Surgery and Anesthesia-Test 3

What is appropriate for field anesthesia in the horse?

kneel on the neck when the horse is recovering

What drug has a duration of action >6hrs and may be given orally to cats?


What is the preferred route of administration for bupivicaine?

SQ infiltration near nerve

Which drug is used in equine anesthetic protocols to improve muscle relaxation?


What may be added to lidocaine to minimize tissue irritation?

sodium bicarbonate

Recovery from the effects of a local anesthetic is primarily due to:

diffusion of drug from site into circulation

This drug may be administered transdermally through a patch.


A patient yelps and withdraws when you clean the area immediately surrounding the bite wound. This is an example of:

primary hyperalgesia

What is a potential complication of NSAIDs?

renal toxicity

A cow has been given an epidural with 2% lidocaine. What could be true?

-the cow may move suddenly
-the cow may be unable to stand on rear legs
-the cow may become hypotensive

Lidocaine with epinephrine should NOT be used for:

a ring block for onychectomy

What provides the most objective assessment of patient pain?

Numeric Assessment Form

Which drug is a pure opioid agonist?


Which drug is MOST likely to cause dysphoria in a horse?


Which block could be used to provide local anesthesia for an incision in the flank of a cow?

paravertebral block

Local anesthetics:

block Na gates

Which drugs are commonly used in dogs as oral medications for management of chronic pain?

carprofen and tramadol

Pain is modulated:

in the spinal cord

In the horse, blood gases may be used instead of:


What is the preferred method of blood pressure measurement in the horse?


What describes the best approach to inducing general anesthesia in the horse?

administer induction agent IV, giving full dose as a rapid bolus; horse quickly drops to the ground

Which drug is LEAST likely to be used as a part of a standing restraint protocol in the horse?

non-barbiturate anesthetic

Which monitoring parameter is NOT observed during field anesthesia?


The injection site for an epidural in the dog is:

the lumbosacral joint

NSAIDs act by inhibiting:

prostaglandin synthesis

What are terms used to describe or classify pain?


Which block would NOT block pain associated with navicular disease?

fetlock block

What may be used to facilitate safe recovery from anesthesia in the horse?

-rope and pulley system
-nasoendotracheal oxygen

You have administered xylazine to a horse. Which clinical sign would indicate the drug has taken effect as desired?

horse drops head between knees

What agent should NOT be used in an epidural?


What procedure is required before inhalation anesthesia, but not before field anesthesia?

flush mouth with water

When using the hanging drop technique to place the epidural needle:

the drop is drawn into the needle after in passes through the ligamentum flavum

This drug has both anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic effects.

flunixin meglumine

What is true of endotracheal intubation in the horse?

the neck should be extended

Which drug may cause ileus in the horse?


What is required for a Biers block?


Heart rate in the horse ____ beats per minute.


Temp in the dog ____ F


Respiratory rate in the cat ___ breaths per minute


SPO2 in he dog ___%


MAP in the horse ____ mm Hg




local anesthetic


weak opioid agonist


alpha 2 antagonist


dissociative agent
