Grants Dissector: The Upper Limb

muscles of the upper limb

extend across the front and the back of the thorax


upper limb regions







superficial fascia of the upper limb

contains fat, superficial veins, and cutaneous nerves

cephalic vein

runs in the deltopectoral triangle
then along the anterolateral surface of the bicep
the anterolateral surface of the forearm and wraps around onto the posterior surface where it continues into the posterior surface of the hand

basilic vein

emerges from the deep fascia halfway down the anteromedial surface of the biceps
continues along the anteromedial surface into the forearm and then dives around to the posterior surface where it continues into the dorsal surface of the palm

median cubital vein

joins the cephalic and basilic veins across the cubital fossa

cephalic vein

passes deeply through the deltopectoral triangle to join the axillary vein

perforating veins

penetrate the deep fascia and connect superficial veins to deep veins

superior lateral nerves of the arm
inferior lateral nerves of the arm
posterior nerves of the arm
intercostobrachial nerve
medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
posterior cutaneous of the forearm
lateral cutaneous of the forearm
medial cutaneous of the arm

cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm

lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm

located at the level of the elbow in the superficial fascia lateral to the biceps brachii tendon
close relationship to the cephalic vein and the median cubital vein

medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm

located on the medial side of the biceps brachii tendon
close relatinoship to the basilic vein

superficial branch of radial nerve

located in the superficial fascia near the styloid process of the radius

dorsal branch of ulnar nerve

located in superficial fascia near the styloiid process of the ulna

deep fascia

extends from the shoulder to the fingertips
attaches to the bones of the upper limb and forms compartments that contain groups of muscles

brachial fascia

deep fascia of the upper arm

anterbachial fascia

deep fascia in the forearm

palmar fascia

deep fascia in the hand on the palmar surface

dorsal fascia

deep fascia on the posterior surface of the hand




shoulder muscles

teres minor
teres major

six shoulder muscles

page 24

DIagram of shoulder

spine of scapula
acromion of scapula
lateral 1/3 of clavicle

proximal attachmkents of the deltoid

deltoid tuberosity of the humerous

distal attachments of the deltoid

axillary nerve
posterior circumflex humeral artery and vein

run on the deep surface of the deltoid muscle near its attachment to the humerus

deltoid muscle
teres minor muscle

axillary nerve innervation

quadrangular space

transmits the axillary nerve and posgterior circumflex humeral artery

superior - inferior border of the teres minor
lateral - surgical neck of the humerus
medial - lateral border of the long head of the triceps brachii
inferior border - superior border of the teres major muscle

borders of the quadrangular space

anterior to teres minor
posterior to teres major
medial to axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery

long head of tricepss brachii relationships

medial - lateral border of the scapula
lateral - inferior facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus

teres minor attachments

teres minor

laterally rotates the humerus

medial - inferior angle of the scapula
lateral - medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus

teres major attachments

teres major

adducts and medially rotates the humerus

triangular space

circumflex scapular artery deep to space

superior - inferior border of the teres minor
lateral - medial border of the long head of the triceps bhrachii
inferior - superior border of the teres major muscle

borders of triangular space

medial - supraspinous fossa of scapula
lateral - highest facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus

supraspinatous attyachments


initiates abduction of the humerus

medial - infraspinous fossa of the scapula
lateral - middle facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus

infraspinatus attachments


laterally rotates the humerus

suprscapular artery
suprascapular nerve

found deep to the supraspinatous muscle

suprascapular artery and nerve

lies on the posterior surface of the scapula

suprascapular artery

passes superiorly to to the superior transverse scapular ligament

suprascapular nerve

passes inferiorly to the superior transverse scapular ligament

suprascapular artery and nerve

reach the infrspinatous muscle by coursing deep to the spine of the scapula

teres minor

rotator cuff muscles