Lower Extremity

On a Skyline Knee, which condyle has more height than the other?


On an AP Distal Femur, what should be in profile?

Medial and lateral epicondyles

On an AP Proximal Femur, the ischial spine is aligned with __.

Pevlic Brin

On an AP Proximal Femur, what should be open?

Obturator Foramen

On an AP Proximal Femur, what is seen in profile laterally?

Greater trochanter

On an AP Proximal Femur, how should the Lesser Trochanter appear?

Superimposed by Proximal Femur

On an AP Proximal Femur, The affected Obturator foramen is narrowed and the iliac spine is seen without pelvic brim superimposition.. How was this mispositioned?

Rotated towards Femur

On an AP Proximal Femur, the Femoral neck is foreshortened and lesser trochanter is in profile. How was this mispositioned?

Leg not internally rotated

On an AP Distal Femur, the medial femoral condyle appears larger than the lateral. How was this mispositioned?

Leg was externally rotated

On a Distal Lateral Femur, the knee should be in a lateral position with what should be aligned?

Medial and lateral condyles

On an AP Proximal Femur, The affected Obturator foramen is open and the iliac spine is seen without pelvic brim superimposition, but closer to acetabulum. How was this mispositioned?

Rotated away from Femur

On a Proximal Lateral Femur, the lesser trochanter is in profile __.


On a Tunnel Knee, __ of the Fibular head is superimposed by the proximal Tibia.


On a Tunnel Knee, what is in profile?

Intercondylar fossa

On a Tunnel Knee, the patellar apex is __ to the intercondylar fossa.


On a Tunnel Knee, the fibula is __ distal to Tibial Plateau

1/2 inch

On a Sunrise Knee, the patellae are seen directly above intercondylar sulci and rotated laterally. The medial condyles are seem higher than lateral. How was this mispositioned?

Legs were externally rotated

On a Sunrise Knee, the soft tissue from the patients anterior thighs have been projected into patellae and patellofemoral joint spaces. How was this mispositioned?

Height of axial viewer was not set high enough to position the long axes of femurs parallel with imagin table

On a Sunrise Knee, the patellae are resting against the intercondylar sucli, obscuring the patellofemoral joint spaces. How was this miuspositioned?

Posterior knee curve was positioned at or below bend of axial viewer

On a Sunrise Knee, the tibial tuberosities are seen in the patellofemoral joint spaces. How was this mispositioned?

Posterior knee curve was positioned too far above the bend of axial viewer

On a Proximal Lateral Femur, femoral neck and head are superimposed by what?

Greater Trochanter

On a Proximal Lateral Femur, the greater trochanter should be on the same transverse level as what?

Femoral head

On a Proximal Lateral Femur, the greater trochanter is seen medially (next to ischial tuberosity) and lesser trochanter is obscured. How was this mispositioned?

Pelvis is overrated, medial condyle is anterior

On a Proximal Lateral Femur, the greater trochanter is seen laterally, and lesser trochanter is obscured. How was this mispositioned?

Pelvis under-rotated, medial condyle posterior

On a Distal Lateral Femur, the lateral and medial femoral condyles are seen without alignment. Medial condyle is posterior. How was this mispositioned?

Patella was too far from IR, leg internally rotated

On an AP Pelvis, the ischial spine should be aligned with what?

Pelvic Brim

On an AP Pelvis, the sacrum and coccyx are aligned with what?

Sym Pubis

On an AP Pelvis, the Femoral necks are see without foreshortening. The __ trochanter is in profile laterally and __ trochanter is superimposed by Femoral necks.

Greater ; Less

On an AP Pelvis, the Rt obturator foramen is narrowed, the Rt ischial spine is seen without pelvic brim superimpostioned and sacrum and coccyx are pointed towards left. How was this mispositioned?

The patient is rotated towards the Right

On an AP Pelvis, the femoral necks are foreshortened and the lesser trochanters are in profile medially. How was this mispositioned?

Legs were externally rotated

On an AP Hip, the ischial spine should be aligned with what? Sacrum & Coccyx aligned with what?

Pelvic Brim, Sym Pubis

On an AP Hip, the sacrum and coccyx are pointing away from affected him. How was this mispositioned?

