Muscle AOIs- 1st test

Extrinsic Muscles- On humerus

Brachiocephalicus, Latissimus dorsi, Deep Pectoral, Superfical Pectoral (BLPP)

Extrinsic Muscles- On scapula

Rhomboideus, Omotransversarius, Trapezius, Serratus ventralis (ROTS)

Superficial Pectoral

Origin- Cranial Sternum; Insertion- crest of greater tubercle; Action- adduct the limb

Deep Pectoral

Orgin- sternum; Insertion- greater and lesser tubercles of humerus; Action- adduct limb; pull limb caudally


Origin- clavicular inersection; Insertion- mastoid process, dorsal neck, distal cranial humerus; Action- pull limb cranially (not bearing weight), pull head and neck laterally


Origin- wing of the atlas; Insertion- distal spine of scapula; Action- pull head and neck laterally, pull limb cranially (not bearing weight)


Orgin- dorsal neck (cervical part), dorsal thorax (thoracic part); Insertion- spine of scapula; Action- elevate thoracic limb


Origin- occipital bone, dorsal neck, dorsal thorax; Insertion- dorsal border of scapula; Action- elevate thoracic limb and depress scapula to trunk

Serratus Ventralis

Origin- cervical vertebrae, thoracic wall (ribs); Insertion- Serrated face of scapula; Action- support/elevate trunk

3 muscles grouped with these (but not appendicular)

Sternocephalicus, Sternohyoideus, Sternothyroideus


Caudal attachment- cranial sternum; Cranial attachment- mastoid process, occipital bone; Action- depress head and neck and draw laterally


Caudal attachment- cranial sternum; Cranial attachment- basihyoid bone; Action- pull tongue/larynx caudally


Caudal attachment- cranial sternum; Cranial attachment- thyroid cartilage of larynx; Action- pull tongue/larynx caudally

Lateral Muscles of Shoulder

Deltoideus, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor


Origin- acromion and spine of scapula; Insertion- deltoid tuberosity of humerus; Action- Flex shoulder joint


Origin- supraspinous fossa; Insertion- greater tubercle of humerus; Action-EXTEND shoulder joint and function as lateral collateral ligament of shoulder joint


Origin- infraspinous foss; Insertion- greater tubercle of humerus; Action- FLEX shoulder join and function as lateral collateral ligament of the shoulder

Teres minor

Origin- CAUDAL border of scapula; Insertion- Teres minor tuberosity; Action- FLEX humeral joint

Medial Muscles of shoulder

Subscapularis, Coracobrachialis, Teres Major


Origin- subscapular fossa; Insertion- lesser tubercle of humerus; Action- ADDUCT limb at the shoulder joint; functionally serve as medial collateral ligament of the shoulder


Origin- corocoid process of scapula; Insertion- crest of lesser tubercle of humerus; Action- ADDUCT limb at shoulder joint; functionally serve as medial collateral ligament of the shoulder joint

Teres major

Origin- caudal border of scapula; Insertion- Teres major tuberosity; Action- FLEX humeral joint

Cranial Muscles of the Arm (Brachium)

Biceps brachii and bracialis mm.

Biceps brachii

Origin- supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; Insertion- proximal/medial aspects of radius/ulna; Action- flex cubital joint


Origin- proximal part of lateral humerus; Insertion- proximal/medial aspects of radius/ulna; Action- FLEX cubital joint

Caudal Muscles of the Arm (Brachium)

Triceps brachii, Tensor fasciae antebrachii, Anconeus

Triceps brachii

Origin- caudal border of scapula (long head), proximal humerus (other heads); Insertion- Tuber olecrani; Action- EXTEND cubital joint

Tensor fasciae antebrachii

Origin- latissimus dorsi and fascia on CAUDAL border of scapula; Insertion- tuber olecrani; Action- EXTEND cubital joint


Origin- distal/caudal humerus; Insertion- tuber olecrani; Action- EXTEND cubital joint

Craniolateral Antebrachial Muscles

Extensor carpi radialis, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, ulnaris lateralis, supinator, abductus pollicis longus

Caudomedial Antebrachial Muscles

Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor, pronator teres, pronator quadratus

What are the digital extensors of the thoracic limb?

common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor

What are the digital flexors of the thoracic limb?

superficial and deep digital flexor

What are the carpal extensors of the thoracic limb?

Extensor carpi radialis

What are the carpal flexors of the thoracic limb?

