Evaluation of Cervical Spine - Test 3

C0-C1 & C1-C2

What levels of the c-spine contain no intervertebral disks?


How many pairs of nerve roots are found in the c-spine?


_____ - carry sensory & motor information


Roots come together & divide into 2 ______.


Cervical plexus nerve roots @ what levels?

-Upper thoracic regions

Cervical plexus innervates (4)


Brachial plexus nerve roots @ what levels?
--C4-T2 (may also contribute)

- part of shoulder
- arm
- hand

Brachial plexus inervates (3)

- history of spinal pathology
- recurrent brachial plexus trauma
- chest/breast pain
- headaches or other head pain
- eye examination
- psychosocial factors

Past medical history questions (6)

- location of pain
- MOI & onset
> acute
> insidious
- Consistency of pain
- Postural influences
- Other symptoms

Present condition history question (5)


______________ - disease affects spinal cord


_______________ - speech impairment caused by brain lesion


________________ - speech impairment caused by dysfunction of the muscles and joints associated w/ speech


A patient w/ pathology at the ___ nerve root may complain of sensory issues on the dorsal hand between the thumb and index finger.

spasm of cervical muscles

Cervical curvatures: Lordotic curve
--flattening = ____________

forward head posture

Cervical curvatures: Lordotic curve
--increased curve = ___________

posturing to decrease nerve root pressure

Cervical curvatures: Lordotic curve
--lateral bending = _____________

- postural changes
- muscle spasm
- weakness

Forward head posture accompanied by excessive flexion of the cervical spine causes (3):

AC joint, deltoid, & clavicle should be level
--Dominant shoulder usually depressed!!

Level of shoulder??

unilateral spasm

Lateral flexion position of the head may indicate?

Torticollis ("wry neck")

Chin rotation --
____________ - congential or acquired spasm of the SCM muscle

- equality of mass, tone, and texture
- atrophy may cause impingement
- dominant side may be hypertophied

Cervical musculature -- notes (3)


When discussing bony landmarks for palpation the ________ vertebrae are located posterior to hyoid bone.


Degrees of flexion


degrees of extension


degrees of lateral flexion


degrees of rotation


MMT of cervical spine should be performed how??

Compensation of range of motion. If one segment is hypomobile then the other segment become hypermobile to make up for the lost ROM.

Explain why hypomobility at one segment may result in hypermobility at the segment above or below??

anterior longitudinal ligament

True or false?
Interspinous ligament is stressed during extension

upper limb nerve tension test

Sometimes referred to as the "straight leg test of the upper extremity" the ________________________ assesses the impact of changing nerve tension on provoking symptoms.

6 seconds

for each upper limb nerve tension test position hold for how long???

provocation of symptoms & restricted ROM

(+) positive - upper limb nerve tension test

hyperirritability of the peripheral nerve due to adaptive shortening, entrapment, or impingmenet (disk herniation)

Implications - upper limb nerve tension test

Babinski test
Oppenheim test

Test for upper motor neuron lesions (2)

great toe extends & toes splay

(+) positive - babinski test

great to extends & toes splay - reports of hypersensitivity

(+) positive - oppenheim test

upper motor neuron

Implication of babinski & oppenheim

compression or forces past its normal ROM

MOI cervical injuries

cervical radiculopathy

_______________ - pressure place on the cervical nerve roots that causes pain and spasm in the cervical region; pain & paresthesia in the affected dermatome

disk herniation
osteophyte formation

Common causes of cervical radiculopathy.

30-40 year olds

Cervical nerve root compression is most common in _________ year olds.


Most commonly affected nerves of cervical nerve root compression

cervical compression test

Narrowing of the intervertebral foramen secondary to exostosis of the vertebrae, enlargement or irritation of the dural sheath surrounding the cervical nerve root, and degeneration of the facet joints can be confirmed via the ______________________ test.

pain or reproduction of symptoms

(+) positive - cervical compression test

facet compression & narrowing of the foramen

implication - cervical compression test

spurling test

____________ is a modification of the cervical compession test that increases the compression of the cervical nerve root by unilaterally decreases the size of the foramen.