Patient rotated towards affected hip

On a Lateral Hip, the __ is in profile medially.

Lesser trochanter

On a Lateral Hip, the __ trochanter is superimposed over the Femoral Neck.

Greater Trochanter

If the Sacrum and Coccyx are towards the right, what way is the patient rotated?

Towards the left

If the sacrum and coccyx are towards the left, what way is the patient rotated?

Towards the right

How to find centering for AP Hip?

Line from ASIS to pubis, 90* inferiolateral 1 1/2 inches to locate hip joint

On a Lateral Hip, __* abduction.


On a Lateral Hip, over abduction puts the greater trochanter in the __ __.

Femoral head

On a Lateral Hip, under flexion of knee puts the greater trochanter too __ and in the __ __

Laterally, Femoral Head

On a Lateral Hip, the GT is positioned medially and LT is obscured. How was this mispositioned?

Knee was over flexed

On a Lateral Hip, GT is seen lateral. How was this mispositioned?

Knee not flexed enough

On an Axiolateral Hip, __ trochanter is seen posterior.


On an Axiolateral Hip, __ trochanter is superimposed by Femoral shaft.


On an Axiolateral Hip, the soft tissue from unaffected leg is superimposed over acetabulum and Femoral head of affected hip. How was this mispositioned?

Unaffected leg was not high enough

On an Axiolateral Hip, the greater trochanter is seen at a transverse level that is proximal to lesser trochanter, and femoral neck is foreshortened. How was this mispositioned?

CR angle to the Femur was too much

On an Axiolateral Hip, the GT is seen posteriorly and LT is superimposed over femoral shaft. How was this mispositioned?

Leg was externally rotated

On an Axiolateral Hip, the cassette should be __* to ASIS - pubis line with top of IR at __

90, Crest

On an Axiolateral Hip, what is the correct rotation of the leg for the GT in correct position?

Internal rotation

On an Axiolateral Hip, __ rotation places GT too posterior.


On an Axiolateral Hip, if there is too much angle, the obturator foramen is ___.

Very low

On an Axiolateral Hip, the __ trochanter is in profile inferiorly.


On an Axiolateral Hip, the __ trochanter is in profile superiorly.


On an Axiolateral Hip,, what should ALWAYS be used?


On an Axiolateral Hip, a extreme __ angle will foreshorten the Femoral neck.


On an Axiolateral Hip, what can be used when the patient cannot abduct unaffected leg?

Extreme cephalic angle

On an Axiolateral Hip, if you __ the angle the femoral neck will be foreshortened.


On an AP Axial Toe, what two things should be equal on both sides of the phalanges?

Soft tissue width and concavity

On an AP Axial Toe, what 2 joints should be open?


On an AP Axial Toe, what should be at the center?


On an AP Axial Toe, the phalanges show more soft tissue width on the medial side of the toe rather than the lateral. How is this positioned?

The toe is externally obliqued

On an AP Axial Toe, the phalanges show more soft tissue width on the lateral side of the toe rather than the medial. How is this positioned?

The toe is internally obliqued.

On an AP Axial Toe, the IP & MTP joints are not open. How is this positioned?

Toe is flexed.

On an Oblique Toe, there should be twice as much soft tissue width and more phalangeal concavity are seen on the side of the digit rotated _____.

Away from the IR

On an Oblique Toe, what two joints should be open?


On an Oblique Toe, what joint should be centered?


On an Oblique Toe, the soft tissue is equal on both sides of the phalanges and the concavity is equal. How is this positioned?

Closer to an AP

On an Oblique Toe, the proximal phalanx shows more concavity on the posterior aspect than the anterior. How is this positioned?

Closer to a Lateral

On an Oblique Toe, the MTP and IP joints are closed. How is this positioned?

Toes were flexed

On a Lateral Toe, which side of the proximal phalanx will show more concavity than the other?


On a Lateral Toe, __ of the phalanx are superimposed.


On a Lateral Toe, which joint is at center?


On an AP Axial Foot, joint space between the __ and __ cuneiform are open.

Medial and Intermediate

On an AP Axial Foot, how much of the talus should be superimposing the calcaneus?


