PT 805 Exam3 Thoracic Spine

How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


Which two thoracic vertebrae are transitional?


T1 is more like the...


T12 is more like the...


Thoracic vertebrae articulate with a pair of ribs at..


True or False? T11 and T12 do not have costotransverse joints.

True. They are floating ribs.

Spinous processes and ribs increase..


True or False? The thoracic spine is less flexible than the C-spine.


What is normally exhibited in the thoracic spine?

Mild kyphosis

What two ligaments are thicker in the T-spine than in the C-spine?

1) Ligamentum Flavum
2) ALL

When you flex, which ligament becomes taut first because it is the farthest away?

Supraspinous ligament

What are some posterior ligaments in the T-spine?

1) Supraspinous ligament
2) Interspinous ligament
3) Ligamentum flavum
4) Intertransverse ligament
5) PLL

The body of the thoracic vertebrae has..

Equal transverse and anteroposterior diameters

The transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae..

Widen at the end to articulate with the costal tubercles

T1 articulates with..

Rib 1 and 2

The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae are..

Long and sharp

The spinous processes of the T2-T6 vertebrae slope..

Downward (1 level)

The spinous processes of the T2-T6 vertebrae overlap..

The spinous processor the next vertebrae

The spinous processes of T7, T8 project ____ level(s) caudally

1 1/2 to 2 levels

T11 and T12 spinous processes project..

One level caudally

T2-T11 superior facets face mostly __A__ and slightly __B__

A) Posteriorly
B) Laterally

T2-T11 inferior facets face mostly __A__ and slightly __B__

A) Anteriorly
B) Medially

The facets of T2-T11 are oriented in what plane?

Coronal plane

T1 facets are similar to..

Those in the C-spine

T1 facets are still oriented in a(n) _____ plane


T1 superior facets face..


T1 inferior facets face..


T11 and T12 facets are similar to..

Those in the L-spine

T11 and T12 facets are oriented in a(n) ____ plane


T11 and T12 superior facets face..

More medially

T11 and T12 inferior facets face..

More laterally

Types of Thoracic Intervertebral movement

1) Flexion
2) Extension
3) Side-bending
4) Rotation

In the thoracic spine, there is about ____ degrees of FLEXION allowed


During flexion, T1-T6 movement is limited because..

Facets are more oriented in a frontal/coronal plane

Facet mobility during flexion in the T-spine _______ caudally


Why does facet mobility during flexion in the T-spine increase caudally?

Because the facets become more sagittally oriented (esp. T11 & T12)

Flexion in the T-spine is limited/checked by..

1) Supraspinous ligament
2) Interspinous ligament
3) LIgamentum flavum
4) PLL

In the thoracic spine, there is about ___ degrees of EXTENSION allowed


The facet mobility during extension includes..

The inferior facet of the superior vertebrae gliding caudally

Extension in the T-spine is limited/checked by..

1) ALL
2) Spinous processes
3) Facet capsule (but it doesn't play a huge role)

In the thoracic spine, there is about ____ degrees of SIDE-BENDING allowed


In the T-spine, facet mobility ______ after T7-T8 during side-bending


Why does the facet mobility increase after T7-T8 during side-bending?

Because the ribs are not directly attached to the sternum

True or False? In the T-spine, side-bending is always accompanied with some rotation.


From T4 down, if you were to lateral flex to the right, you would get a little ____ rotation at the segmental level


Side-bending in the T-spine is limited/checked by..

1) Intertransverse ligament
2) Facet capsule
3) Ribs

In the thoracic spine, there is about ____ degrees of ROTATION allowed


In the T-spine, facet mobility _____ caudally in regards to rotation


True or False? Rotation in the T-spine is always accompanied by some lateral flexion.


Rotation in the T-spine is limited/checked by..

1) Facet orientation
2) Rib cage

During rotation, the posterior portion of the rib on the side to which vertebrae is rotating becomes more..


During rotation, the anterior portion of the rib on the side to which vertebrae is rotating becomes more..


During rotation, the rib on the side opposite to which vertebrae is rotating..

Acts opposite to the rib on the side to which the vertebrae is rotating

If you rotate right:
The RIGHT ribs __A___ in convexity anteriorly
The RIGHT ribs __B___ in convexity posteriorly
The LEFT ribs __C___ in convexity anteriorly
The LEFT ribs ___D__ in convexity posteriorly

A) Decrease
B) Increase
C) Increase
D) Decrease

If you rotate left:
The LEFT ribs ___A___ in convexity anteriorly
The LEFT ribs ___B___ in convexity posteriorly
The RIGHT ribs ___C___ in convexity anteriorly
The RIGHT ribs ___D___ in convexity posteriorly

A) Decrease
B) Increase
C) Increase
D) Decrease

A typical rib includes..