Ulnaris lateralis, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Flexor carpi radialis

Where do the superficial digital flexor muscles of any limb attach?

the proximal palmar/plantar aspects of the middle phalanges of the weight-bearing digits

Where do the deep digital flexor muscles of any limb attach?

palmar/plantar aspects of the distal phalanges of the weight-bearing digits

Where do the digital extensor muscles insert?

extend distal to the proximal, dorsal aspects of the distal phalanges of the weight-bearing digits

What are the antebrachial muscles that attach to the accessory bone? (no other bones serve as points of muscular attachment)

ulnaris lateralis and flexor carpi ulnaris

Extensor carpi radialis

Origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- dorsal/proximal end of METAcarpals 2 and 3; Action- EXTEND carpal joints

Common digital extensor

Origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- extensor processes of digits 2-5; Action- EXTEND carpal AND digital joints

Lateral digital extensor

Origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- distal phalanges of digits 3-5 (lateral digits); Action- extend carpal AND digital joints

Ulnaris lateralis

Origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- accessory carpal bone and proximolateral aspect of 5th digit; Action- FLEX carpal joints; ABDUCT the manus

Abductor pollicis longus

Origin- body of ulna; Insertion- proximal metacarpal 1; Action- EXTEND carpal join; ABDUCT the first digit (carnivores)


Origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- body of radius; Action- supination of the manus

Flexor carpi radialis

Origin- medial epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- palmar/proximal aspects of METAcarpals 2 and 3; Action- FLEX the carpal joints (exact opposite of extensor carpi radialis)

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Origin- medial epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- Accessory bone; Action- FLEX the carpal joints

Superficial Digital Flexor

Origin- medial epicondyle of humerus; Insertion- palmar/proximal aspects of the middle phalanges 2-5 of the weight bearing digits; Action- FLEX the carpal AND the digital joints (EXCEPT the distal interphalangeal joints)

Deep Digital Flexor

Origin- medial epicondyle of the humerus; Insertion- palmar aspects of distal phalanges; Action- FLEX carpal AND digital joints

Pronator teres

Origin- medial epicondyle of the humerus; Insertion- body of the radius; Action- Pronation of the manus (opposite of the supinator)

Pronator quadratus

Attachments- apposed surfaces of the radius and ulna; Action- pronation of the manus

Muscles of the manus

Interosseus Muscle

Interosseus Muscle

Origin- Proximal ends of metacarpal bones; Insertion- base (more proximal than head) of proximal phalanx; Action- FLEX and SUPPORT the metacarpophalangeal joints

Muscles of the Rump

Tensor faciae latae, Superficial gluteal, Middle gluteal, Piriformis, Deep gluteal

Tensor fascia latae

Origin- tuber coxae; Insertion- fascia latae; Action- flex the hip joint (also tense fascia lata and thus aid extension of genual joint)

Superficial gluteal

Origin- Sacrotuberous ligament and Sacrum; Insertion- third trochanter; Action- EXTENDS coxal joint and ABDUCTS the limb

Middle gluteal

Origin- gluteal surface of ilium; Insertion- greater trochanter of femur; Action- EXTENDS coxal joint and rotates limb MEDIALLY


Origin- sacrum and 1st cadual vertebra; Insertion- greater trochanter; Action- EXTENDS coxal joint

Deep gluteal

Origin- Body of ilium and Ischiatic spine; Insertion- greater trochanter; Action- EXTENDS coxal joint

Caudal Muscles of the Thigh

Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

Biceps femoris

Origin- Sacrotuberous ligament and isciatic tuberosity; Insertion- cranial tibia, patella, and tuber calcanei; Action- EXTEND the coxal and tarsal joins, FLEX genual joint (non-weight) or EXTEND (weight-bearing), ABDUCT the limb


Origin- Ischiatic tuberosity; Insertion- Proximal tibia and tuber calcanei; Action- EXTEND coxal and tarsal joints; FLEX genual jt (non-weight) or EXTEND genual jt (weight-bearing)


Origin- Ischiatic tuberosity; Insertion- distal femur and proximal tibia; Action- EXTEND coxal joint ONLY (not attaching to tuber calcanei); FLEX genual jt (non-weight) or EXTEND genual jt (weight-bearing)

Medial Muscles of the Thigh

Sartorius, Gracilis, Pectineus, Adductor


Origin- ILIUM; Insertion- patella and cranial tibia; Action- FLEX coxal joint, FLEX genual joint (non-weight) or EXTEND genual joint (weight)


Origin- Pelvic symphysis; Insertion- cranial tibia and tuber calcanei; Action- ADDUCT the limb, EXTEND coxal joint AND tarsal joints, FLEX genual joint (doesn't extend)


Origin- Iliopubic eminence; Insertion- distal body of femur; Action- ADDUCT the limb ONLY


Origin- ventral os coxae; Insertion- CAUDAL surface of femur; Action- ADDUCTS the limb and EXTEND the coxal joint

Caudal Muscles of the Hip

External obturator, internal obturator, gemelli, and quadratus femoris

External obturator

Origin- ventral os coxae around obturator foramen; Insertion- trochanteric fossa; Action- ADDUCT limb and rotate it LATERALLY (only caudal hip m. that adducts limb- its on the ventral surface of os coxae, so it makes sense)

Internal obturator

Origin- dorsal os coxae aroun dobturator foramen: Insertion- trochanteric fossa; Action- rotate limb LATERALLY


Origin- lateral aspect of ischium; Insertion- trochanteric fossa; Action- rotate limb LATERALLY

Quadratus femorus

Origin- Ventral aspect of ischium (so gemelli is dorsal to it); Insertion- caudal femur NEAR the trochanteric fossa; Action- rotate limb LATERALLY; also EXTEND coxal joint (makes sense because it is ventral aspect of os coxae and inserts on caudal femur,