Practice and Feedback (Motor Learning)

When is the best time for practice after CNS injury

Early practice (less than 5 days)

What type of training works best for new CNS injuries and why?

Very intense training (4-6hrs) b/c it promotes plastic changes in the brain d/t gene and protein expression

Plasticity and Practice

Skill acquisition causes structural changes in the brain
Experience based neural plasticity

Practice variability

Variety of movements and context characteristics a person experiences while practicing a skill;
Positive transfer is enhanced

Ways to introduce variety (3)

1. Practice contexts (walking gym floor vs sidewalk)
2. Practice condition for closed skills (golf shot)
3. Practice conditions for open skills (returning tennis serve)

True/False: Errors can benefit learning (explain)

Increasing amount of variability increases error, more error better for skill learning in initial phases

Who is the exception for benefits from performance errors in learning

Pts with cognitive impairment

What are the benefits of allowing error detection?

Necessary for practice and indicates active problem solving;
Serves as marker for progress

Two types of practice distribution

Massed Practice;
Distributed Practice

Massed practice schedule

The amount of rest between practice sessions/trials is very short; a lot at once
Ex. week long volleyball camp; pt comes in 3-4 days for a short amount of time

Distributed practice schedule

The amount of rest b/t practice sessions/trials is longer
Ex. two 2-hr volleyball clinics over 6 weeks; pt comes in 2x/wk for 3 months

Which is better for the learner and why: massed or distributed practice

Distributed practice
- less fatigue, increased cognitive engagement, improved LTM storage

Massed practice - positives

- Strength/endurance may improve
- overcome "learned disuse" to cause plastic changes in brain

Massed practice - negative

- Fatigue
- boring
- time intensive for treating PT

Distributed practice - positives

- minimize fatigue
- promote long-term learning
- more realistic clinically

Distributed practice - negatives

- inefficient in getting training effects

Two types of practice set-ups

Random practice; blocked practice

What is random practice?

Practice where there are no 2 trials in a row of the same skill; multiple skills ordered randomly

What is blocked practice?

Practice in which trials of same skills are performed together before moving to another skill

Blocked practice - positives

- Better w/ new skills at first
- May improve immediately
- For strength/endurance
- indicated more for cognitively impaired and new skills

Blocked practice - negatives

- May not facilitate long-term learning
- May be boring for client

Indicators for blocked practice

Cognitive impairment, frustration with new skill, trouble developing skill

Random practice - positives

- Better for long-term learning
- Encourage ability to carryover learning to new tasks

Random practice - negatives

- Inappropriate if learner does not understand task initially
- Poor initial performance

What are the three components of learning a skill? (train ugly)

Read --> Plan --> Do

Which practice set-up is better for learning retention and why: random or block practice

Random because it involves all elements (read, plan, do) while block mainly focuses on the "do" component

Two types of practice break up

Part-whole practice; whole practice

What is part-whole practice?

Breaking a task into steps and practicing each step individually (task analysis);
Eventually practice whole task together

What is whole practice?

Practice the whole task together; used for tasks that don't break into discreet steps

Part-whole practice - positives

- Useful if pt can't complete the whole task
- Helps PT and pt w/ problem solving of the task

Part-whole practice - negatives

Unknown if learning the parts of a task will improve function of the whole task

Whole practice - positives

Better learning is expected since the target task is being trained

Whole practice - negatives

Pt may not be able to complete the task d/t task difficulty (increase frustration, negative reinforcement)

What are the benefits of task scaling?

Learning a complex skill will be easier if the pt starts w/ less difficult version

Gentile's Taxonomy is opposite of ____________ practice because....

1. whole
2. Gentile's focuses on the breakdown of a movement/pattern

What are the benefits of self controlled practice?

1. control over order of practice tasks/duration/freq results in more effective learning
2. more active engagement
3. improve motivation

What is observational practice?

Having the pt observe the desired movement/pattern on another person to see their progression

What is another name for mental practice?

Motor imagery practice

What are benefits of mental practice?

1. increases excitability of motor cortex
2. improved task performance after mental practice

Two types of motor learning feedback

Task-intrinsic feedback; Augmented feedback

What is Task-intrinsic feedback?

Info received by performer as direct result of movement from PNS/CNS;
Learner getting info from their own body

What is Augmented feedback? (extrinsic feedback, augmented information)

Info not inherent in movement/task;
Provided by external force

Task-intrinsic feedback - problems in clinical practice

Intrinsic feedback may be missing or wrong

Consequences of impaired intrinsic feedback (3)

1. unable to know how to do task correctly
2. delay learning important to recovery
3. inefficient movement patterns

Why to use augmented feedback

Motivation, reinforcement, provide information, maintain safety

Augmented feedback and safety

Physical or verbal guidance may be needed to keep the pt and yourself safe

What are issues associated with task difficulty?

1. easy tasks don't facilitate learning
2. pt doesn't know how to correctly perform task
3. pt may become frustrated if they don't know what they did wrong or how to solve the problem

What is a better type of feedback content: ability/outcome praise or process praise?

Process praise

What are the two Types of augmented feedback?

Knowledge of performance; Knowledge of results

What is Knowledge of performance?

- Info regarding quality of movement a performer has produced
- "how it was accomplished

Knowledge of performance doesn't address....

If the goal was achieved

What is Knowledge of results?

- Info regarding whether task completion was successful
- "Was it accomplished

Knowledge of results doesn't provide....

Info specific to the performance

Verbal feedback should include...

1. verbally explain task
2. ask questions to promote problem solving
3. include learner talking (verbal or mental) while practicing

What is visual feedback?

Observational learning (modeling, level of skill of the model)

Visual feedback tools

Mirrors, video recordings, direct observation

Visual feedback - modeling expert vs. novice

- Experts: encourage imitation rather than true learning
- Novice: effective model may model closer to what the learner may achieve

When during practice is modeling most effective?

Before practice and when repeated at various intervals during practice

What is dyad practice?

Practicing in pairs

When are manual cues most effective in learning?

Early when the task is novel or unfamiliar; provides security

What can limit manual cues?

Depends on the nature of the task; not all tasks can receive effective manual guidance

Four types of timing of augmented feedback

1. Concurrent feedback
2. Delayed feedback
3. Immediate feedback
4. Summary feedback

What is Concurrent feedback?

As the action is being performed;
May be required for safety!

Concurrent feedback - negatives

May interfere w/ the learner's ability to process their own internal feedback

What is Delayed feedback?

Occurs after the task is completed - few seconds or more
Allows learner to think about what they did

Delayed feedback - negatives

- Too long: forget what they did
- Too short: not enough time to think about what they did

What is Immediate feedback?

Occurs right after the task is completed; provided each each TRIAL

Immediate feedback - negatives

May interfere w/ ability to process their own internal feedback

During what stage is immediate feedback the most effective?

Acquisition phase

What is Summary feedback?

Series of no feedback trials followed by summative feedback

During what phase is summary feedback the most effective?

Retention phase

Two types of augmented feedback frequency

Performance bandwidth feedback; faded feedback

What is Performance bandwidth feedback?

- Feedback provided based on the degree of error (minor error allowed)
- More feedback when errors are large (beginning) and less when errors minimize (later)

What is faded feedback?

Gradual reduction in amount of feedback provided; more effective than constant feedback

True/False: more feedback automatically improves learning

- the right kind/timing improves learning