Ch. 23 Medical Aspects of Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare


Sarin (Nerve Agent)


Tabun (Nerve Agent)


Soman (Nerve Agent)


Cyclosarin (Nerve Agent)


S-2-(Diisopropylamino) Ethyl O-Ethyl Methylphosphonothioate (Nerve Agent)


Hydrogen Cyanide (Blood Agent)


Cyanogen Chloride (Blood Agent)


Diphosgene (Pulmonary Agent)


Chlorine (Pulmonary Agent)


Phosgene (Pulmonary Agent)


Mustard (Blister Agent)


Nitrogen Mustard (Blister Agent)


Distilled Mustard (Blister Agent)


Lewesite (Blister Agent)


Phosgene Oxime (Blister Agent)


Mace (Riot Control)


Dibenzoxazepine (Riot Control)


2-Chlorobenzal-Malononitrile (Riot Control)


Adamsite (Riot Control)


Oleoresin Capsicum (Riot Control)

What is the smell of a Nerve agent like?


What is the smell of a Blood agent like?

Almonds / Irritating Odor

What is the smell of a Pulmonary (choking) agent like?

New mown Hay / Grass

What is the smell of Lewesite?


What is the smell of a Blister agent like?

Garlic, Mustard, Horseradish

How do you treat a Nerve agent?

-Atropine 2mg, 1st drug of choice
(non-medical 3x / Medical 6x)
-2PAM-CL 600mg (Prolidoxime Chloride)
-Mark 1 antidote kit contains BOTH^
-Autoinjector Tx Nerve Agent Antidote, ATNAA (replacing MARK 1)

How do you treat a Blood agent?

1) 2 Amyl Nitrite ampules, crushed and inhaled every few minutes 8x
OR IV Sodium Nitrite 300mg-600mg
2) IV Sodium Thiosulfate 12.5, 1-2 doses

How do you treat a Pulmonary agent?

-Complete Rest.
-O2 for patients w/ SOB

How do you treat a Blister agent?

-No real Tx, only pain and itching relief.
-British Anti-Lewesite (BAL) DO NOT USE on patients allergic to peanuts.
-Decon w/in 2 min, reduces toxicity by 50%
-Soap & water or 0.5% hypochlorite (1:10 bleach)

How do you treat Riot Control / Lacrimators / Harrassment agents?

Don mask, symptoms may worsen, KEEP MASK ON, only take off to clear vomit/secretions.

What are the characteristics of a Nerve agent?

-Greatest concern, interfere w/ normal transmission of nerve impulses.
-Colorless lquids / vapors
Inhaled = Radid reaction
Skin contact = Slow reaction

What are the characteristics of a Blood agent?

-Systemic poison
-Disrupts O2 utilization at cellular levels, non persistent agents.

What are the characteristics of a Pulmonary (choking) agent?

Damage the membranes in the lungs that seperate alveolar tissue = blood plasma leak into the alveoli (pulmonary edema)
-Vapor form, dispurse quickly. CG: Colorless gas

What are the characteristics of a Blister agent?

-Oily, colorless or pale yellow liquids.
-L: light to dark brown liquid, vaporizes slowly.
All agents have a relatively high capor density.

What are the characteristics of a Riot control / Harrassment agents?

-Crystallized solids dispersed as fine particles or in solutions.
-Immediate, but temporary effect
-Irritate the skin, mucosa membranes, and airway.
Lacrimators: irritants that act on the eyes
Vomiting: cause nausea, vomiting, general malaise

What are the signs and symptoms of Nerve agents?

Small Vapor Exp: Miosis, rhinorrhea, dyspnea
Small Liquid: Localized sweating, nausea, comiting, weakness
Large Vapor: Miosis, loss of conscioussness, convulsions, apnea, flaccid paralysis, copious decretions.
Large Liquid: SAME, but no miosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of Blood agents?

Moderate Exposure: increase RR and depth, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, eye irritation.
Large: Rapid onset, increase RR and depth, convulsions w/in 30 sec, apnea, cardiac arrest in min

What are the signs and symptoms of Pulmonary agents?

-Irritation of the eyes, nose, and airway.(May be difficult to distingiush from riot agents)
-May progress to coughing, dyspnea, hoarseness talking, sneezing, wheezing, tightness in chest.
-More often , however, no symptoms 2-6 hrs after exposure.

What are the signs and symptoms of Blister agents?

-Eye inflammation (most vulnerable part of body), Pain and gritting feeling in the Eyes, Spastic blinking, Photophobia, cornea damage,
-Blisters form w/in 12-14 hrs
-Warm and sweaty areas most affected
-Inhaled: sore throat, coughing, SOB, bronchiopneumon

What are the signs and symptoms of Riot Control / Harrassment agents?

Main effects: Pain, burning, irritation to exposed skin and mucosa membranes over 2 hrs.
-Lacrimators: Pain in eyes, excessive tearing
-Vomiting: general malaise, nausea, vomiting,