1) Head
2) Facets for vertebral articulation
3) Neck
4) Shaft
5) Tubercle

The tubercle of the rib has a facet for..

Transverse process

Ribs are made of..

Trabecular bone

What causes the ribs to be easily fractured?

The fact that they are made out of trabecular bone

The posterior angle of the ribs is..

5-6 cm from the tubercle

Ribs 1-7 are known as..

true" ribs

Cartilages of ribs 1-7 attach..

Directly to sternum

Ribs 8, 9, 10 articulate with..


Ribes 8, 9, and 10 articulate with the sternum through..

The costal cartilage above them

Why are ribs 8, 9, and 10 not considered true ribs?

Because they articulate with the sternum through the costal cartilage above them

Ribs 11 and 12 are known as..

floating" ribs

What are the characteristics of ribs 11 and 12?

1) No sternal attachments
2) No tubercles for transverse processes
3) No angles

Articulations of the Thorax include..

1) Anterior synchondroses (synarthrodial)
2) Anterior synovial (diarthrodial)
3) Posterior synovial (diarthrodial)

Major anterior joint types in the thorax include..

1) Synarthosis (not moveable)
2) Diathrosis (movable, synovial)

Articulations of the Thorax: Anterior synchondroses (synarthrodial)

1) Manubriosternal
2) Xiphisternal
3) Interchondral

Manubriosternal joint is what type of joint?


The manubriosternal joint unites..

Manubrium and sternum

The manubriosternal joint has..

A fibrocartilaginous disc

The manubriosternal joint's fibrocartilaginous disc connects..

Hyaline cartilage ends

Xiphisternal joint is what type of joint?


True or False? The xiphisternal joint is a synarthrosis joint with no ligaments


The Xiphisternal joint is formed by..

Rib articulating with costal cartilage at ribs 1 - 10

The Xiphisternal joint is surrounded by..


The Periosteum that surrounds the xiphisternal joint blends with..

The perichondrium

The interchondral joint is what type of joint?

Anterior transitional/synarthrodial

In the interchondral joint, 1 cartilage articulates with..

Another single cartilage

Costal cartilage of ribs 8, 9, 10, and sometimes 11 articulates with..

The costal cartilage above it, in order to connected to the sternum

With aging, the interchonral joints become..

Fibrocartilaginous and fuse

Articulations of the Thorax: Anterior Synovial (Diarthroidal)

1) Chondrosternal

What type of joint is the chondrosternal joint?

Synovial joint

The chondrosternal joint connects..

The rib cartilage to the sternum at ribs 2-7

Rib 1 is connected to the manubrium at..


True or False? There is slight gliding movement allowed at the chondrosternal joint


The chodrosternal joint includes what stabilizing structures?

1) Capsule
2) Radiate ligament
3) Intra-articular ligament

Articulation of the Thorax: Posterior Synovial (Diarthroidal)

1) Costovertebral
2) Costotransverse

What type of joint is the costovertebral joint?


The costo vertebral going is formed by..

Head of rib and costal facets of two adjacent vertebrae

Ribs 1, 11 and 12 articulate with..

One vertebrae only

What motions are included at the costovertebral joint?

1) Rotation
2) Gliding

The costovertebral joint includes what stabilizing structures?

1) Thin capsule
2) Radiate ligaments
3) Intra-articular ligament

Intra-articular ligament is..

A ligament in the middle of capsule that holds a rib to the disc

True or False? The capsule of the costovertebral joint can become sprained.

True. Synovitis can also occur

What type of joint is the costotransverse joint?


The costotransverse joint is formed by..

Costal tubercle of the rib with a costal facet on the transverse processes of vertebrae T1-T10

The costotransverse joint includes what stabilizing structures?

1) Capsule
2) Superior ligament
3) Interosseous ligament
4) Lateral ligament

True or False? The costotransverse joint has a capsule and ligamentous structures that if sprained can become painful


Movements of the Ribcage during thoracic ROM include..

1) Flexion
2) Extension
3) Side-bending
4) Rotation

During flexion, volume of the ribcage is..


During flexion, the costovertebral angle..


During flexion, the sternocostal angle..


During flexion, the chondrocostal angle of rib 10..


During extension, volume of the ribcage is..


During side-bending, the volume of the contralateral ribcage..


During side-bending, the intercostal spaces of the contralateral ribcage..


During side-bending, the volume of the ipsilateral ribcage..