pain or reproduction of symptoms radiating down arm

(+) positive - spurling test

nerve root impingment by narrowing of the foramen

implication - spurling test

cervical distraction test

____________________ attempts to relieve the patient's symptoms by decreasing pressure on cervical nerve roots.

symptoms relief

(+) positive- cervical distraction test

facet compression and/or stenosis of the neural foramen

implication - cervical distraction test

vertebral artery test

A test for patency (freely open) of the vertebral artery, the ______________ determines whether there is a potential for claudication & interruption of blood flow

30 seconds

W/ vertebral artery test head is rotated to one side & held for _____________.

dizziness, confusion, nystagmus (uncontrollable shaking of eyes), unilateral pupil changes, nausea

(+) positive - vertebral artery test

occlusion of vertebral artery

implicaiton - vertebral artery test

head or c-spine position

Disk herniation and vertebral impingements, pain is often influenced by:

C5-C6 or C6-C7

Common site for disk herniation

shoulder abduction test

______________________ is a clinical test used for the presence of a herniated disk and may be a position that the patient describes using to decrease symptoms.

decrease of symptoms

(+)postive - shoulder abduction test

herniated disk or nerve root compression

implications - shoulder abduction test

- joint pain
- cervical stiffness
- AROM & PROM may be limited b/c pain & stiffness

Signs & Symptoms of degenerative joint & disk disease

not gross instability

Clinical cervical instability is not... what??

- tender to palpation
- muscle spasm
- poor control in mid-range of active motions

Signs & Symptoms of clinical cervical instability

- poor posture
- repetitive movements
- muscular weakness
- damage to passive restraints

Clinical cervical instability is caused by: (4)

whiplash or repetitive motion

Facet joint dysfunction MOI: Acute trauma - ?

- post. neck pain during extension & rotation
- localized pain, lateral to spinous process

Signs & Symptoms of facet joint dysfunction

burner" or "stinger

Brachial plexus pathology is also know as ""?

traction or impingement

Brachial plexus injury MOI?

located 2 to 3 cm above clavicle

Erb's point is located?


Brachial plexus stretch symptoms occur on the ___________ of lateral bending.


Brachial plexus compression symptoms occur on the side ____________ the lateral bending.

involved arm hangs limply at side, but resolve w/ time.

Inspection of brachial plexus trauma

brachial plexus traction test

With _______________________ examiner duplicates the MOI and replicates the patient's symptoms, pain radiates down patient's arm.

reproduction of pain and/or parastesia symptoms throughout the involved upper extremity.

(+) positive - brachial plexus traction test

brachial plexus neurapraxia

implications - brachial plexus traction test

tension (stretching)

Brachial plexus
Radiating pain on the side opposite of lateral bending =


Brachial plexus
Radiating pain on the side toward lateral bending

medial cord brachial plexus
subclavian artery
subclavian vein

Thoracic outlet syndrome is caused by pressure on which structures?


Types of thoracic outlet syndrome

- correcting posture
- correct muscle testing

Management of TOS (2)

Military brace

Tests for thorcic outlet syndrome (4)

Adson's test

Test identifies occlusion of the medial cord of the brachial plexus, subclavian artery, and subclavian
-- shoulder abducted 30
-- thumb up -- inhale deep breath

radial pulse diminishes or disappears

(+) positive - adson's, allen, & military brace

allen test

TOC caused by pectoralis minor muscle may be detected via ________________.
90 - 90 - horizontally abduct - look away

military brace test

Costoclavicular etology is test via the ______________ which identifies occlusion of subclavian artery by the costoclavicular structures.
- humerus is extended and abducted to 30
- extends neck

subclavian artery is occluded between ant. and middle scalene

implication of adson test

pectoralis minor is compressing neurovascular bundle

implication of allen test

subclavian artery is occluded by the costoclavicular structures

implicaiton of military brace

roos test

The __________ test has demonstrated accuracy in identifiying the presence of TOC resulting fron neurologic or vascular abnormalities

elevated arm stress test

EAST stands for...

inability to maintain testing position, replication of sensory and/or motor symptoms in extremity

(+) positive - Roos test

TOC of neurologic origin

Implications - roos test

- normal neurologic examination
- no weakness
- full pain-free ROM

RTP brachial plexus injury (3)