Physical Therapy Modalities

Thermotherapy Uses

-Pain control
-Increase joint ROM
-Decrease joint stiffness
-Accelerated healing
-Infrared radiation for psoriasis

Thermotherapy Contraindications

-Impaired sensation/mentation
-IR radiation of eyes

Thermotherapy Precautions

-Acute Injury/inflammation
-Impaired circulation
-Poor thermal regulation
-Cardiac insufficiency
-Metal in area
-Open wounds
-Over topical counterirritants
-Demyelinated nerves

Hot Pack Parameters

-10-15 min
-6-8 layers of padding

Paraffin Parameters

-5-10 min (dip wrap method)
-6-10 layers of wax

Cryotherapy Uses

-Inflammation Control
-Edema Control
-Pain Control
-Spasticity of Muscles
-MS symptom management

Cryotherapy Contraindications

-Cold hypersensitivity
-Cold intolerance
-Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
-Reynaud's Phenomenon
-Regenerating nerves
-Area of circulatory compromise

Cryotherapy Precautions

-Superficial main branch of nerve
-Open wound
-Poor sensation/mentation
-Very young/very old

Cryotherapy Parameters

-Quick Ice= 3-5 sec
-Ice Massage= 5-10 minutes
-Cold Pack= 10-20 minutes (spasticity= 30 minutes)

Ultrasound Uses

-Soft tissue shortening
-Pain control
-Dermal ulcers
-Surgical skin incisions
-Tendon & ligament injuries
-Bone fractures
-Carpal tunnel syndrome

Ultrasound Contraindications

-Malignancy (thermal)
-CNS tissue
-Joint cement
-Plastic components
-Reproductive organs

Ultrasound Precautions

-Acute inflammation
-Epiphyseal plates
-Breast implants

Ultrasound Parameters

5-10 minutes (at least 8 minutes for Medicare billing)

Diathermy Uses

-Pain control
-Accelerated tissue healing
-Decrease joint stiffness
-Increase joint ROM
-Pain & edema control
-Soft tissue, nerve, bone healing
-Improved osteoarthritis symptoms

Diathermy Contraindications

-Implanted or transcutaneous stimulators (pacemakers)
-Growing epiphyses
-Deep tissue/internal organs
-Substitute for conventional therapy for edema & pain

Diathermy Precautions

-Near electronic or magnetic equipment
-Copper bearing IUD
-Skeletal immaturity

Electrical Stimulation Uses

-Improve strength/function
-Improve motor control
-CNS damage patients
-Spinal cord injury
-Muscle contractions for correcting biomechanics
-Reduce spasticity

Electrical Stimulation Contraindications

-Demand cardiac pacemaker
-Unstable arrhythmia
-Over carotid sinus
-Over venous/ arteriothrombosis (Thrombophlebitis)

Electrical Stimulation Precautions

-Cardiac disease
-Impaired sensation or mentation
-Skin irritation/open wound

Laser Uses

-Soft tissue and bone healing
-Neurological conditions
-Pain Management

Laser Contraindications

-Direct radiation of eyes
-4-6 months after radiotherapy
-Thyroid or other endocrine glands

Laser Precautions

-Low back or abdomen during pregnancy
-Epiphyseal plates in children
-Impaired sensation/mentation
-Photophobia/light sensitivity
-Pretreatment w/ photosensitizer

Mechanical Traction Uses

- Joint distractions
- Reduction of disc protrusions
-Soft tissue injuries
-Muscle relaxation
-Joint mobilizations

Mechanical Traction Contraindications

-Where motion is contraindicated
-Acute injury/inflammation
-Joint hypermobility or instability
-Peripheralization of symptoms with traction
-Uncontrolled hypertension

Mechanical Traction Precautions

-Structural diseases or conditions affecting the spine
-When pressure belts may be hazardous
-Displaced annular fragments
-Medical disc protrusion
-When severe pain fully resolves with traction
-Claustrophobia or other psychological aversion to traction

Mechanical Traction Parameters (Lumbar)

-Hold: 40% BW
-Off Time: 20% BW
-10 minutes

Mechanical Traction Parameters (Cervical)

-Hold: 12 lbs.
-Off Time: 6 lbs.
-15 minutes

Compression Bandage Uses

-Improve venous circulation
-Improve rate of healing of venous stasis ulcers
-Help prevent DVT
-Increases extravascular (external) hydrostatic pressure
-Residual limb shaping after amputation
-Control hypertrophic scarring
-Increase tissue temperature

Compression Bandage Contraindications

- Heart failure or pulmonary edema
- DVT, Thrombophlebitis, or pulmonary embolism
-Obstructed lymphatic or venous return
-Severe peripheral arterial disease or ulcers from arterial insufficiency
-Acute local skin infection
-Significant hypoproteinemia

Compression Bandage Precautions

-Impaired sensation/mentation
-Uncontrolled hypertension
-Stroke/significant cerebrovascular insufficiency
-Superficial peripheral nerves

Types of Compression Bandages

-Compression bandages (single and multiple layers)
-Compression garments
-Velcro closure compression devices
-Intermittent pneumatic compression pump

Hydrotherapy Uses

-Superficial heating/cooling
-Water exercise
-Pain control
-Edema control
-Wound care

Hydrotherapy Contraindications - Local Immersion

-Maceration around wound

Hydrotherapy Contraindications - Full Body

-Cardiac instability
-Infectious conditions that may spread by water
- Bowel/Incontinence
-Severe epilepsy

Hydrotherapy Contraindications - Negative Pressure Wound

-Necrotic tissue
-Untreated osteomyelitis
-Malignancy in wound
-Untreated malnutrition
-Exposed vessels, nerves, organs
-Nonenteric /unexplained fistulas
-Exposed anastomotic sites

Hydrotherapy Precautions - Local Immersion

-Impaired thermal sensation in immersed area
-Infection in immersed area
-Confusion/impaired cognition
-Recent skin grafts

Hydrotherapy Precautions - Full Body (Very Warm/Hot Water)

-Multiple sclerosis
-Poor thermal regulation

Hydrotherapy Precautions - Full Body (Any Temp)

-Alcohol ingestion
-Limited strength, endurance, balance, ROM
-Urinary incontinence
-Fear of water
-Respiratory problems

Hydrotherapy Precautions - Nonimmersion

-May be ineffective

Hydrotherapy Precautions - Negative Pressure Wound Healing

-Anticoagulant therapy
-Difficult hemostasis
-Confusion, disorientation

Hydrotherapy Effects - Cleansing

-Softens materials
-Exerts pressure
-Debriding agent

Hydrotherapy Effects - Musculoskeletal

-Decrease weight bearing
-Resistance for strengthening
-Hydrostatic pressure increases resting muscle blood flow

Hydrotherapy Effects - Cardiovascular

-Enhanced venous return
-Central blood volume increases
-Cardiac volume increases
-Less HR response to exercise

Hydrotherapy Effects - Respiratory

-Increased chest wall compression
-Increased circulation in chest cavity
-Humidity reduces exercise-induced asthma

Hydrotherapy Effects - Renal

-Increased urine production
-Increased renal blood flow
-Increased central blood volume
-Decreased ADH and Aldosterone

Hydrotherapy Effects - Psychological