During left lateral flexion, there is a(n) increase ribcage volume on the ______ side


During left rotation, there is a(n) increase in ribcage volume on the _____ side

Left (the side in which you are rotating)

During rotation, there is a(n) ________ in ribcage volume on the side in which you are rotating


True or False? You get decreased rotation with age.


Vertebral rotation must lead to..

Distortion of rib due to connections with rib

Distortion of the rib is achievable because..

Of rib and cartilage elasticity

What position maximally increases ribcage volume if you have pneumonia on the left side?

1) Flex and right side bending
2) Flex and left rotation

Muscles of Respiration include..

1) Diaphragm
2) External intercostals
3) Internal intercostals
4) Transverse thoracic muscles
5) Subcostal msucles
6) Sternohyoid, sternothyroid muscles
7) Scalene muscles
8) Rectus abdominis and lateral abdominal muscles
9) Latissimus dorsi, pectoralis minor, trapezius

Anteriorly, the diaphragm attaches to..

Posterior aspect of xiphoid and inner surfaces of lower 6 ribs and artilages

Posteriorly, the diaphragm inserts on..

1) Anterolateral bodies and discs of L1-L3
2) Arcuate ligaments

The arcuate ligaments include..

1) Medial arcuate ligament
2) Lateral arcuate ligament

Medial arcuate ligament arches over..


Medial arcuate ligament attaches to..

1) L1, L2 bodies
2) L1, L2 transverse processes

Lateral arcuate ligament arches over..

Quadratus lumborum

Lateral arcuate ligament attaches to..

Transverse processes of L1, L2, L3, and rib 12

Central tendon of the diaphragm is a..

Noncontractile connective tissue fuses with pericardium

In regards to the central tendon of the diaphragm, the muscle fibers come...

Radially from tendon

What is the diaphragm's function during inspiration?

1) Diaphragm muscle fibers shorten
2) Dome moves caudally; flattens
3) Abdominal contents move caudally
4) Increased intra-abdominal pressure
5) As muscle shortening continues, lower ribs are pulled up vertically, slightly laterally for BUCKET HANDLE effect

What is the role of the external intercostal muscles in regards to respiration?

1) Rib elevators
2) Operate in both inspiration and expiration

The external intercostal muscles connect..

Ribs from rib 1-11

The external intercostal muscles run..

Down and anterior (hands in pocket)

What is the role of the internal intercostal muscles in regards to respiration?

1) Rib depressors

The internal intercostals are deep to..

The external intercostal muscles

The internal intercostal muscles run..

Down and posterior

What is the role of the transverse thoracic muscles in regards to respiration?

Rib depressor in active expiration

The transverse thoracic muscles are deep to..

The internal intercostal muscles

The transverse thoracic muscles run from..

The posterior sternum to the internal costal cartilage 3-7

What is the role of the subcostal muscles in regards to respiration?

Posterior rib depressors

Subcostal muscles are located..

On the inner aspect of the lower thorax

What is the role of the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles in regards to respiration?

Can operate under stress to elevate sternum, clavicle, and first rib

True or False? The scalene muscles are always operating


What is the role of the scalene muscles in regards to respiration?

1) Contribute to quiet inspiration by fixing the first rib
2) Elevates sternum, clavicle, and first rib in times of stress
3) Cervical flexors

What pathology can be indicated by shortening of scalenes?

Shortening of scalenes --> lay down at night --> scalenes stretch over brachial plexus --> lose feeling in hands

What specific patients can we see the pathology of short scalene muscles?

1) Patients with forward head posture
2) Smokers
3) Asthmatics

What is the role of the rectus abdomens and lateral abdominal muscles in regards to respiration?

Assist with forced expiration

What is the role of the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis minor, and trapezius in regards to respiration?

Act as accessory muscles during stress to fix shoulder girdle and expand the thorax

What are the superficial muscles involved in the mobility of the thoracic spine?

1) Latissimus dorsi
2) Upper trapezius
3) Serratus anterior
4) Scapular stabilizers

What are the middle muscles involved in the mobility of the thoracic spine?

1) Erector spinae msucles
a) Iliocostalis
b) Longissimus
c) Spinalis

What are the deep muscles involved in the mobility of the thoracic spine?

1) Rotatores
2) Quadratus lumborum
3) Multifidus

What are some pathologies of the thoracic spine?

1) Scoliosis
3) Aging

T-spine: Scoliosis


An increased convexity in the right thorax results in..

Left side-bending --> Which results in right rotation --> Which results in right rib hump --> Which results in restricted lung capacity on left

T-Spine: COPD


T-Spine: Aging