On an AP Axial Foot, the __ and __ joints are also open.

Tarsometatarsal (TMT) & Navicular-cuneiform

On an AP Axial Foot, what is at the center?

3rd MT base

On an AP Axial Foot, the joint between the medial and intermediate cuneiform is closed and more than 1/2 of the Talus is superimposing the Calcaneus. How is this positioned?

The foot is externally rotated

On an AP Axial Foot, the joint between the medial and intermediate cuneiform is closed, calcaneus is seen without superimposition, and the MT bases are seen with decreased superimposition. How is this positioned?

The foot is internally rotated.

On an AP Axial Foot, the TMT & Navicular-Cuneiform joints are not open. How is this positioned?

Not enough CR angle.

On an AP Axial Foot, how much angle will open up the TMT and the Navicular-Cuboid joints?

10-15 Cephlaic

On an Oblique Foot, what joints should be open?

Cuboid-Cuneiform and the 2nd-5th intermetatarsal joints

On an Oblique Foot, the __ __ and __ MT tuberosity should be seen.

Tarsi sinus and 5th MT

On an Oblique Foot, what should be at the center?

3rd MT

On an Oblique Foot, how much obliquity is used for a high arched foot?


On an Oblique Foot, how much obliquity is used for a low arched foot?


On an Oblique Foot, the lateral cuneiform-cuboid, navicular-cuboid, and 3rd-5th intermetatarsal joints are closed. The 4th MT tuberosity is seen without 5th MT superimposition. How is this mispositioned?

The foot is under-rotated

On an Oblique Foot, the lateral cuneiform-cuboid, navicular-cuboid, and intermetatarsal joints are closed. The 5th MT is superimposed over the 4th MT. How is this mispositioned?

The foot is over-rotated.

On a Lateral Foot, the __ patellar and __ pericapsular fat pads should be seen?

Anterior, Posterior

On a Lateral Foot, the talar domes should be ___.


On a Lateral Foot, what joint should be opened?


On a Lateral Foot, the distal Fibula should be superimposed by the posterior __ of the distal Tibia.


On a Lateral Foot, the foot is at a __* with the lower leg.


On a Lateral Foot, what is at the center?

Distal tarsals

On a Lateral projection, one talar dome is seen superior to the other. Also, the Navicular is superimposed over the cuboid. How is this mispositioned?

The proximal lower leg was elevated higher than the distal lower leg (or the knee was elevated)

On a Lateral projection, one talar dome is seen superior to the other. More than 1/2" of the Cuboid is posterior to the Navicular. How is this mispositioned?

The distal lower leg was elevated higher than the proximal lower leg (or the knee was depressed)

On a Lateral projection, one talar dome is anterior to the other. The Fibula is posterior to the Tibia. How was this mispositioned?

The heel was elevated, and the forefoot was depressed.

On a Lateral projection, one talar dome is anterior to the other. The Fibula is anterior to the Tibia. How was this mispositioned?

The heel was depressed and the forefoot was elevated.

On an Axial Calcaneus, what joint should be open?


On an Axial Calcaneus, what should be seen without any distortion?

Calcaneal tuberosity

On an Axial Calcaneus, __-__ distal MT should not be seen on medial or lateral aspect of the foot.


On an Axial Calcaneus, what is at the center?

Calcaneal tuberosity

On an Axial Calcaneus, if the foot is dorsiflexed to 90*, what angle should be used?


On an Axial Calcaneus, if the foot is less than 90* dorsiflexed, how should you adjust the angle?

Decrease it

On an Axial Calcaneus, check rotation with what MT?

1, 4, 5

On an Axial Calcaneus, is the 1st MT is seen medially how is this mispositioned?

Foot internally rotated

On an Axial Calcaneus, if the 5th MT is seen laterally, how is this mispositioned?

Foot externally rotated

On an Axial Calcaneus, the Talocalceneal joint is not seen, and the Calcaneal tuberosity is foreshortened. How is this mispositioned?

Foot is not flexed enough

On a Lateral Calcaneus, what joint should be open?

Tibiotalar joint

On an AP Ankle, which mortise should be open?


