King of Persia

Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani

Led the Tobacco Boycott
A religious radical; sees things in religious terms; believes that Muslims need to modernize themselves

The Majlis

The Persians idea of a congress/council

Tobacco Boycott

a time where Persians cut off Britain to their tobacco supply and didn't let Britain keep their concession in Persia

Mughal Empire

Contemporary Empire
Controls India from 16th-19th century
Muslim Empire
Emperor: Mughal
Last High point: when Aurangzeb died (last great empire)

How did the British and Dutch come to an agreement about trade in the Indian Ocean?

Queen Mary (British) and King William (Dutch) became leaders of Britain
^Created an alliance between British and Dutch

What was the significance of the Seven Years' War to British imperialism in India?

This war was also going on in India at the time

Taj Mahal

Built in 1600's by Shah Jahan for his wife as a burial


Last Great Emperor of India

British East India Company

Established in 1600's
Given grant by the queen
Goal: look for trading opportunities in the East
Controlled by shareholders


One of the three trading centers in India that the British East India company had established


One of the three trading centers in India that the British East India company had established


One of the three trading centers in India that the British East India company had established

Seven Years War/French and Indian War

Started in the Americas
Involved many European Countries
Major cause of American Revolution
Fought wherever British and French had contact

Black Hole of Calcutta

After the Nawab of Bengal takes over Calcutta, 146 British residences of Calcutta were put into this small prison
(was possibly fake news)

Robert Clive

led the Battle of Plassey

Battle of Plassey

Battle that takes back Calcutta from Nawab of Bengal

What was the policy of the British East India Company to the Anglicization of India?

Anglicization: to make more like the English
British East India Company did not anglicize the regions they controlled --> afraid of opposition

Why was India referred to as the "Jewel in the Crown"?

It was the most valuable part of the imperial countries
full of natural resources
300 million people in India- large market

How did the numerically small British presence in India controll India?

British East India Company sent Sepoys to India so they could focus on improving their military tactics

What is the Indian Mutiny/ Sepoy Rebellion and how did the Indian Mutiny/ Sepoy Rebellion effect British imperial rule in India?

Cause: New guns were introduced and a rumor spread that the seal of the gunpowder was made of beef and pork fat
(Cattle-sacred to Hindu; Muslims cannot eat pork)
Sepoy fort in Meerut protest against cartridges and turns into a full riot
This effected Brit

Why did the Indian Mutiny/ Sepoy Rebellion fail?

1. Not all religions hated the British
2. Many regions stayed loyal
3. Mughal Empire becomes figurehead of their nationalism


Indian soldier fighting on behalf of the British East India Company


Custom in which, when a husband died, the wife would commit Suttee when the husband was being cremated (she would jump into the fire with him)

Bahadur Shah Zafar

Mughal Emperor


British power in India.