Ch.14-Alerations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, & Motor Function

Sudden, transient alteration of brain function caused by an abrupt explosive, disorderly discharge of cerebral neurons.


A peculiar sensation that immediately precedes a seizure


Tonic-clonic (jerky, contract-relax) movements associated with some seizures.


An inability to form new memories

Anterograde amnesia

Loss of past memories

Retrograde amnesia

Progressive failure of cerebral functions (cognitive or intellectual) that is not caused by an impaired level of consciousness.
a. Alzheimer's disease
b. cortical dementia
c. dementia
d. retrograde amnesia


Symptoms may include loss of recent or remote memory.
a. cortical dementia
b. dementia
c. anterograde amnesia
d. retrograde amnesia


Symptoms may include slowed thought processes, personality changes, & loss of motor function (wide shuffling gait)
a. dementia
b. cortical dementia
c. alzheimer's disease
d. subcortical dementia


A progressive degenerative disorder of the cerebral cortex and is one of the most common causes of severe cognitive dysfunction in the elderly.

Alzheimer Disease (AD)