S2B1 Nose and Pterygopalatine Fossa

The superior and middle nasal concha are found on what bone?

- ethmoid bone

What is the roof of the nasal cavity?

- nasal bone
- cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
- sphenoid bone

What is the floor of the nasal cavity?

- palatine process of maxilla
- horizontal plate of palatine bone

What is the medial wall of the nasal cavity?

- nasal septum

What is the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?

- maxilla
- lacrimal bone
- ethmoid bone
- superior, middle and inferior nasal conchae
- perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

What are the three parts of the nasal septum?

-septal cartilage
- perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
- vomer

What two nerves and artery run together in the mucosa of the nasal septum thru sphenopalatine foramen?

- nasopalatine nerve
- sphenopalatine artery
- posterior superior lateral nasal branch of maxillary nerve

What opening is found in the inferior meatus>

nasolacrimal duct

What opening is found in the middle meatus?

semilunar hiatus

What is the ethmoidal bulla? What opening is found there?

- posterior to the semilunar hiatus
- opening of the middle ethmoidal cells

What are the openings of the semilunar hiatus?

- opening of frontal sinus
- of anterior ethmoidal cells
- of the maxillary sinus
- ethmoidal infundibulum

What opening is found on the superior meatus?

- posterior ethmoidal cells

What lies directly inferior to the hypophyseal fossa and pituitary gland>

- sphenoidal sinus

Where are the ethmoidal cells located

- between the nasal cavity and the orbit

What is the roof of the maxillary sinus?

- the floor of the orbit

What is the floor of the maxillary sinus?

- alveolar process of the maxilla

What innervates the maxillary sinus mucosa?

- infraorbital nerve (CNV2)
- posterior superior alveolar nerve (CNV2)

What bones correspond to the superior portion of the external nose?

- nasal bones, frontal process of maxilla, nasal portion of frontal bone

What are the cartilages that make of the inferior portion of the external nose?

inferiorly: major and minor alar cartilages
superiorly: lateral process of septal cartilage

What innervates the frontal sinus?

- supraorbital nerve (CNV1)

What innervates the ethmoidal air cells?

- ethmoidal branches of the nasociliary nerve (CNV1)

What is the largest of the paranasal sinuses?

- maxillary sinus

What innervates the sphenoidal sinus?

- posterior ethmoidal nerve (CNV1)

What is the opening of the sphenoethmoidal recess?

- sphenoid sinus

What branches of the ECA supply the nasal cavity?

- sphenopalatine artery (maxillary)
- greater palatine artery (maxillary)
- superior labial artery (facial)
- lateral nasal artery (facial)

What are the branches of the sphenopalatine artery?

- posterior lateral nasal branches
- posterior septal branches

What does the sphenopalatine artery supply

- lateral and medial wall
- largest vessel supplying nasal cavity
- enters through sphenopalatine foramen

What does the greater palatine artery supply?

- hard palate
- anterior septum and floor

What does the superior labial artery supply?

- lip
- anterior nasal septum

What does lateral nasal artery supply?

- external nose
- alar branch around the lateral edge of the nares to supply nasal vestibule

What branches of the ICA supply the nasal cavity

- anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries (opthalmic)
--> external nasal branch

What do the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries supply?

- ethmoidal air cells
- medial and lateral nasal walls
- posterior and superior roof of nasal cavity

Which artery is most commonly the cause of a posterior nose bleed?

- sphenopalatine artery

What nerve is responsible for olfaction

olfactory nerve

What are the anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves for

- branches from opthalmic nerve
- supply the ethmoidal air cells
- sensory innervation to medial and lateral walls of the anterior nasal cavity

What is the external nasal nerve for?

- branch of anterior ethmoidal nerve
- supplies sensory to tip of external nose

What are the posterior superior and inferior lateral nasal nerves for?

- branches of maxillary nerve
- for their respective parts of the walls general sensory

What is the nasopalatine nerve for?

- branch of maxillary nerve
- sensation from the posterior and inferior septal wall then courses through incisive canal to roof of oral cavity

What is the parasympathetic innervation of the nasal cavity

- greater petrosal nerve (preganglionic fibers synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion)

What is the sympathetic innervation of the nasal cavity?

- deep petrosal nerve

What is the anterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?

posterior surface of the maxilla

What is the medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?

lateral surface of the palatine bone

What is the posterior wall and roof of the pterygopalatine fossa?

anterosuperior surface of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the middle cranial fossa?

foramen rotundum and pterygoid canal

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the nasopharynx?

palatovaginal canal

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the roof of the oral cavity?

palatine canal

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?

sphenopalatine foramen

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the infratemporal fossa?

pterygomaxillary fissure

How does the pterygopalatine fossa communicate with the orbit?

inferior orbital fissure

How does the third part of the maxillary artery lay in regards to the lateral pterygoid muscle?

anterior to the muscle

WHat does the posterior superior alveolar artery supply?

- branch of maxillary
- molar and premolar teeth
- gums
- maxillary sinus

What does the infraorbital artery supply? WHat branch does it have?

- branch of maxillary
- contents of inferior orbit and the face in the area of the infraorbital foramen
- has the anterior superior alveolar artery --> supplies incisor and canine teeth and part of maxillary sinus

What does the descending palatine artery supply?

- branches of maxillary
- descending branch: becomes greater palatine artery to supply hard palate
- ascending branch: becomes lesser palatine artery to supply soft palate

What does the artery of the pterygoid canal supply?

- branch of maxillary
- nasopharynx, auditory tube, sphenoidal sinus and tympanic cavity

What does the pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery supply?

- supply part of auditory tube, nasopharynx and sphenoid sinus
- passes through palatovaginal canal

What does the zygomatic nerve supply?

- passes through inferior orbital fissure
- divides into zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial branches

What does the posterior superior alveolar nerve supply?

- leaves through foramen midway between last molar tooth and inferior orbital fissure
- innervates molar maxillary teeth and adjacent gums

What do the pterygopalatine ganglionic branches supply?

general sensory+parasympathetic postganglionic fibers+sympathetic postganglionic axons=leaves the fossa as four sets of nerves:
- greater palatine, nasal, pharyngeal and orbital

the middle and anterior superior alveolar nerves originate from where?

- the infraorbital nerve