0.25s - 1/3 of the time available

Under normal resting conditions, the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide is usually completed in about ?

0.75 s

the normal transit time for blood through the avleolar-capillary system is about

ficks law

the rate of gas transfer across a sheet of tissue is directly proportional to the surface of the tissue, to the diffusion constants and to the difference in partial pressure of the gas between two sides of the tissue.

avleolar-capillary membrane

in the lungs gas mole. must diffuse through the ?


during exercise blood passes through the alveolar-cap system at rate much faster and there for the time for gas diffusion

Carbon monoxide

example of a diffusion limited gas?


largest WBC


basophils contain


plasma constitutes about __% of the total blood volume


gas exchange occurs in the _______ of the pulmonary system?

gas exchange in the capillaries

external respiration

gas exchange between the capillaries and systemic system

internal respiration

stroke volume

the volume of blood ejected from the ventricle during each contraction is called?

cardiac output

the total volume of blood discharged from the ventricles per min is called the?


what WBC is usually elevated in pt w/ asthma ?


an increase in the number of what type of WBC suggest a bacterial infection?

increase in ventilation or decrease in perfusion

How does a increase V/Q ratio develop?

decrease in ventilation or increase in perfusion

how does a decrease v/q ratio develop?


overall the v/q ratio is about

paCO2 is highest in the lower lungs

in the healthy individual in the upright postion the


when irritant reflex are activated what happens to ventilatory rate?


hearing breure reflex when activate does what to inspiration?

60 torr

the peripheral chemoreceptors are significantly acitvited when the pO2 decrease to about

increased PVR
Systemic arterial htn

stimulation of per. chemoreceptors can cause ?

dorsal and ventral resp. group

the respiratory component of the medulla consist of which of the following?


as we age the vital capacity does what?

20-25 yrs

lung reach there most function between what ages?

lung compliance increases
chest wall compliance decrease

with advancing age what happens to lung compliance and chest wall compliance?

Age x 220

Max HR calc?


over a course of a life diffusion capacity decrease about?

lower respiratory system

larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs


fluid secretion by type II cells comprised of phospholipids and lipoproteins.
releases surface tension
breaks up weak hydrogen bonds

Respiratory Zone

terminal bronchioles
respiratory bronchioles

The function of the larynx is?

To protect the trachea, and is important in sound production.

Gas exchange requires the following

Ventilation, Perfusion, Diffusion

largest of the cartilages

thyroid cartilage


opening between vocal folds and is open when we breathe


the trachea divides into right and left