
Tubular reabsorption occurs in the

proximal convoluted tubule and loop of Henle

What layer of fat of the kidney is continuous with the renal sinus fat?


What function of the nephron returns useful substances to the blood?

tubular reabsorption

The interlobar arteries of the kidney are found

between the renal pyramids

Approximately when do the kidneys begin to function in the embryo?

8 weeks

The base of the renal pyramid is adjacent to the

renal cortex

What is the range of excursion of the kidneys when the patient moves from a supine to an erect position?


The "migration" of the kidneys from the fetal pelvis to their normal retroperitoneal locations is due to

rapid growth of the caudal portion of the kidneys.

Which of the following is a correct statement?

The renal pelvis is contained within the renal sinus.

What are the serum lab values/tests associated with kidney function? (mark all that apply)

creatinine levels

The collecting system of the kidney consists of all of the following except

renal pyramids

Which of the following is a muscle located posterior to the medial aspect of the kidney?


Internal structures of the kidney include

parenchyma and sinus

What are the extensions of cortex that lie between the renal pyramids called?

Columns of Bertin

Much of the lateral aspect of the right kidney is adjacent to the


Normal kidney function is dependent on

constant blood flow

Correct Embryologically, the kidneys develop from the


Urine is composed of

95% water and 5% byproducts of metabolism.

What part of the nephron is found in the medulla/pyramids?

Loop of Henle

What are the two types of nephrons in the renal parenchyma?

cortical and juxtamedullary

The renal fascia surrounds

the kidney, adrenal gland, and perirenal fat

The renal sinus contains

fat, vessels, and collecting system structures.

What is the basic functional unit of the kidney?


Which of the following can be used to describe a junctional parenchymal defect (an anatomic variant) of the kidney? (select all that apply)

-incomplete fusion of the embryonic upper and lower poles of a kidney
-remnant of the junction of the reniculi
-wedge-shaped, hyperechoic defect in the anterior aspect of a kidney

A segmental artery of the kidney is located

distal to the renal artery and proximal to the interlobar artery.

Place these structures in order of their position in the drainage path for urine:

1. collecting tubules/medulla
2. minor calyx
3. major calyx
4. renal pelvis
5. proximal ureter

The male urethra passes through the

prostate gland

The stomach is in contact with which portion of the left kidney?

superior pole