Dysphagia Quiz


A muscle that elevates the mandible, or close the jaw


A muscle that elevates the larynx

Levator veli palatini

A muscle used to close the velopharyngeal port


A muscle that helps close off the posterior portion of the oral cavity to prevent food from leaking into the pharynx during oral prep stage of swallowing


A muscle that comprises the anterior faucial arch

Hypoglossal (12)

Cranial nerve that innervates the intrinsic linguial muscles


Cranial nerve that innervates suprahyoid muscle


Cranial nerve that innervates the palate, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus

Superior Laryngeal Nerve

Branch of vagus nerve that supplies motor innervation to an intrinsic laryngeal muscle and sensory innervation to the pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa


A muscle that comprises the upper esophageal sphincter

Mylohyoid or Digastric

A muscle that opens the upper esophageal sphincter

Superior Longitudinal

A muscle of the tongue that helps to keep the bolus from spilling into the oral cavity


A muscle that helps adduct the vocal folds

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

The specific nerve branch that innervates the muscle involved in adducting the VF

Pharyngeal Constrictors

Muscles that help narrow the pharynx to increase pressure for bolus propagation


A muscle that depressed the mandible, or opens the jaw

Drooling indicates weakness in

orbicularis oris muscle

The upper esophageal sphincter may not open because

larynx doesn't elevate

The valleculae are located

between the base of tongue and epiglottis

The pyriform sinuses are located

lateral to aryepiglottic folds