On an AP Ankle, the tibia should superimpose how much of the distal Fibula?


On an AP Ankle, what joint should be opened and centered?


On an AP Ankle, which malleloi is further from the IR?


On an AP Ankle, the medial mortise is obscured. The tibia and talus has increased superimposition of the Fibula. How is this mispositioned?

The ankle is laterally rotated.

On an AP Ankle, the tibiotalar joint is closed and the anterior tibial margin is projected into the joint. How is this mispositioned?

Proximal tibia elevated

On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, how many degrees is the ankle obliqued?


On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, the distal Fibula is not superimposed by the __.


On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, the __ mortise is open.


On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, the Tibia should be superimposing __" of the FIbula


On a 45* Oblique Ankle, the Fibula is not superimposed by the __.


On an Oblique Ankle, the Calcaneus is distal to the ___ mortise and Fibula.


On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, the medial and lateral mortise are closed and the tarsal sinus is seen. How is this mispositioned?


On a Mortise Oblique Ankle, the tibiotalar joint is expanded and anterior tibial margin is projected superior to posterior margin. How is this mispositioned?

Distal Tibia elevated

On a 45* Oblique Ankle, __ __ is seen.

Tarsi Sinus

On a 45* Oblique Ankle, the lateral and medial mortise are closed and the Fibula can be seen without any lateral superimposition. How is this mispositioned?


On a 45* Oblique Ankle, the Calcaneus is obscuring distal lateral mortise and distal Fibula. How is this mispositioned?

Plantar Flexion

On a Lateral Ankle, what should be superimposed?

Talar domes

On a Lateral Ankle, what joint should be open?


On a Lateral Ankle, the distal Fibula should be superimposed by posterior __ of distal Tibia.


On a Lateral Ankle, the tibiotalar joint is obscured. One dome is proximal to the other, and more than 1/2 of Cuboid is posterior to the Navicular. How is this mispositioned?

Distal Lower leg was elevated

On a Lateral Ankle, the Tibiotalar joint is obscured. One talar dome is anterior to the other and the Fibula is seen too anterior on the Tibia. How is this mispositioned?

Heel depressed and forefoot elevated

On AP Tib-Fib, Tibia should superimpose how much of Fibular head?


On AP Tib-Fib, what should be free of superimposition?

Fibular midshaft

On AP Tib-Fib, what joints are open?

Knee and Tibiotalar

On AP Tib-Fib, the medial mortise is closed and tibia and talus show excessive superimposition. How was this mispositioned?

Leg externally rotated

On AP Tib-Fib, the distal fibula is free of talar superimposition and proximal Fibula is free is tibial superimposition. How was this mispositioned?

Leg internally rotated

On Lateral Tib-Fib, Tibia superimposes how much of Fibular head?


On Lateral Tib-Fib, what should be aligned?

Posterior distal Tibia and Fibula

On Lateral Tib-Fib, the Distal fibula is too anterior on the Tibia, the lateral dome is anterior. How is this mispositioned?

Leg is rotated posterior

On an AP Knee, what should be in profile?

Medial and Lateral femoral epicondyles

On an AP Knee, how should the femoral condyles appear?


On an AP Knee, what should be centered within the intercondylar fossa?

Intercondylar eminence

On an AP Knee, tibia superimposes over __ of the Fibular head.


On an AP Knee, the Fibular head should be __ distal to tibial plateu.


On an AP Knee, the Patella lies __ to patellar surface of Femur, and slightly __ to knee midline.

Proximal, Lateral

On an AP Knee, how is the CR angle determined?

By ASIS to table top distance

On an AP Knee, how much should to angle if the knee is 18cm or less?

5* caudal or 0

On an AP Knee, how much should you angle if the knee if 19-24 cm?

0 or 5* cephalic

On an AP Knee, how much should you angle if the knee if 25+ cm?

cephalic or 10

On an AP Knee, if the angle is too caudal how does it appear?

Fibula is less than 1 cm from tibial platuea

On an AP Knee, if the angle is too cephalic, how does it appear?

Fibula is more than 1 cm from tibia Platuae.

On an AP Knee, what is it called if the lateral joint is closed?

