Neuroanatomy II Exam 1

What are the 2 parts of the CNS?

brain & spinal cord

How many pairs of spinal nerves (mixed) are there?

31 pairs

How many spinal nerves (mixed) are there?

62 (31 pairs)

What contains the 1� sensory neuron cell bodies?

dorsal root (spinal) ganglion

What are the 2 functional subdivisions of the nervous system?

somatic and visceral (autonomic)

What neurotransmitter do preganglionic sympathetic neurons use?


What neurotransmitter do postganglionic sympathetic neurons use?


What levels of the spinal cord have cell bodies for the sympathetic nervous system?


What neurotransmitter do preganglionic parasympathetic neurons use?


What neurotransmitter do postganglionic parasympathetic neurons use?


What levels of the spinal cord have cell bodies for the parasympathetic nervous system?

cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X and S2-S4

Which splanchnic nerves carry sympathetic fibers?

greater, lesser, and least

Which splanchnic nerves carry parasympathetic fibers?


Which cranial nerves are special sensory?

I, II, VII, VIII, IX, and X

Which cranial nerves are somatic motor?

III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII

Which cranial nerves are somatic sensory?

V, VII, and IX

Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic control?

III, VII, IX, and X

What is a characteristic of the cranial nerves with special sensory?

somewhere there will be a bipolar neruon

With regards to cranial nerve I, fibers in olfactory mucosa traverse the __________ _____ and synapse on the _________ ____.

cribriform plate; olfactory bulb

With regards to cranial nerve II, fibers from the retina converge on the _____ ____ and are carried in the optic nerve, chiasma, and tract to the _______ _________ ______.

optic disc; lateral geniculate bodies

Which cranial nerve supplies 5 somatic muscles and 2 visceral (smooth) muscles?

cranial nerve III, oculomotor

Which cranial nerve supplies superior oblique?

cranial nerve IV, trochlear

What is the action of superior oblique?

turns eyes down and out

What is the "great sensory nerve of the face?

cranial nerve V, trigeminal

What is the largest cranial nerve?

cranial nerve V, trigeminal

Which cranial nerve is the motor supply to muscles of mastication?

cranial nerve V, trigeminal

Which cranial nerve supplies lateral rectus?

cranial VI, abducens (abducent)

What is the action of lateral rectus?

moves eye laterally

What is the "nerve of facial expression?

cranial nerve VII, facial

Which cranial nerve carries taste information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?

cranial nerve VII, facial

Which cranial nerve supplies muscles of facial expression including stylohyoid and stapedius?

cranial nerve VII, facial

Which cranial nerve supply lacrimal and salivary glands?

cranial nerve VII, facial

Which cranial nerve receives sensory information from the cochlea and vestibule?

cranial nerve VIII, vestibulocochlear

Which cranial nerve carries taste information from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?

cranial nerve IX, glossopharyngeal

Which cranial nerve gives motor supply to the stylopharyngeus?

cranial nerve IX, glossopharyngeal

Which cranial nerve supplies parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?

cranial nerve IX, glossopharyngeal

What is the longest cranial nerve?

cranial nerve X, vagus

Which cranial nerve gives motor supply to the pharyngeal constrictors?

cranial nerve X, vagus

Which cranial nerve supplies parasympathetic innervation to bronchi, heart, and GI tract from esophagus to distal 1/3 of the transverse colon?

cranial nerve X, vagus

Which cranial nerve supplies muscles of the pharynx, larynx, and palate (cranial part) and the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles (spinal part)?

cranial nerve XI, spinal accessory

Which cranial nerve supplies intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue?

cranial nerve XII, hypoglossal

What is cranial nerve I's skull opening?

cribriform plate of ethmoid bone

What is cranial nerve II's skull opening

optic canal

What is cranial nerve III's skull opening

superior orbital fissue

What is cranial nerve IV's skull opening

superior orbital fissure

What is cranial nerve V1's skull opening

superior orbital fissure

What is cranial nerve V2's skull opening

foramen rotundum

What is cranial nerve V3's skull opening

foramen ovale

What is cranial nerve VI's skull opening

superior orbital fissure

What is cranial nerve VII's skull opening

internal acoustic meatus

What is cranial nerve VIII's skull opening

internal acoustic meatus

What is cranial nerve IX's skull opening

jugular foramen

What is cranial nerve X's skull opening

jugular foramen

What is cranial nerve XI's skull opening

jugular foramen

What is cranial nerve XII's skull opening

hypoglossal canal

What are the 2 types of neurons in a somatic motor pathway?

upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons

Which neuron in a somatic motor pathway is found in the peripheral nervous system?

lower motor neurons

Which tract do upper motor neurons descend in before synapsing in the anterior horn (primarily Rexed lamina VII) of the gray matter?

lateral corticospinal tract

Where do upper motor neurons synapse after descending the lateral corticospinal tract?

anterior horn, primarily Rexed Lamina VII, of the gray matter

Which type of upper motor neuron initiates voluntary movements?


Which type of upper motor neuron coordinates movements?


Where do lower motor neurons exit cord?

anterior (ventral) rootlets

How many neurons are in a somatic sensory pathway?

1. from PNS to CNS
2. to thalamus
3. to cortex

Where are primary (first order) sensory neuron cell bodies located?

dorsal root (spinal) ganglion
*convey information from a receptor to the CNS

Where do secondary (second order) sensory neurons decussate and convey information?


Where do tertiary (third order) sensory neurons relay information?

cerebral cortex, primarily the post central gyrus, where sensory information is integrated

What are the bipolar primary sensory neuron of cranial nerve I?

olfactory neurons

Where are olfactory neurons found?

in olfactory epithelium lining superior part of the nasal cavity