The kidneys are retroperitoneal organs that lie on the ventral surface of what muscle?

Quadratus lumborum

The kidneys are directly covered by a ?brous capsule called the _____

Renal capsule

The false capsule of the kidney is also known as the _____

Perirenal fascia of Gerota

The most anterior structure in the renal hilum

Renal vein

The most posterior structure in the renal hilum

Renal pelvis

True or False: The left kidney is higher than the right kidney.

True. The left kidney is higher.

The renal cortex extends between the renal pyramids as the _____

Renal columns of Bertin

The renal medulla is composed of 5 to 11 minor calyces called _____

Renal pyramids of Malpighi

What do you call the avascular line between the anterior and posterior segments of the renal parenchyma?

Brodel white line

The kidney is innervated by the _____

Renal plexus

True or False: The renal plexus contains only sympathetic components.

True. The renal plexus contains only sympathetic components.

Within the abdomen, the ureters descend retroperitoneal and anterior to what muscle?

Psoas major muscle

Valve in the intramural portion of the ureter that functions to prevent urine re?ux

Ureterovesical valve of Sampson

Most common sites of kidney stone obstruction along the ureter

1. At the ureteropelvic junction, 2. Where the ureters cross the pelvic inlet, and 3. At the ureterovesical junction

In males, the most constant arterial supply of the lower part of the ureter is the _____

Inferior vesical artery

In females, the most constant arterial supply of the lower part of the ureter is the _____

Uterine artery

The ureter is innervated by the _____

Ureteric plexus

The most common type of renal calculi

Calcium oxalate

Kidney stones that are colorless, octahedral-shaped crystals that look like small squares crossed by intersecting diagonal lines

Calcium oxalate

Renal calculi that generally progress to form staghorn calculi

Magnesium ammonium sulfate or struvite calculi

Kidney stones that are colorless, rectangular, prism-shaped crystals

Magnesium ammonium sulfate or struvite calculi

Staghorn calculi are associated with infections of the urinary tract caused by what organisms?

Proteus species

The second most common type of renal calculi

Magnesium ammonium sulfate or struvite calculi

Third most common type of kidney stones that are yellow or red-brown in color and diamond-shaped crystals

Uric acid calculi

The least common type of kidney stones that are colorless, refractile, hexagonal-shaped crystals

Cystine calculi

Capacity of the urinary bladder

120 to 320 ml

Ligament that extends from the lower portion of the pubic bone to the neck of the bladder

Pubovesical ligament

Remnant of the allantois in the fetus


Ligament that extends from the umbilicus to the apex of the bladder

Median umbilical ligament or urachus

The arterial supply of the bladder is from _____

The vesical arteries, obturator artery, and inferior gluteal artery.

The bladder is innervated by the ____

Vesical plexus

Rupture of the anterior wall results in an extraperitoneal extravasation of urine within what potential space?

Retropubic space of Retzius

Rupture of the superior wall results in an intraperitoneal extravasation of urine within the peritoneal cavity?

Peritoneal cavity

What type of urethral injury occurs when the posterior urethra is stretched but intact due to the rupture of the puboprostatic ligaments?

Type I

What type of urethral injury occurs when the posterior urethra is torn above the urogenital diaphragm?

Type II

What type of urethral injury results in an extraperitoneal extravasation of urine within the retropubic space of Retzius?

Type II and IV

What is the most common type of urine leakage injury?

Type III or straddle injury

What type of urethral injury occurs when the anterior urethra is torn below the urogenital diaphragm along with a disruption of the urogenital diaphragm so that the membranous urethra is torn also?

Type III

What type of injury is more commonly known as straddle injury?

Type III

A boy slips off a bicycle seat and falls against the crossbar. If urethral injury occurred, extravasated urine is expected to accumulate where?

Super?cial perineal space, extending into the scrotal, penile, and anterior abdominal wall areas

What type of urethral injury occurs when the neck of the bladder and proximal prostatic urethra are injured?

Type IV

What type of urethral injury occurs when the penile urethra is torn?

Type V

What type of urethral injury results in an extraperitoneal extravasation of urine beneath the deep fascia of Buck?

Type V

How long is the female urethra?

About 3 to 5 cm.

How long is the male urethra?

About 18 to 20 cm.

What muscles, innervated by the pudendal nerve, are highly associated with the male and female urethra?

Deep transverse perineal muscle and sphincter urethrae muscle

The bulbous urethra courses through the bulb of the penis and develops endodermal outgrowths into the surrounding mesoderm to form the _____

Bulbourethral glands of Cowper

The superior, middle, and inferior suprarenal arteries that supply the adrenal glands, all branch from 3 different vessels. What are these?

Superior suprarenal arises from the inferior phrenic artery, middle suprarenal arises from the aorta, inferior suprarenal arises from the renal artery

True or False: The right and left suprarenal veins empty into the right and left renal veins, respectively.

False. The right suprarenal vein empties directly into the inferior vena cava.

What do you call the modi?ed postganglionic neuronal cell bodies located in the adrenal medulla?

Chromaf?n cells

Largest zone of the adrenal cortex

Zona fasciculata

Zone of the adrenal cortex that secretes cortisol

Zona fasciculata

Zone of the adrenal cortex that secretes aldosterone

Zona glomerulosa

Zone of the adrenal cortex that secretes DHEA and androstenedione

Zona reticularis

What is the most common cause of Cushing syndrome?

Iatrogenic corticosteroid drug therapy

Conn syndrome is due to a mass on what zone of the adrenal gland?

Zona glomerulosa

Primary adrenal insufficiency is also known as _____

Addison disease

What gene mutation is the most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia?

21-hydroxylase deficiency

What neurotransmitter is more commonly secreted by the adrenal medulla?

Epinephrine (90%)

What conditions are part of the MEN type II-a syndrome?

Pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, and medullary thyroid CA

What is the most common solid tumor in children and may metastasize to the bone marrow, liver, and orbit?


Neuroblastoma is associated with the amplification of what oncogene?

N-myc oncogene