Functional Ch 3 - Skeletal Muscle

Muscle fiber

basic structural unit of muscle
individual cell with multiple nuclei
made up of bundle of myofibrils

3 Layers of Extracellular CT around muscle

1. epimysium-tough outer layer, surrounds muscle belly
2. perimysium-around each fascicle (bundle of fibers), has blood vessel supply
3. endoymysium-surrounds individual fibers, location of metabolic exchange btw. fibers and capillaries

Muscle Connective Tissue

composed mostly of collagen with some elastin fibers
3 layers that are interwoven and connect either directly or indirectly to the tendon
conveys contractile force to the tendon


cell membrane of a single muscle fiber
just inside the endomysium


fundamental unit within a muscle fiber
A band-dark band, contains myosin and some actin (overlap)
H Zone-within the A band, contains only myosin
M Line-mid region of A band, connects myosin chains
I Band-light band, contains only actin


thin filament


thick filament

Myosin heavy

globular head on myosin, involved in muscle contraction

Myosin light

thinner strand part of myosin, has regulatory role


thin strand of protein, has regulatory role


globular protein that sits on top of tropomyosin, has regulatory role


runs from center of myosin to the Z discs
helps maintain length of myosin
structural role
plays role in developing passive tension

Motor Unit

a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates
more fibers per unit = more force production
less fibers per unit = more precision

Phases of Sliding Filament Mechanism

1. excitation
2. coupling
3. contraction ( and recharging)
4. relaxation

Excitation Phase of Sliding Filament Mechanism

-AP at motor neuron arrives at NMJ
-ACh is released at NMJ, increasing the permeability of the sarcolemma to Na
-muscle AP
-depolarization of t-tubules reaching the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which releases Ca2+ into the sarcoplasm

Coupling Phase of Sliding Filament Mechanism

-Rest: myosin connected to actin weakly; troponin-tropomyosin is in the way
-during coupling, Ca2+ binds with troponin, pulling tropomyosin away
-allows for strong binding between actin and myosin, forming a cross bridge

Contraction Phase of Sliding Filament Mechanism

-during coupling, ATP is broken down into ADP + P + energy
-the energy that is released is used for cross bridge movement (contraction)
-to keep the process going, you must have Ca2+ and ATP available
-recharging: process of going from contraction back to

Relaxation Phase of Sliding Filament Mechanism

-absence of impulse at NMJ causes Ca2+ to be pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
-tropomyosin moves back to cover the actin-binding sites
-cross bridges are broken and contraction ceases

Concentric Contractions

Involves shortening of muscle
when force muscle > force resistance
actin filaments are pulled toward center of sarcomere
Types: gravity neutral, against gravity,with gravity but faster than gravity,with gravity and against resistance

Eccentric Contractions

involves lengthening of muscle
always involves a deceleration
when force resistance > force muscle
actin filaments are pulled away from center of sarcomere
ex: slowing down a follow through in sport

Isometric Contractions

no change in muscle length
force muscle = force resistance


the mover
actively produces desired motion
may be concentric, eccentric, or isometric


oppose action the agonist
usually passively elongates the opposite muscle to permit the desired motion


muscles that cooperate to perform the desired motion


simultaneous contraction of the agonist and antagonist
may enhance stability
ex: squat-co contraction of quads and hamstrings


two or more muscles simultaneously produce forces in different linear directions to cause a rotation in the same direction
ex: anterior pelvic tilt-back extensors and hip flexors
posterior pelvic tilt-abdominals and hip extensors

Passive Insufficiency

inability to complete a ROM (passively) because the two joint antagonistic muscles cannot be elongated further
ex: knee extension ROM limited by tight hamstring

Tenodesis Grasp

-example of passive insufficiency
-when patient actively extends the wrist, the fingers automatically flex bc the flexors are stretched over the wrist and fingers
-when patient passively flexes wrist, fingers extend and hand opens for opposite reason. Fin

Fusiform Muscles

Parallel fibers
strap-type muscles
large ROM
ex: biceps brachii, sartorius

Pennate Muscles

fibers are oblique at an angle to the central tendon
large force
ex: rectus femoris, gastrocnemius

Physiological Cross Sectional Area

estimates the # of fibers in a muscle
measured perpendicular to fiber length
pennate muscles fit more fibers in a given PCSA
strength is related to # of fibers
therefore pennate muscles produce greater max force

Angle of Pull

fusiform muscles transmits full (100%) force to the tendon
pennate muscles transmit less than 100% depending on angle of fibers

Active Insufficiency

the inability of a two-joint muscle to produce maximum active tension because it has been placed in a shortened position
ex: cannot open jar with both wrist and fingers flexed
grip strength will be higher with wrist in slight extension

Active Tension

developed by muscle contractile elements

Passive Tension

developed by non contractile elements: tendons, connective tissue, titin
-includes parallel elastic component and series elastic component

Parallel elastic components

tissues that surround or lie in parallel with the active proteins
extracellular CT, structural proteins

Series elastic components

tissues that lie in series with active proteins
tendons, large structural proteins--titin

Passive Length Tension Relationship

passive tension (force) is greater when muscle is lengthened and stretched farther

Active Length Tension Relationship

optimal active tension (force) is produced when muscle is near 100% of resting length
-not too short or too long

Total Muscle Force

total force = passive tension + active tension
passive tension is more important at long muscle lengths where active tension is less-contributes to high eccentric muscle forces

Stored Passive Tension

-when muscle is stretched, tension is stored like a spring
-helps prevent the muscle from being damaged during maximal elongation
-is potential energy that is used during subsequent concentric contraction

Stretch Shortening Cycle

passive tension stored during rapid is stretch is "used" during a subsequent concentric contraction and increases the magnitude of the concentric contraction
ex: wind up phase, plyometrics

Torque Line of Pull

torque potential is largest when a muscle's line of action is at a right angle to the bony lever

Contraction Velocity

concentric-inverse relationship between velocity and force
eccentric-direct relationship between velocity and force
isometric-velocity is 0, higher force than concentric

Manual Muscle Testing

tests isometric contractions


tests concentric contraction
measures strength throughout ROM and at different speeds of motion

All-or-None Phenomenon

when a motor neuron is stimulated all the fibers in the motor unit contract or none of the fibers contract

Size Principle of Motor Recruitment

smaller motor units are recruited first (they have a lower recruitment threshold)
as muscle force increases, larger motor unis are recruited
ensures "smooth" progression of muscle action

Type I muscle fibers

slow oxidative fibers
small motor units
slow twitch response-small amplitude, long duration
low force capability
fatigue resistant

Type IIB muscle fibers

fast glycolytic fibers
large motor units
fast twitch response-large amplitude, fast duration
high force capability
fatigue easily
have more titin-can produce more passive tension and therefore more total force