Male and female reproductive system

The stroma of the testis include a thick fibroelastic capsule called the

tunica albugenea

The crossing over of genes during_______ takes fortnight


The chromosomes fold up into visible structures in the _____ phase of prophase I


Homologus chromosomes pair up in the ______ phase


Spermatazoa must mature in the ______ for 24 hours before they can fertilize an ovum


Somewhere in the prostate the urethral lining becomes a

stratified squamous

Urethra is lined by ______ epithelium where it leaves the bladder


The principal product of the prostate gland is


The blood testes barrier is formed by

tight junctions between Sertoli cells

Only the vas deferens and urethra have ______ muscle.

inner longitudinal smooth muscle

The conversion of spermatids to spermatozoa is called


The male germ cell that actually undergoes the first meiotic division is called a

primary spermatocytes

The seminal vesicle secretes_____ to nourish the spermatozoa and prostaglandin to activate them.


The self renewing male germ cells lie

on the edge of the lumen of the seminiferous tubule

A spermatid is


Long stereo cilia are a distinctive feature of the epithelium of what part of the male reproductive tract?


The prostate glands produce


The commonest source of ovarian cysts is the

Rete ovarii

Ovulation is triggered by

LH Luteinizing hormone

The lumen of the uterine tube opens into the

perotineal cavity

Primordial germ cells develop from the ______ of the yolk sac and migrate to the genital ridge of the embryo


A woman of childbearing age has _____ oogonia in each ovary

(insert Dr. Smith voice) "in fact all women have 200K oogonia/ovary from birth

The normal flora of the vagina is mostly


Primary oocytes develop

before birth

Secondary oocytes tears out of

Areolar CT ovary

The uterine tube has a ______ epithelium

simple columnar

HPV causes

cervical cancer

The _______ epithelium of the vagina is water soluble and makes glycogen

stratified squamous

Blastocyst has a _____% chance


The egg must be fertilized in the ______ of fallopian tube around day 14


The egg must implant in ________ around day 21

secretory uterus

The outer (intravaginal) surface of the cervix is covered by

stratified squamous epithelium

What percentage of human embryos (blastocyts) succees in implanting in the uterine wall?


The lamina propria of the vagina contains

blood vessels and nerve endings

After ovulation, remaining cells of the Graafian follicle form a

corpus luteum

A important feature of the luminal surface of the cells lining the uterine tube is


The thick outer layer of the uterus is called the


Human papilloma virus is most likely to be found in the secretions of

Tysons glands in the prepuce

Spermatazoa are matured by alteration of their glycocalyx in the


The connective tissue capsule of the testis is called the

tunica albugenea?

Genes cross over from one chromosome to another during


The blood testis barrier is formed by

tight junction between Sertoli

Spermatozoa require 24 hours in the _______ to mature


The principal product of the prostate gland is


The commonest source of ovarian cysts is the

rete ovarii

Ovulation is triggered by


The lumen of the uterine tube opens into the

peritoneal cavity

Primordal germ cells develop from

endoderm of the yolk sac

The male germ cell that actually under goes the first meiotic division is called

primary speramtocyte

Seminal vesicles secrete


The rete ovarii

Carries nutrients to the developing follicles
Conducts ripe ova to uterine tube
Secretes progesterone
** None of the above

A woman's child bearing age has _______ oogonia in each ovary

200,000 in each ovary

The normal flora of the vagina is mostly


Spermatid is


Long stereo cilia are a distinctive feature of the epithelium of what part of the male reproductive tract?
