MCAT: The Respiratory System

Thoracic cavity

location of lungs

Fancy word for nostrils


Fancy word for nose hair



behind nasal cavity and back of mouth, where both air and food pass


where only air passes, below pharynx

upper part of larynx


The larynx has the _____ that is covered during swallowing so that you don't choke


The larynx contains two _____ that are maneuvered using skeletal muscle and cartilage

vocal cords

From the larynx, air passes into the cartilaginous ______ and then into one of two ________.

trachea, bronchi

The bronchi divide into smaller structures known as _____.


Bronchioles branch into _____, where gas exchange occurs.


Each alveolus is coated with ______, a detergent that keeps it from collapsing on itself


Order of air passage

nares --> nasal cavity --> pharynx --> larynx --> trachea --> bronchi --> bronchiole --> alveoli

membranes known as ______ surround each lung


a closed sac against which lungs expand


the surface adjacent to the lung is the ________, and outer part is the _________, and the spare between this sac is the __________.

visceral pleura, parietal pleura, intrapleural space

lungs require ______ pressure for expansion



a thin, muscular structure that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity

external intercostal muscles _____ the thoracic cavity


as the diaphragm flattens and the chest wall expands outwards, the intrathoracic volume __________


an increase in the intrapleural volume leads to a ________ in intrapleural pressure


negative pressure breathing works by:

the chest cavity expands, the pressure in the lungs drops, and air rushes in from the higher pressure environment (outside).

is exhalation an active process?

no, it's passive. when the pressure in the lungs from deflation is higher than the outside world, then the air leaves.

During active tasks, inhalation and exhalation is sped up by using the ___________ muscles

internal intercostal muscles


is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs

Total lung capacity (TLC)

the maximum volume of air in the lungs when one inhales completely, usually 6 to 7 liters

Residual volume (RV)

the minimum volume of air left in the lungs when one exhales completely

Vital capacity (VC)

the difference between the minimum and maximum volume of air in the lungs (TLC minus RV)

Tidal Volume (TV)

The volume inhaled or exhaled in a normal breath

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

The amount of additional air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)

The volume of additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inhalation

Lung Volumes: Total lung capacity, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, vital capacity, residual volume

ventilation center

breathing regulated by a collection of neurons in the medulla oblongata, regulate contraction of respiratory muscles

In the ventilation center, there are
that detect the levels of _______


As the partial pressure of CO2 rises in the blood, called
hypercarbia or hypercapnia
, the respiratory rate will ___________ so that the:

increase, CO2 levels decrease


low oxygen content in the blood

The walls of the alveoli are ____ cells thick

one-cell thick

The alveoli are for the diffusion of _____ and _____

CO2 and O2

Pulmonary veins

return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium

The driving force behind gas exchange in the alveoli is:

differences in pressure. Go down the concentration gradient, meaning CO2 diffuses down into the alveoli, and O2 diffuses out of the alveoli into the capillaries

How can the respiratory system be used for thermoregulation?

vasodilation and vasoconstriction

How are lungs involved in the immune system?

1) lined with mucous, vibrissae
2) contain lysozyme to attack gram-positive bacteria
3) cilia propel mucus upwards
4) mucociliary escalator
5) macrophage
6) mast cells: antibodies, hence allergies

Mucociliary escalator

cilia propel the mucus up the respiratory tract up to the oral cavity

Bicarbonate buffer system utilizes ________________

Le Chatelier's Principal