Valgus deformity

On an AP Knee, , what is it called if the medial joint is closed?

Vargus deformity

On an AP Knee, the medial Femoral condyle is larger, and the head neck and shaft of Fibula is superimposed. How is this mispositioned?

Leg externally rotated

On an AP Knee, the Lateral condyle is larger, and Tibia shows little or no superimposition over Fibula. How is this mispositioned?

Leg internally rotated

On an AP Knee, the Fibular head is foreshortened and more than 1/2" distal to Tibial Plateau. How is this mispositioned?

CR is too cephalic

On an AP Knee, the Fibular head is enlongated and less than 1/2" distal to Tibial Plateau. How is this mispositioned?

CR too caudal

On an Medial Oblique Knee, what should NOT be superimposed?

Fibular head and Tibia

On an Medial Oblique Knee, which condyle is in profile?


On an External Oblique Knee, what should be aligned?

Fibular head with anterior Tibia

On an External Oblique Knee, which condyle is in profile?


On an External Oblique Knee, the Lateral Femoral Condyle is superimposed by the medial, and the Fibula is at the center of the Tibia. How was this mispositioned?

Externally rotated too much

On an Medial Oblique Knee, the Tibia is partially superimposed by the Fibular head. How was this mispositioned?

Not rotated internally enough

On an External Oblique Knee, the Fibula is not completely superimposed. How was this mispositioned?

Not externally rotated enough

On a Lateral Knee, where is the adductor tubercle located?

On the Medial condyle

On a Lateral Knee, which condyle is more magnified?


On a Lateral Knee, the patella is __ to patellar surface of the Femur.


On a Lateral Knee, what joint is opened?


On a Lateral Knee, the medial and lateral __ are superimposed.

Femoral condyles

On a Lateral Knee, the Tibia superimposed __ of Fibular head.


On a Lateral Knee, the patella is in contact with the patellar surface of Femur and fat bad is not seen. How was this mispositioned?

Knee flexed too much

On a Lateral Knee, the distal articulating surfaces of the femoral condyles are seen without superimposition. The condyle with adductor tubercle is seen distal. How was this mispositioned?

CR is too caudal

On a Lateral Knee, the distal articulating surfaces of the femoral condyles are seen without superimposition. The condyle without adductor tubercle is seen distal. How was this mispositioned?

CR too cephalic

On a Lateral Knee, if the medial condyle is superior how is this mispositioned?

CR is too cephalic

On a Lateral Knee, if the medial condyle is inferior how is this mispositioned?

CR too caudal

On a Lateral Knee, if the Medial condyle is posterior how was this mispositioned?

Patella is too far from the IR and the knee is internally rotated.

On a Lateral Knee, if the Medial Condyle is posterior how was this mispositioned?

Patella too close to IR, leg was externally rotated.

On a Tunnel Knee, the CR should perpendicular to what?


On a Tunnel Knee, overflexing the leg does what?

Puts the patella in the Intercondylar fossa

On a Tunnel Knee, underflexing the leg does what?

Puts the patella further from the intercondylar fossa

On a Tunnel Knee, the medial and lateral aspects for intercondylar fossa are seen without superimposition and Patella is situated laterally. How was this mispositioned?

Femur was too vertical and heel rotated medially

On a Tunnel Knee, the medial and lateral aspects for intercondylar fossa are seen without superimposition and patella is medial with the tibia not superimposing fibular head. How was this mispositioned?

Heel rotated laterally

On a Tunnel Knee, the proximal surfaces of intercondylar fossa are seen without superimposition, and patella is seen within fossa. How was this mispositioned?

Leg over flexed

On a Tunnel Knee, the proximal surfaces of the intercondylar fossa are seen without superimposition and patella is too far proximal to fossa. How was this mispositioned?

Leg under flexed

On a Tunnel Knee, the femorotibial joint is obscured and tibial plateau is seen. How was this mispositioned?

Foot in plantar flexion

On a Skyline Knee, if there is not enough up angle how does it appear?

Femur in patellofemoral joint

On a Skyline Knee, if there it too much up angle, how does it appear?

Tibial Tuberosity in patellofemoral joint space