CSD 315 exam 1 - muscles of respiration


functional (inhale or exhale)
anatomical (where they are in the body: thoracic or abdominal)

Primary muscles for inhalation

external intercostals

Accessory muscles for inhalation

serratus anterior
pectoralis minor
pectoralis major
serratus posterior superior
levatores costarum

Primary muscles for exhalation

external oblique
internal oblique
rectus abdominus
transverse abdominus

Accessory muscles for exhalation

internal intercostals
serratus posterior inferior
quadratus lumborum
transverse thoracics


pulls the central tendon
down and forward
increases volume of rib cage
decreases thoracic pressure (volume increases, pressure decreases)
Act to flare lowers ribs

External intercostals

stronger of intercostals
increase transverse (left/right) by elevating the ribs
- Lower border of upper rib
- inferior (down) and towards the center
-upper surface of rib below
- up and out (transverse is increased)

Levatores Costarum

elevator of the ribs, continuation of external intercostals
- C7, T1-T11
- Inferior and lateral (down and towards the side)
- Posterior and surface of ribs below
- Elevate the ribs

Serratus Posterior Superior

on upper posterior aspect of the thorax
Origin- C7, T1-T3
Course- inferior and lateral
Insert- ribs 2-5 near angle
Action- thought to elevate ribs 2-5

Pectoralis major

shoulder muscle
large fan shaped muscle on upper anterior wall of thorax
Origin - Humeruous bone of upper arm
Course - fans out widely
Insert- upper costal cartilages (between ribs and sternum)
Action- rotation of the arm

Pectoralis minor

shoulder muscle
large thin muscle lying deep into the pectoralis major
Origin - anterior surface of scapula
Course - inferior and medial
Insert - anterior medial portion of ribs 3-5
Action - with scapula fixed, left ribs 3-5 shoulder extensor


shoulder muscle
small narrow muscle
Origin- underside of clavicle, near scapula
Course- slightly inferior and medial
Insert - junction of rib 1 and its cartilage
Action- with clavicle brace, lift rib 1 and draw shoulder forward

Serratus anterior

shoulder muscle
Large thin muscle on side wall of thorax
Origin - anterior surface of scapula
Course - anterior, around side of the rib cage
Insert - ribs 1-8 or 9, near costal cartilages
Action - it can lift ribs 1-8, fixate and protract scapula


Large muscle on side of the
Origin - bony skull, behind the ear at mastoid process
Course - inferior, in two divisions
Insert - superior surface of clavicle and sternum
Action - with head fixed, elevate sternum


group of three muscles deep in
, interior to sternocleidmastoid
Anterior, medial, posterior
Origin - Transverse process of C2-C7
Course - inferior and slightly lateral
Insert - ribs 1 and 2
Action - raise ribs 1 and 2

Abdominal aponeurosis

Broad tendonous sheet of tissue that all the abdominal muscles insert into
strong connective tissue
Extends from superior (Pectoralis Major) to inferior (pubic bone)

Rectus Abdominus

long ribbon-like muscle on ventral aspect of abdominal cavity, almost entirely enclosed by aponeurosis, MOST INFRONT
Origin - Anterior edge of pubic bone
Course - superior, parallel to midline
Insert - cartilages of ribs, 5-7, xiphoid process

External Oblique

Largest, strongest and most superficial
Broad, flat muscle on lateral and anterior portions of lower thorax and abdomen
Origin- illac crest and aponeurosis
Course- superior and lateral
Insert- ribs 5-12

Internal oblique

Opposite direction of external oblique, up and in, insert to aponeurosis
Origin - anterior � of the iliac crest and inguinal ligament
Course - fans out superiorly and medially
Insertion - abdominal aponeurosis and inferior

Transverse Abdominus

deepest abdominal muscle, under internal oblique
Left/right (horizontal) and connects to aponeurosis
Helps in bringing air out
Origin- lower 7 ribs
Course- horizontal and anterior
Insertion- abdominal aponeurosis

Action of abdominal muscles

Flexor of vertebral column�moving you forward - bend forward
Enclose and support abdominal contents -- enclosure
Respiration - draws ribs down, helps push the air out, decrease the size of the thorax

Internal intercostals

lie beneath the externals
Goes from lower rib to the upper rib (towards the sternum), pulls ribs down
Origin- superior surface of each rib
Course- superior towards sternum
Insertion- lower border of rib above
Action- pull ribs down

Transverse thoracics

on inner surface of anterior thoracic wall
Origin- inner surface of sternum and costal cartilages 5-7
Course- fan out superiorly and laterally
Insertion- inner surface of ribs 2-6
Action- Depress ribs

Serratus Posterior Inferior

on lower posterior portion of the thorax
Origin- T11-12, L 1-3
Course- superior and lateral
Insertion- lower border of ribs 8-12
Action- depress (pull down) lower ribs

Quadratus Lumborum

Posterior muscle of the abdomen, flat sheet of muscle on lateral dorsal aspect of abdominal wall
Origin- iliac crest
Course- superior
Insertion- Transverse process of L1-4, rib 12
Action- pull down the last rib

Rib cage expands vertically in inhalation...

diaphragm contracts & goes down
abdomen decreases and rib cage increases

Rib cage expands transversely in inhalation...

Elevation of curved ribs from the external intercostals
water bucket analogy

Rib cage expands anteroposteriorly in inhalation...

anterior and superior movement of sternum
external intercostals pull ribs up and out
pump handle analogy