Chest Physiotherapy

Apical Segment

Patient sitting leaning back at a 45 degree angle, Percuss below clavicle

Right and Left anterior Segments

Patient is supine (flat face up) with the bed flat, percuss above the nipple

Lingular Segment

Patient is positioned 1/4 turn from supine and resting on right side with foot of the bed elevated 12 inches. Area to percuss is just above the left nipple and under the armpit

Right Middle Lobe

Patient is positioned 1/4 turn from supine resting on left side with the foot of the bed elevated 12 inches. percuss just above the right nipple and under the armpit

Left and Right anterior basal segments

Patient is supine with the foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches, percuss over lower ribs

Left Lateral basal segment

Patient is positioned on right side with foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches. Percuss over the lower ribs

Right Lateral Basal Segment

Patient is positioned on left side with foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches . Percuss over lower ribs.

Apical Posterior segments

Patient is sitting leaning forward at a 45 degree angle. Percuss above the scapula with the fingers extending up onto shoulders

Posterior segment of left upper lobe

Position the patient 1/4 turn from prone (laying flat with face down) and resting on the right side with the head of the bed elevated 18 inches. Percuss over left scapula.

Posterior segment of the right upper lobe

Position the patient 1/4 turn from prone and resting on the left side with the bed flat. Percuss just above the right scapula

Left and Right posterior basal segments

Patient is positioned prone with the foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches. Percuss over lower ribs

Superior Segments

Position the patient prone with the bed flat. Percuss just below the lower margin of the scapula

necessity of performing postural drainage

Removes mucus, important for the prevention of diseases like pneumonia and bronchiectasis

Postural drainage after meals

Postural drainage should not be performed directly after meals as there is a risk that the patient could vomit and aspirate. perform before meals or wait 1-2 hours after patient has eaten.

use of o2 during postural drainage

Postural drainage can increase oxygen consumption. Some physicians give 100% o2. If hypoxemia occurs put patient on 100% o2 stop treatment return patient to original resting position and contact dr.

Risk of Hemoptysis

Lung Carcinoma treated surgically or with radiation therapy. Trendelenburg position is a contraindication

2 factors to utilize during postural drainage

gravity and external manipulation of the thorax

factors to record during postural drainage

subjective response, pulse rate, dysrhythmia, breathing pattern and rate, symmetrical chest expansion, synchronous thoracoabdominal movement, sputum production, mental function, skin color, breath sounds, blood pressure, oxygen saturation by pulse oximetr

Correct setting for g5

ONLY at its low speed setting of 36 cycles per second


All positions are contraindications for ICP, head and neck injury, Active hemorrhage, acute spinal injury, emphysema, bronchopleural fistula, pulmonary edema

factors that can improve cough

Percussion, vibration, varying pressure on applicator, moving the applicator

Most important factor in sputum management


Upper Right Lobe

Apical, posterior, anterior

Middle Right Lobe

Lateral, Medial

Lower Right Lobe

Apical, posterior, anterior, superior lingular, inferior lingular

Lower Left Lobe

Superior, Anteromedial Basal, Lateral Basal, Posterior Basal