Exam3 chem

First Law of Thermodynamics

?E = q + w |or| ?U = q + w

System absorbs heat

q > 0

System evolves heat


Surroundings does work on system


System does work on surroundings


Specific Heat, C_sp_

q = m C_sp ?T ( T= (T_final - T_initial))

Molar Heat Capacity, C_n_

q = n C_n ?T ( T= (T_final - T_initial))

?G^o rxn = ?H^o rxn - T ?S^o rxn

?H^o = ?G^o + T ?S^o

G rxn = -T?S_universe

spontaneous change:
?H:"-" ?S:"+" = spontaneous at all temp
?H:"+" ?S:"-" = never spontaneous
?H:"-" ?S:"-" = spontaneous only at low temp
?H:"+" ?S:"+" = spontaneous only at high temp


(Delta S) as a measurement of the randomness or disorder of a system

Factors that inc entropy

-When solid>liquid>gas
-An inc in particles present
-An inc in temp

+?S_surr= -?H / T








Rate= +?product / ?t [(1/coefficient)]

Rate= -?reactant / ?t

1st order k has units of


2st order k has units of

L / mol s-1

if n=0

doubling [A] does not change the reaction rate

if n=1

doubling [A] doubles the reaction rate

if n=2

doubling [A] quadruples the reaction rate

zero order

rate= -k[A]^0= -k int rate=dA/dt= -kA*0= -k

first order

int rate= ln([A]I / [A]o)=kt
dA / dt= -kt^1= -kA

second order

int rate= 1 / [A]I - 1 / [A]o = kt
dA / dt = -kA^2

half life


k=Ae^(-Ea / RT)

Ea is the activation energy
R is the universal gas law constant
R = 8.31 x 10-3 kJ/K�mol
T is the absolute temperature
A is the proportionality constant called the frequency factor or preexponential factor

Arrhenius equation

ln(k)= -Ea/R (1/T)+ln(A)


increase the reaction rate by lowering the activation energy. It also neither created nor destroyed.