Respiratory parts and functions

nasal cavity

hollow space in the nose which is lined by mucous membranes, warms air during inhalation, trapping water during exhalation, cleanses air by coarse hairs inside the nostrils and cilia inside the cavities


throat; funnel shapped passage that connects the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx.

larynx voice box

passageway for air moving from pharynx to trachea, contains vocal cords


the flap of tissue that prevents food or liquids from passing into the larynx


part of the upper respiratory tract, lined with mucous membranes, two nasal cavities divided by septum


windpipe,connects to larynx to primary brochi, held open by c-shaped cartilage rings


paired tubes that carry air to the lungs


tubes that lead from bronchi to alveoli


pair of cone shaped organ, the right side had 3 lobes , left side has 2 lobes


air sacs in lung that exchange gas between air and blood


A physical movement


A chemical reaction

Why do you breathe

signals from your brain tell the muscles in your chest to contract and relax

What supports the trachea

rings of cartiliage

When you swallow what blocks the air way

the epiglottis