
Polycystic kidney disease

An inherited disorder in which fluid-filled cyst develop in the nephrons

Each cystic may weigh about how many pounds

10 pounds

What is the top priority for caring for a patient with PKD

Controlling Hypertension because if not it can lead to further kidney damage

Abdominal or flank pain, Hypertension, Nocturia, Increased abdominal girth, Constipation, bloody or cloudy urine, and kidney stones are all symptoms of


Sharp intermittent pain occurs in PKD when

The cyst ruptures or a stone is present

Dull, aching pain in PKD is caused by

Increased kidney size with discretion or by infection within the cyst

When a cyst ruptures

The patient may have bright red or cola colored urine

Infection in PKD is suspected if the urine is

Cloudy or foul smelling or if their is dysuria

Which PKD is the most common

Autosomal Dominant Trait

Which PKD is most rare

Autosomal Recessive Trait

Which diagnostic test is used for PKD

Urinalysis, Serum Creatine, Blood Urea Nitrogen, Renal Sonography, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging

What are the six interventions for a patient with PKD

Pain management, Prevention of Infection, Prevention of Constipation, Controlling hypertension, Preventing end-stage kidney disease

Acute infections that occur in the urethra, bladder, and Prostatitis is called

Urethritis, Cystitis, Prostatitis

What is the cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder. It can be caused by irritation

What should women avoid to prevent UTI

Irritating substances, bubble bath, nylon underwear, and scented toilet tissue.

What type of underwear should women wear in order to prevent UTI

Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear

Low colony counts in a urinalysis indicates

That the specimen is contaminated

What can help decrease irritation during cystitis

Avoid caffeine, carbonated beverages, Tomato products

What comfort measure would you use for a patient with a UTI

A warm sitz bath taken 2 to 3 times a day for 20minutes

What can happen to a pregnant women with a UTI

It can lead to acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy and can cause preterm labor

What syndrome causes a massive loss of protein, edema formation, and decreased albumin levels

Nephrotic Syndrome

Massive proteinuria, Hypoalbuminemia, Edema, Lipiduria, Hyperlididemia, Reduced Kidney Function and hypertension

Nephrotic syndrome

Which drug can reduce protein loss for patients suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome

Ace Inhibitors

If GFR is normal

Dietary intake of comple

What are the access sites for a Hemodialysis patient

Subclavian or internal Jugular Vein.

If only one or two HD treatments are needed what site can be used


What type of complications should you monitor

Pneumothorax, Subcutaneous Emphysema(Swelling and crackling of tissue around site)

Hemodialysis is checked before use by


A Permcath, made of silicone is used for

Long term access

A Mahurkar catheters are used for

Short term access

Transurethral needle ablation

Low radio-frequency energy shrinks the prostate

Transurethral microwave therapy

High temperatures heat and destroy excess tissue

Interstitial laser coagulation

Laser energy coagulates excess tissue

Electro vaporization of the prostate

High frequency electrical current cuts and vaporizes excess tissue

A straight line or wavy line of the cardiac monitor


Sinus impulses are delayed, but all eventually reach the ventricles

First Degree AV Block

Rapidly Fatal if not corrected in 3 to 5 minutes

Ventricular Fibrillation

Complete Heart Block

Third degree heart block

Results in asynchrony of atrial contraction and decreased cardiac output

Atrial Fibralation

May result from sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the heart or vagal inhibition

Sinus tachy

Rapid atrial depolarization occurring at a rate of 250 to 350 times per minute

Atrial Flutter

Causes the ventricles to quiver resulting in absence of Cardiac Output

Ventricular Fibrillation

First degree AV Block is

All sinus impulses eventually reach ventricles

What are the six steps to ECG rhythm analyzer

Determine HR
Determine Rhythm
Analyze P wave
Analyze PR interval
Analyze QRS

Where is the heart located

In the mediastinum between the lungs

What is the heart protected by


Each heart beat pumps out

60 ml of blood or 5L/Min

The right atrium receives

Deoxygenated blood which is returned from the body through superior venal cavae

The left atrium receives

Oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps the remaining blood volume into the left ventricle

Right Ventricle


Left Ventricle

Mitral valve

Blood pressure is regulated through

Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system of the autonomic nervous system

what is the ability to generate an electrical impulse spontaneously, and repetitively


What is the ability to generate an electrical impulse spontaneously, and repetitively


What is the ability of non pacemaker heart cells to respond to an electrical impulse that begins in pacemaker cells and to depolarize


What is the ability to send electrical stimulus from membrane to cell membrane


Mechanical activity of the heart



Means the heart is rest

Means the heart is doing something.



0.06- 0.12

PR interval

0.12 - 20




16 seconds


K+ from outside the cell goes inside

Re polarization

When Sodium outside the cell goes back inside

AV Junctional

40-60 BPM


Tall T Wave


Short QT interval


Prolonged Qt interval less than 40seconds

What does T Wave inversion mean

Myocardial infarction, Electrolyte Imbalance,

Abnormal Qwave

Myocardial infarction

What are the 3 causes of left sided heart failure

Hypertension, Coronary Artery disease, Valvular disease

Cardiac output is the

Amount of blood pumped from the Left ventricle each minute

Heart Rate

The # of times the ventricles contract each minute

Stroke Volume

The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricles during each contraction


The degree of myocardial fibers stretch at the end of diastole just b4 contraction


Pressure or resistance that the ventricles must overcome to eject blood through the semilunar valves + into the

Monitor and weight which patient everyday

Heart failure

What is considered the best tool in diagnosing heart failure


What test are used to diagnose heart failure

Electrocardio, EchoCardio, Chest X-ray, radio nuclei de study, multi gated Angio, Invasive pressure

What do you teach patients who are taking ace inhibitors or Arbs

Change position slowly to avoid orthostatic hypotension,

What are early signs of pulmonary edema

Crackles in the lung bases, dyspnea at rest , disorientation, confusion

Patients on beta blockers should be monitored for

Hypotension and Bradycardis

A patient with CAD is going to have which diagnostic markers

Troponins and myoglobin

Altered tissue promotes local inflammation by attracting cytokines and other

Benigns Prostatic Hyperplasia

PKD Pain comfort techniques

Apply dry heat, Cipro/Bactrim, Needle aspiration, stool softener. avoid aspirin

What are turp complications

Hyponatremia, Fluid overload, water intoxication.

Which lab test indicates possible bone metastasis in prostate cancer

Serum alkaline phosphate

What are the labs for BPH

Culture and sensitivity, CBC, BUN and Serum Creatine levels elevated.